


1.自我介绍英语面试 篇一


Good morning, my name is Jack.It is really a great honor to have this opportunity for an interview.I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today, and eventually enroll in this prestigious university in September.Now I will introduce myself briefly.I am 21 years old.I was born in Heilongjiang province, northeast of China.I am a senior student at Beijing XX University.My major is packaging engineering.And I will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in June.In the past 4 years, I spend most of my time on study.I have passed CET4/6 with an ease.And I have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice.Besides, I have attended several packaging exhibition held in Beijing.This is our advantage study here.Moreover, I have taken a tour to some big factory and company.Through these I have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry.Compared to developed countries such as US, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progress since 1978, our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, mess, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkward.But I have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still.I guess you maybe interested in what is my plan during graduate study life.I would like to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal.I like my major packaging and I won’t give up.If I can pursue my master degree here I will combine law with my former education.I will work hard in these fields, patent, trademark, copyright, on the base of my years study in department of…

My character, I cannot describe it well, but I know I am optimistic and confident.Sometimes I prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but I am not lonely, I like to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything.my favorite pastime is basketball, playing cards or surfing online.Through college life, I learn how to balance between study and entertainment.By the way, I was a actor of our amazing drama club.I had a few glorious memories on stage.That is my pride.

2.自我介绍英语面试 篇二

自我介绍在社会生活各领域中的应用范围非常广泛, 由于使用场合的不同, 自我介绍可以分为礼仪式、交流式和工作式自我介绍。礼仪式自我介绍多用于社交场合, 比如聚会、讲座、报告、演出、庆典等。介绍的内容很简单, 可以使用一些谦辞和敬辞。交流式自我介绍多用于私人化或非正式场合的交际需要, 在介绍的形式、内容的选择、语言的使用上都比较灵活。重点在于突出自我的特点和个性特色。例如, 《小汤山手记》作者的自我介绍, “大家好!我叫××, 另名掬水娃娃。出厂时间和地点:××年夏天, 上海。眼睛和头发的颜色:黎明前的黑暗。性能:除偶尔异想天开, 绝大部分时间运行良好。调试最多的人员:妈妈。爱好:书、音乐、游泳。喜好颜色:白和紫 (这两个色彩很决绝) ;喜好植物:白玫瑰、勿忘我、向日葵、香樟 (它们应该在童话中反复出现) 。受好友拐骗至××BBS站读书心得版任版务, 闲暇时光多被其攫取。所幸因此结识一群天南海北的高人侠士, 获益良多。”这段自我介绍采用了拟物的方法, 把自己比作机器, 生动幽默, 很好地凸显了自我特色。

工作式自我介绍适用于与工作相关的场合, 比如应试求学、应聘求职、前往陌生单位, 进行业务联系时等。其中, 求职面试中的自我介绍主要包括四个方面的内容:问候语、个人基本情况介绍、与工作相关的自身特点的陈述以及求职愿望的表达。例如这样一个案例, 某公司招聘一名销售经理助理, 要求求职者是市场营销专业, 而刚毕业的大学生聂品学的却是文秘专业, 面试时主考官不太满意她的专业, 但还是说:“请介绍一下你的基本情况。”聂品答:“主考官好!我叫聂品, 三只耳朵, 三张口, 就是没有三个头。从事营销工作, 重要的是要具备收集信息的能力和良好的沟通能力。假如贵公司需要我发挥智慧的话, 我虽然做起工作来没有三头六臂, 但从事营销工作我一定会有‘三只耳朵’——倾听、收集八方市场信息;一定会有‘三张嘴巴’——用伶牙俐齿说服客户, 靠如簧巧舌与客户谈判。”鉴于聂品出众的口才和敏捷的思维, 该公司放弃了对专业的要求, 录用了聂品。在这个案例中, 聂品很好地将姓名的介绍与工作需要联系起来, 体现了高超的表达技巧和思维能力, 赢得了对方的认可。

面试中的自我介绍属于工作式自我介绍的一种, 面试者在准备的时候一定要把握介绍的社会性特征, 不能仅局限于自我的展示, 列举一些与所应聘工作无关的内容, 笔者曾担任过地方公务员面试的考官, 在面试中有的考生在回答“为什么应聘该职位”时, 说因为自己新婚不久, 父母的期待, 妻子的期盼, 养家的压力等原因让自己非常想得到这份工作, 把自己个人的家庭背景说得很详细, 却没有提及自己对该职位的认识, 这显然就有些偏颇。在面试介绍中一定要围绕所应聘的工作和职位来思考问题, 所以在面试准备阶段, 首先要思考的问题就是自己具备哪些特点和竞争优势, 所应聘的工作需要哪些能力和素质, “知己知彼方能百战不殆”。其次要明白自己的能力与工作要求之间是否匹配, 在回答问题时要选择性地呈现自己的优势和特点。

面试过程中要注意的问题中最重要的就是要善于应变。《曾宪梓传》中披露了一个鲜为人知的面试中应变的事例。曾先生在公司招聘时, 故意把扫地的扫把放在办公室的门口, 并且让它倒在一边。一天面试下来扫把时而被一些面试者漠视, 时而被另一些面试者扶起。面试的结果是曾先生录用了那些各方面条件合适并且主动将倒在地上的扫把扶起来的人。曾先生认为, 没有扶起扫把的人肯定是两种情况:一是不灵敏, 不会为他人考虑;二是懒, 举手之劳也不愿付出。这个例子中曾先生考察的其实就是应变能力, 还有工作的态度。

还有一个例子也很能说明问题, 著名营销专家孙路弘在一次电视招聘中, 指出第一位面试者对自己姓名的介绍只有一句“我叫××”, 过于草率。他在点评时说:“当一个人让你介绍自己的时候, 这是你的最佳销售时机。一个面试官一天面试了几十个人, 他能记住谁的名字, 谁就有胜出的可能。我叫孙路弘, 孙, 孙子的孙, 孙中山的孙, 孙猴子的孙, 孙悟空的孙;路, 路线的路, 路上的路, 马路的路;弘, 弘扬中华文化的弘。您要实在记不住, 我还有一个艺名叫孙子。”这之后出场的第二位面试者就具备了灵活应变的能力, 他在介绍时强调了自己姓名的由来, 他说, “我叫段啸林, 我以前的名字叫段林林, 这个名字听起来比较像女生的名字, 我在上五年级的时候, 老师分宿舍把我分到5楼, 我一看5楼没有男生宿舍, 女生宿舍在5楼。所以后来我就改了一个男性化的名字叫段啸林。”他的介绍虽然不够尽善尽美, 但达到了加深印象的目的, 专家最后评价认为成功的几率超过50%。

面试中语体的规范也很重要。现代语言学认为, 语体是适应不同交际功能、不同题旨情境需要而形成的运用语言特点的体系。郭英德在《中国古代文体形态学论略》中也提出:“不同的文本语境要求选择和运用不同的语词、语法、语调, 形成自身适用的语言系统、语言修辞和语言风格, 由此而构成一种文体特定的语体。”作为面试中的自我介绍的语言风格也要根据具体的情境选择适合的语言系统和语言风格。如一位面试者在介绍时说:“我叫××, 以前毕业于××学校, 那个, 现在即将从××大学毕业, 专业是信息安全, 我导师是××, 然后, 我对信息安全有, 比较, 非常, 热爱它。然后我从事过这方面的研发工作, 在研究生期间做过很多工作, 然后曾经在公司实习过吧。然后, 对工作非常有热忱, 然后, 工作态度比较勤奋。没有了。”这样的介绍是混乱的, 没有经过思考和梳理, 想到哪儿说到哪儿, 语句的不连贯直接影响表达效果, “那个”、“然后”等连接词的不当使用也使表达失去了面试场合应有的严谨。另外, “做过很多工作”、“曾经实习过吧”这些模糊用语更增加了表达的不确定性。从而给人留下的总体印象就是紧张, 不自信, 不善表达。另外一种情况是, 有的面试者自信满满, 在回答问题时经常使用非常肯定的语气, 如主考官问:“以前做过这种自我介绍的准备吗?”答:“当然做过, 因为我是今年刚毕业的大学生。”这段对话中, 面试者回答“当然做过”显然不合适, 语气过于肯定, 透露出对所问问题的不尊重。而且, “当然做过准备”与是否是刚毕业的大学生不存在必然的因果联系。这种情况中语体的不规范, 让人觉得面试者过于骄傲, 不具备很好的沟通能力。这两种情况都是不可取的。

面试中的自我介绍作为口头表达的一种, 它与书面的自我介绍有很大的不同。我们要始终记住, 面试不是独角戏, 是面试者与考官, 有的还是面试者之间的双向交流, 不论哪种情况, 都是人与人之间的沟通, 面试中眼神的交流, 态势语的交流, 情绪的交流都是很有必要的。除此之外, 回答考官的问题时也要有良好交流即互动。互动是相互作用中使彼此发生变化的一种双向交流方式。面试者回答问题一定要根据考官设定的前提、依据或情境来谈, 不能只注重展示自身的优势, 忽略了互动的重要作用。如这样一个案例, 主考官说:“你是学法律的, 我们公司的一个法律顾问刚离职, 文件都要交接了, 没人接。你先做个自我介绍吧。”面试者说:“主考官好!我叫××, 我想从三个方面来简单介绍一下我自己, 我在大学期间得过学校的优秀学生, 也得过各种学生干部的奖励。学习成绩一直稳居我们班级前十, 得过三等奖奖学金。我所做的论文《××××》参加国家挑战杯论文大赛得过国家三等奖, 北京市特等奖。并且经历了三年的学生会工作经历。总之, 我觉得大学四年铸就了我踏实的工作作风, 希望能为贵公司做出更大贡献。谢谢。”这个例子中面试者注意到了面试的礼仪, 注意到了语体的规范, 表达也有一定的逻辑性。但是恰恰是忽略了互动, 使他的面试失败了。他没有根据主考官问题中设定的“公司缺法律顾问, 工作无人交接”的情境去重新整合自己的介绍内容, 而是原封不动的把自己事先准备好的自我介绍重复了一遍, 起到了相反的效果。面试时一定要注意, 回答问题的针对性, 不能自说自话, 只片面地强调自身的优势, 要注意回应对方的提问内容。

3.面试英语自我介绍 篇三

It’s my honor to introduce myself. My name is XXX, I am fromXXCountyXXProvince, December XXXX I was born in a poor family, and my parents are farmers, I love and respect them very much. We were delight with my becoming a fresh man in September . Luckily, I was permitted to be a graduatestudent after 4 years colorful life on campus.

I received my Bachelor degree inXX Institute of Science and Technology, then a Master degree2004 inXX University of Science and Technology. For those 7 years my major was Die Design.

Before I received my Master degree, I had done the subject of XXXXXXXXXXX. For the past 3 years, I have been inXXXXXXCollege, where I have been and still am a teacher. I teach students Machine Design etc. I have published more than 10 first-author papers.

4.英语面试自我介绍 篇四

Good morning. Its a pleasure for me present myself.

My name is xx, and Im a candidate for the position of Recruiter.Im easygoing, optimistic, rigorous and stable. With two years experience of HR management in the joint venture enterprise, I have anti-pressure ability, good plan ability and organization, coordination and communication skills.Being good at recruiting of all kinds of personnel and having some knowledge of psychological evaluation of personnel . Familiar with the process of handling social insurance and variou.

5.面试英语自我介绍 篇五

In thinking, I ask the progress, has been to ready to help others, to participate in youth volunteer activities many times. Respect teachers, unite classmates, for their study and life to create a good environment.

On study, I worked hard, hard, strive for the good time to learn the university. University for four years, not only I learned many knowledge, also has taught me the way of learning. Use this method, in the world outside of school courses, I also studied the network database, web design, graphic design, such as knowledge, enrich his own amateur life, well and lay a good foundation for their own future. So far, I have mastered the professional knowledge and the basis of basic knowledge about the network. In addition, interest in computer and let me have a certain knowledge of computer, and have certain ability of programming.

In life, I live a simple, has a broad interests. More practice constantly enrich and perfect myself.

6.英语专业面试自我介绍 篇六


7.英语老师面试自我介绍 篇七


































8.空乘面试英语自我介绍 篇八


英语自我介绍常用语句一: i‟m from XI‟an and my name is LiYao.然后告诉人家你的梦想,和你为什么希望得到这次机会,这些个相信你不知道怎么说吧?

英文自我介绍常用语句二:when i was child,i have a beautiful dreamed to fly in the blue sky someday.Now I have the opportunity to make it come true.若是空乘面试的话,自我介绍尽量

掌握在1-2分钟之内.但是按照你的语言,显然有些单薄,你应该在自我先容中加上自己的性 格独特的地方.比如你有团队互助精力,这点对于任何企业来说都很重要!

英文自我介绍常用语句三:You should say “i‟m supportive , dependable and „m also a good team like working with all types of people,even bad-tempered people.英文自我介绍常用语句四:”如果我有幸成为你们的一员” : If I have the honor to become a member of yours

9.复试面试英语自我介绍 篇九

关键词:英文面试自我介绍 英语自我介绍


My hometown------luoyang(洛阳)

i am from luoyang,a beautiful city in henan province.it is famous as the capital of nine dynasties and enjoy yhe honer that luoyang peony is the best in the world.luoyang played a very important role in chinese history.so it has a profound cultural background and many great heritagesites have been well reverved.such as longmen grotto, one of the three grottoes in china ang white horse temple, being regarded as the cradle of chnese buddhism.luoyang peony is world-famous.every year, many tourists travel to luoyang to see the beauty of peony.the people in my hometown are friendly, they welcome the travellers from all over the world.i like my hometown very much.写的不大好,希望对大家有所帮助。仅供参考!同时也希望大家记住我的名字mornoon,多多支持一下!


if luckily i got the chance to learn environment engineering in tongji university, i will concentrate on the study and reserch in this field.first i will hard to learn the theoritical knowledge,constucting a solid base for my future work;second i would like to do some practical work with the help of the supervisor ang classmate.and through this ,i can get something that cannot be acquired from the textooks.i believe after 2 years of learning ,my dream will finally come true..Self-introduction:

Good morning, everyone!I am glad to be here for this interview.First, let me introduce myself to you.My name is Qin Jiayin.I was born on April 23, 1981.I am a local person.I am graduating from Jilin Normal University(应该是这样译)this June.I major in Chinese literature.I hope I could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses in Jilin University which I have desired for a long time.I have the confidence because I have such ability!I am a girl who is fervent, outgoing and creative.At the same time, I think I am quick in mind and careful in everything.I am looking forward to my postgraduate studies and life.I will soon prove that your decision of choosing me is the wisest.Thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity!

Reasons for taking postgraduate exams:

First of all, I love my major.Chinese literature is the symbol of the start of Chinese literary modernization.It plays an important part in modernization of our citizens’ thoughts.What’s more, modern literature is very close to our daily life and it can deeply reflect the styles and features of our society.I am fascinated by the great masters’ refreshing or warm or profound styles as well.But I am not easily satisfied with such superficial knowledge.I hope I could have a better understanding in modern literature by studying further.This is a very important reason for me to take the postgraduate exams.Next, I love the feeling in the university.It is full of youthful spirit.And I am deeply attracted by the scholarly atmosphere.And the most important, it’s my great honor to open my ears to your teaching.Finally, I want to talk about a very practical problem.That is my dream of becoming a teacher in the university.I want to realize my dream and make myself to be a well-qualified person.I think the postgraduate studies can enrich my knowledge and make me competent in my future job.That’s my simple and clear reasons why I took the postgraduate exams.My university:

10.面试教师英语自我介绍 篇十

Good morning!Dear teachers!First, thank you for giving me this opportunity for an interview.I’d like to briefly introduce myself.My name is Liao Chunlan, born in Chongqing, will soon graduate from Sichuan International Studies University, Bachelor of Arts(文学学士), master’s degree.I have been teaching English while I’ve been studying for postgraduate courses.Because my major is English language and literature, importantly, my research orientation is theories and practice of English language teaching.The teaching experience is very helpful for my study and my job.I have taught oral English in the International Exchange Department in Sichuan International Studies University.And I have taught business English in English Department of this university.Well, I also have the great honor to teach college English in Chongqing Education College.To be a teacher is my dream, to be a great teacher is my goal.In my spare time, I like reading, watching movies, surfing the Internet, doing sports, and travelling.Strengths: Highly-motivated and determined

I don’t know whether you have watched a film named The pursuit of Happiness.It is a very touching movie acted by Will Smith.I love this movie very much.Because I find myself in this movie and I got a lesson from it.In this movie, the main character never lost hope and was devoted to his job and family, being passionate about life and future, and being calm while facing adversities.I can still remember what the father said to his son.You got a dream, you gonna protect it.I am like him, full of motivation and determination, being strong and calm while facing difficulties.Weaknesses: Im afraid I havent got a very good sense of directions, so I easily get lost.But I like to ask people and find the way from other means, for example, search the Internet on my mobile phone, and turn to the directions at bus stops.Another one is that I tend to have too high expectations on people, especially people who I care.Once my sister and friends told me that I expected them too highly which put too much pressure on them.This is true with regard to my students.Anyway, I am trying to find the balance between ideals/ hopes and reality.

11.英语面试自我介绍 篇十一

I’m independent and persistent. Regardless of the task or challenge,I always establish and maintain benchmarks of performance and standards of excellence.

I’m innovative, and I’m also an effective decision-maker. I have always sought out innovative solutions to challenging problems to maximize protability.

I have never sought to maintain the “status quo”. An organization that does not change and grow will die. I would enjoy working with you to help define new market opportunities in order to achieve the organization’s goals.
