


1.冀教版八年级英语下Unit5说课稿 篇一

冀教版八年级英语(上)Lesson 33评课稿



工作单位:陕西省商洛市镇安县白塔中学 邮编:711501



毛老师讲授的Lesson 33《 Maybe you’ll be a teacher》是冀教版八年级英语上册第五单元的内容。本单元主要是引导学生树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,立足现在,从身边的小事做起,从一步步的努力学习活动中为将来的个人发展奠定坚实的基础,从而成就非凡的人生!毛老师成功地将这一理念贯穿教学的始终,这是一堂清晰实在,扎实系统,动静结合的公开课,毛老师以新课程教学理念为指导,充分考虑了学生这一年龄阶段的特点,给人以耳目一新的感觉,整堂课以任务型教学方式展开,在师生互动,生生互动中,从课堂预设到动态形成,环环相扣,学生活动高潮迭起,教师引导巧而得法,获得了听课老师的一致好评。在本课的教学设计和组织上,毛老师主要注重了以下几个方面:



3、教学活动的设计多彩、有效,训练方式丰富多样。有全班活动,师生互动,小组活动,双人活动,个人活动等,学生活动恰到好处,学生对 “my future”话题非常感兴趣,在探讨此话题时显得非常积极热烈。在谈论中学会了本课的单词,觉得不是那么枯燥乏味。毛老师注重教会学生在活动中突破难点,在活动中发展能力。为了巩固本课的内容,毛老师还精心设计了其他多个活动:如单词接龙、情景对话等,内容非常丰富。不但使单词、句型的操练面广,练习次数多,而且还调动了每一个学生的参与热情,将热闹的形式与有效的语言实践有机结合,真正达到了让学生在学中用、在用中学、学以致用,举一反三的效果。毛老师特别注重英语教学过程中的活动。因为多彩的活动是让学生掌握基础知识、发展基本技能的关键。特别是学生感兴趣的话题,学生定能全力投入,从每一个活动当中学习知识,真正做到学有所得、学有所获。与此同时,学生在这样一个学习活动中,没有太大的压力,可以不断习得新知识、不断使用语言,实现学和用的完美结合,让学和用成为和谐的整体,让学生获得有价值的情感体验,从而全面提高学生的听、说、读、写能力。




2.冀教版八年级英语下Unit5说课稿 篇二



通过上一课的学习(Brian, Jenny and Danny决定发动全班同学清扫校园里的垃圾)学生已初步了解“污染”这一概念。课前,先要求学生去关注环境问题,搜集拍摄生活地相关污染图片,和家长或同伴讨论环境的变化。这些相关文化背景知识可以引导学生预测课文内容,激活相关知识网络。将要授课的初二3班,学生英语综合运用能力水平不错。对于需要掌握的词汇和接触词汇,以及文中出现的宾语从句和定语从句,前期学习中均有所接触涉及,不会对阅读形成障碍。

3.冀教版八年级英语下Unit5说课稿 篇三

底庙中学 张娟娟

一、教材依据: Unit1: Spring is coming!Lesson 4: The Spring City



















八、教学过程 Step 1.Lead-in A warming-up

A saying Step 2.pictures show and new words, then, listening Show some pictures about spring and learn the new words by playing a game, the do the listening about the text and answer one simple question.What is the spring city? It’s Kunming.Step 3.Reading Ask several students to read the text and pay attention to the new words, the students read it again, and discuss together about the four questions in “Let’s Do It.part1” Step 4.Listening Do the listening in “Let’s Do It!”part2, listen to it twice, and then invite some students to answer them.Step 5.Discussing Divide the class into small groups;write the following words on the blackboard: Air /weather/ plants/ and outdoor activities.Step 5.language points 1.feel like /sound like / smell like / taste like feel like doing sth.2.because and because of Because +句子

Because of + n./pron./doing

3.hundreds of /基数词+单位名词(hundred /thousand/million/billion)4.think of =consider 5.all over the world =around the world 6.all year round 7.plenty of=a lot of =lots of 8.long for= look forward to Step 6.Homework

1、Write a short passage about spring in your hometown

2、Preview Lesson 5 Step 7.Summary:

Review the text is very important.The students know what they will take to the class, what is useful to the study.Let them to talk about The Spring City.---Its air, weather, plants and the outdoor activities in spring.九、板 书 设 计:

Lesson 4: The Spring City Air weather plants and the outdoor activities

十、教 学 反 思:

4.冀教版八年级英语下Unit5说课稿 篇四

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: anywhere, type, ship, rapid, on foot, of course

Oral words and expressions: transportation

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn the information about the transportation.

2. Know the transportation history and what the future transportation will be like.

Teaching Important Points:

1. How many types of transportation are there in the world?

2. Talk about all kinds of transportation.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Discuss the advantages and the disadvantages of all kinds of transportation.

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Lead in the class. Let the students discuss the following questions:

How do you come to school every day? Why?

S1: I come to school on foot because my home is near the school.

S2: I come to school by bike because I ride my bike well.

S3: I come to school by bus because my home is far away from school.

Step2. Let the students ask questions about the transportation. Such as: what do you take if you go on a trip to Beijing? Why? Can you describe your favourite trip to the class?

Step3. Listen to the tape and do with Exercise 2 in the activity book with the books closed.

Step4. Read the text and check the answers. Then read the text again and repeat after it. After a while, ask some students to read the text loudly in roles.

Step5. Make sentences with the phrases: what about, on foot, take a car, would like, more rapid

Step6. Practice

Discuss the following question:

What is the advantages and disadvantages of the transportations? Such as: cars, trains, and buses. If you go on a trip, where would you like to go? How will you go there?

Let the students work in groups of three of four. After a while, present their answers to the class.

Step7. Come to “ LET’S DO IT.”

Ask the students to talk in the class. Then they can give their presentation in dialogues or in composition. Encourage them to report one by one.

Step8. Homework

1. Finish off the activity book.

2. Go on the next reading in the student book.


When the students make their presentation to the class. Remember to remind them to speak in turn. We should let all the students have the chances to speak. If someone can’t go on, the others may help him.

Lesson 34: Trains Go on Rails!

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: invent, wheel, engineer, railway, passenger, speed, even, get on/off

Oral words and expressions: rail, invention, steam, engine, locomotive, explode, distance, iron, per, magnetic, jet, jet engine, get on/off, (at) a top speed of

Teaching Aims:

1. Know about the train history.

2. What will the future train be like?

Teaching Important Points:

The invention of the steam engine, the first steam locomotive, railways and the first passenger.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Who invented the inventions and when did they invent them.

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT.”

Let the students talk in groups about the question: How do you usually travel to some other places?

After discussing for a while, the students make a report to the class.

Step2. Let the students read the text then answer how is the text arranged.

Step3. Listen to the tape. After repeating the text for several times, ask them to retell the story in their own words.

Step4.Let the students talk more about the trains. They may talk about their experience on trains. They also may talk about the structure of the trains, the use of the trains and the future of them.

Step5. Make a table. Make a survey about the advantages and the disadvantages of the trains, the cars, the bus, the bicycles and the planes.

transporation advantage disadvantages






Step6. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Step7. Homework

1. Finish off the activity book.

2. Go on the next reading in the student book.


The students know little about the train history. The teacher should arrange much information about it. Show them more pictures and let them know more. Encourage them to imagine the future transportation. Stimulate them to work hard and make their mind to make contribution to the world

Lesson 35: Future Transportation

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: certainly, invention, present, round, wing, dangerous, factory, humorous, as long as

Oral words and expressions: presentation, Henry, Ford, North America,

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn the history of the cars.

2. Describe one type of transportation in the future.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Learn about the Danny wheels.

2. Imagine what types of transportation will be like from one hundred years now.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Let the students think and be creative.

Teaching preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Let the students talk about something about the planes and the cars. What do they know about the planes and the cars? If they know, let them say their details.

Step2. Ask the students to talk about the picture in the text. What do they think about this?

Step3. Let’s listen to the tape and answer the following questions:

1. How did people get to another city before people invented plane?

2. When did Henry Ford open a car factory?

3. What’s Danny’s invention?

4. Would someone like to ride in the Danny’s wheel? Why?

Step4. Read the text and check the answers. Then let the students read it loudly in class. After a while, ask the students read the text in roles.

Step5. Let the students act he dialogue out. They can take a circle for Danny’s wheel.

Step6. Ask some students to make sentences with the following phrases:

At that time, need to, present, you’d better not.

At that time, I was a little girl.

You need to wear warm clothes in cold winter.

Present your invention to the class.

You’d better say it again.

Step7. Come to “PROJECT”.

1. Ask the students to make a survey: ask your grandparents about the old transportation. When they are in a hurry, what did they do? Did they think of the modern transportation today? What do they think of the life today?

Remember to make a report to the class.

2. Talk in groups of three or four. What do you hope the future transportation will be like? Can you invent some useful invention? Report to the class.

3. Make a detail about your future transporation.

Step8. Homework

1. Finish off the activity book.

2. Go on the next reading in the student book.


Encourage students to make a survey about the old transportation. How did our grandparents go to a big city in the old days? How long did it take? While, we think hard to invent new transportation. What’s its advantages and disadvantages? We can make a detail about it.

Lesson 36: Let’s Take a Drive

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: drive, countryside, ride

Oral words and expressions: drove, driven, highway, rode, ridden, park, afar

Teaching Aims:

1. Feel the charming of the music.

2. Know what the people in the foreign countries do in their spare time.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Sing the foreign songs together.

2. Use the modal verbs.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Grasp some words and patterns: be late for, get out of, you’d better not

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Listen to the tape first. Feel the charming of the music.

Step2. Ask the students to read the lyric line by line. Divide them into several groups to practice the song.

Step3. Explain the Chinese meaning of the song. Your translation must be like poem in order to take them to a beautiful situation.

Step4. Listen to the tape for several times and repeat with it.

Step5. Work in groups. Talk about the questions:

1. What do you usually do in your spare time? How do you usually go there? Why?

2. Talk about your recent journey to the class. What gave your most expression?

Step6. Practice

1. the use of modal verb “can”.

Can you drive me to school today?

Can he go to my home?

2. the use of modal verb “may”.

May I speak in Chinese?

May I leave school now?

3. You’d better not.

--May we eat take a photo here? –You’d better not. Look at “NO PHOTOS” sign.

--May I smoke? –You’d better not. Look at “NO SMOKING” sign.

Step7. Homework

1. Finish off the activity book.

2. Go on the next reading in the student book.


Today we learn a song. After a piece of music, we feel a mother’s love. Mrs. Dinosaur’s voice is very interesting, which becomes the modal of some students. We deal with the two modal verbs “can and may” again. Now we know it’s used to ask for permission.

Lesson 37: Flying Donuts

Teaching Content:

Oral words and expressions: fuel, imagination

Teaching Aims:

1. Stimulate students’ learning interests.

2. Cultivate students’ listening by catching the useful information in the listening process.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Encourage students’ to increase creative ability.

2. Why is the invention called “flying donuts”.

Teaching Difficult Points:

What’s the theory of an invention?

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Play a Game

Let some students explain it in English, while the others guess what it is. You must say the transportation. For example,

A transporter is very long. It can hold many people in it. It can also take goods. What is it?

Step2. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:

1. What is Danny’s invention made of?

2. Why is it called “Flying Donuts”?

3. Will Danny’s invention really work?

Step3. Read the text and check the answers. Then listen to the tape again and read after it for several times.

Step4. Ask the students to read the text in roles. Then act the dialogue in front of the class.

Step5. Make sentences with the following language points: on the way to school, turn on, at the front of

Step6. Let’s come to “PROJECT”.

Divide the class into small groups of three of four students. Each group chooses a type of transportation for the students. Instruct students to begin collecting information about that type of transportation. They will prepare a comic strip or timetable of important dates in its development.

Groups present their work to the class. Depending on class size and the length of presentations, you may wish to divide up the class. Groups would then present their projects to one portion of the class.

If the project cannot be finished in one class, it can be continued in the next lesson.


1. Finish off the activity book.

2. Go on the next reading in the student book.


Let the students create more useful inventions. When one group thinks of a good idea, the others can add their useful information to it. Instruct them to speak in timeline.

Lesson 38: Let’s Invent Hoverboard!

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: smooth, second, space, sound

Oral words and expressions: Sam, hoverboard, skateboard, float, transportation, show, spaceship, all the time, go through

Teaching Aims:

1. Review words and phrases for transportation that the students learned before.

2. Encourage the students to find and restate information in personal and imaginative ways.

Teaching Important Points:

1. How do you demonstrate your invention?

2. Learn about the use of Modal Verbs.

Teaching Difficult Points:

the use of Modal Verbs

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.

Let the students answer the questions and discuss them in pairs.

Step2. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:

1. What type of transportation would Sam like to see in the future/

2. What would a hoverboard be like?

3. What types of transportation are in this text?

Step3. Read the text and check the answers. Then play the tape for several times. Let the students repeat after it for several times.

Step4. Ask the students to have a reading content. Divide the class into several groups. Each group chooses one person every time. The one reads best can get a star. Let’s have a compete to see which group will have the most stars.

Step5. Divide the class into several groups. Ask them to talk the future transportation that they would like to see. Use the words and the expressions that we learn in this unit.

Step6. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Step7. Homework

1. Finish off the activity book.

2. Go on the next reading in the student book.


Let’s have a discussion about Sam’s invention. Will it come true one day? What do you think of it? What’s the students’ invention? This is a good chance to develop students’ brain. Don’t miss it.

Lesson 39: Clean Cars?

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: sound, dirty, electric

Oral words and expressions: pedal, electricity, present…to…

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn about the words and expressions about the transportation.

2. Know about the development of the transportation.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Grasp the modal verbs

2. Talk about the possibility and impossibility.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Modal Verbs

Teaching Preparation: drawings

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, drawings

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Lead in the class.

The teacher sums the main idea of this unit: “ In this unit, we learn about the trains, bicycles, cars and the other transportation. What we want to see in the future? Yesterday we leave this as our project. Can you show it to the class now.”

Then let the students show their drawings to the class. Ask the students to explain their invention in English to the class.

Step2. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:

1. What did the teacher ask us to think about?

2. What is Jenny’s invention?

Step3. Read the text silently and check the answers. Let the students discuss the main idea of the passage in details.

Step4. Listen to the tape again. Then let the students tell the main idea in their own words.

Step5. Talk about Jenny’s invention. What do you think of her idea? Can you give her any good ideas?

Step6. Come to the second e-mail.

Ask the students the questions: Is Li Ming’s advice the same as the ideas that you give Jenny? Which one is better? Why?

Step7. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Step8. Homework

1. If you don’t finish “LET’S DO IT” in class, please go on after class.

2. Finish off the activity book.


You will be interested in the students drawing of future invention of the transportation. Many students have excellent imagination. Let them explain their invention in details. You will find out there are very clever. Maybe their invention will come true one day

Lesson 40: Unit Review

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions from Lesson 33 to Lesson 39.

Oral words and expressions from Lesson 33 to Lesson 39.

Teaching Aims:

1. Know about the history of some transporters.

2. Learn about the development of the future transportation.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Giving Advice/Order.

2. Possibility and Impossibility.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Modal Verbs

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: Review lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Talk about the way of coming to school. Ask the students the questions:

1. How do you come to school? Why?

2. How many students in the class come to school by bike, by bus or on foot?

Make a chart to show the information.

By bike By bus On foot



Step2. Talk about the main idea of this unit. What advantages and disadvantages do the following transporters have? What do you do with the disadvantages? What’s your good opinion?

By plane By train By bus By car




Step3. Think about the main ideas of this unit. Let the students say it in details. Talk about what would they like to see in the future about the transportation?

Step4. Come to the exercises. Encourage the students to ask questions and discuss them on the blackboard.

Step5. Lead the students to talk about the Modal Verbs. Make sentences with can, could, would, may and might.

Step6. Come to the “Speaking the Language”.

Step7. Come to the activity book.

Step8. Do some review activities.


5.冀教版三年级《对称》说课稿 篇五




































师:请同学们先停下手中的剪刀,我们一起来欣赏这几幅图( )你认为哪些图形是对称的?哪些不是对称的?



























































