


1.翻译练习10篇附答案 篇一

Dear Sirs,亲爱的先生们,Thank you very much for your letter of August 2 enquiring about the possibility of manufacturing Leather Bags according to your samples.您在八月二日给我们寄来一封信,信中询问到按照您的样本来制造生产皮包的可能性,对此,我们表示非常感谢!

We are pleased to inform you that we have been doing business of processing according to supplied samples and processing with supplied materials for years, in addition to our ordinary import and export transactions.Our leather products are superior in materials and excellent in workmanship, and we have won the confidence of customers abroad in our commercial integrity.我们非常高兴能够告诉您:多年来,除了我们自己平时的进口和出口的业务,我们一直在经营根据样本提供和现有材料来进行制造生产的产业。我们的皮革产品无论在材料上还是手工上都是非常卓越的。我们拥有者广大国外消费者对我们商业信誉的信赖。

As to prices, we find it difficult to work out an exact price before receiving your samples and knowing the quantity of your order.Therefore, please inform us of the quarterly or yearly quantity we may expect from you, as the quantity of your order will be an important factor in pricing.至于价格,在接收到您的样本并了解您的订单数额之前,我们觉得很难给出一个具体的价钱。因此,考虑到您的订单量是影响价格的关键因素,请告知我们:一个季度或者一个年度,我们大概可以得到多少订单。

We assure you of our close co-operation at any time and look forward to receiving your samples at an early date.您随时都可以与我们建立紧密的合作关系,希望能够尽快收到您的样本。Yours sincerely,此致,敬礼
