


1.必修一第二单元课文翻译 篇一

Module 2 My New Teachers



1.patient adj.耐心的,能忍受的,坚韧的n.病人 归纳拓展

(1)be patient with sb.对某人有耐心 be patient of sth.忍耐某事(2)patience n.耐心,耐性

have patience with sb./sth.对某人/某事有耐心 have the patience to do sth.有耐心做某事 be out of patience with...对……忍无可忍 have no patience with...对……不能容忍 with patience=patiently(adv.)耐心地

(3)impatient adj.不耐烦的,没有耐心的 impatience n.不耐烦,无耐性

例句:My father is lively and energetic,but he is not very patient.我父亲性情开朗、精力充沛但不是很有耐心。

The doctor is very patient with his patients.这个医生对他的病人很有耐心。

After the earthquake,he waited for the rescue with patience.地震后,他耐心地等待救援的到来。

Only those who have the _________ to do simple things perfectly will acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.A.patience B.patient C.ancient D.impatience 【解析】根据句意可知拥有的应是“耐心”,故选A项patience“耐心”。B项patient作名词时,意为“病人”;C项ancient是形容词,“古老的”;D项impatience“不耐烦”。【答案】A 幻灯片8 2.avoid vt.避免;避开;逃避 归纳拓展


(2)avoid(doing)sth.避免(做)某事(3)avoidable adj.可避免的

例句:I avoided punishment/being punished by running away.我跑开才逃离了惩罚。To green hands, mistakes are not avoidable.对新手来说,犯错误是难免的。【链接训练】

There was an uncovered well on the road and the man couldn’t _________ falling into it in the darkness.A.avoid B.help C.refuse D.prevent 【解析】考查动词的用法辨析。avoid doing sth.“避免/避开做某事”;can’t help doing“禁不住做某事”;refuse后面一般跟动词不定式to do作宾语,意为“拒绝做某事”;prevent...from doing sth.“阻止……做……”。句意为:马路上有一个没有盖子的井,那个人在黑夜里无法避免地掉到井里去了。故正确答案为A。【答案】A 3.dare vt.敢于面对,敢于承担(风险)v.aux.敢,竟敢 归纳拓展



(3)I dare say是固定短语,意为“我敢说,恐怕也许是”,常作插入语。



don’t dare(to)

quarrel with them.didn’t dare(to)


0Dare you go out alone at night? 你晚上敢单独出去吗? I dare say there are mistakes.恐怕这里面有些错误。【链接训练】 —You needn’t stop me.—Even if you ________ it, I won’t allow you to swim across the river.A.dared do B.dare do C.dare not do D.doesn’t dare to do 【解析】dare作情态动词时,后面直接跟动词原形。A项时态不正确;C、D两项用否定式形式,不合句意。故选B。【答案】B 幻灯片13

4.appreciate vt.欣赏,赞赏,重视;对……表示感谢;感激;意识到,懂得 归纳拓展

appreciate意为“感谢”时,后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,不接不定式或表人的名词或代词作宾语。另外,其后通常不直接接从句,而是以it作先行宾语,其后再接从句。appreciate + n./pron.doing sth.one’s doing

I would appreciate it if...如果……我将不胜感激 幻灯片14 例句:I greatly appreciate your kindness.我很感激你的好意。

I would appreciate it if you would turn the music down.如果你把音乐关小一些,我将不胜感激。

His genius was at last universally appreciated.他的天才终于得到了普遍的赏识。幻灯片15


—Did Hanna say anything about me in her letter? —Only that she’d appreciate _________ from you.A.to hear B.hearing C.to hearing D.to have heard 【解析】appreciate后应接v.-ing形式作宾语,故选B。【答案】B 5.admit(admitted,admitting)vt.承认,准许……进入(或使用),让……享有(to);接纳,接收;能容纳;供认(事实、错误等)vi.容许,留有余地;通向,开向 归纳拓展

(1)admit + sth.承认(事实、过失等)doing/having done sth.承认做过某事 that...承认……

sb./sth.to be 承认某人/事……(to be作宾语补足语)(2)admit...to/into...接纳;许可人/物进入…… sb.be admitted to...接受某人(入学、入院等)

(3)admit of...容许有,有……的可能;容许有……的余地 例句:He admitted having driven the car without insurance.他承认驾驶过这辆没有保险的轿车。

Tom was admitted to Oxford University last year.汤姆去年被牛津大学录取了。

The facts admit of no other explanations.事实不容辩解。【链接训练】 ①China will at the forefront of combating climate change by 2010 if it _________ government targets on reducing greenhouse gas emissions(排放物).A.admits B.meets C.deserves D.recognizes 【解析】句意为:如果中国能达到有关削减温室气体排放的政府目标,到2020年中国将跻身于对抗气候变化的前沿。meet在此意为“符合,达到”。admit“承认,接纳”;deserve“值得,应受”;recognize“认出”。【答案】B ②As a senior student, I am determined to work harder in order to _________ the desired university.A.admit by B.be admitted by C.admit into D.be admitted into 【解析】考查admit用作“接纳/录取……,允许……进入”的意思。句意为:作为一名高中生,我决定更加努力,是为了被期望的大学所录取。be admitted to/into“允许……进入,被……录取”,符合题意。【答案】D 6.respect vt.尊敬,尊重n.[U]尊敬,尊重;(pl.)敬意,问候[C]着眼点,方面,细节 归纳拓展

(1)respect sb./sth.for sth.因某事尊敬或敬重某人/某物 respect oneself自重,自尊

(2)show/have respect for尊敬,尊重…… out of one’s respect出于对某人的尊敬

(3)send/give one’s respects to...代某人向……问好(4)in respect of sth.关于某事物

in every respect=in all respects在每一点儿上 例句:I respect you for your honesty.由于你为人正直,我对你十分敬重。

Students should show respect for their teachers.学生要尊敬老师。

Please give my respects to your parents.请代我向你的父母问好。

The book is admirable in respect of style.这本书风格极佳。【链接训练】

Mr Black is the professor _________ I have great respect.A.to whom B.whom C.who D.for whom 【解析】have/show respect for sb.“尊重某人”。for whom引导定语从句。【答案】D 要点二


1.make sure查明;设法确保,确定;相信 归纳拓展

(1)make sure+ of/about sth./doing sth.thatclause

(2)be sure+ of/about+n./pron./doing thatclause(主语只能是某人)to do sth.(主语是人或物)what(how,when...)+不定式

注意:be sure to do sth.表示主语肯定会做某事 be sure of doing sth.表示主语对做某事有把握

例句:Good teachers make sure that everyone in the class understands them.好老师能确保班里的每个学生都能听懂。

Arrive early at the cinema to make sure of getting a seat!早点到电影院来,以确保得到一个座位!

Be sure to ring and let us know you’ve got back safely.一定要来个电话,让我们知道你已平安返回。【链接训练】

__________to come and meet my family today, will you? A.To be sure B.Being sure C.Be sure D.Make sure 【解析】be sure后面可以跟to do sth.;而make sure后面不能。be sure to do此处意为“一定、务必做……”。【答案】C 2.as a result 作为结果,因此 归纳拓展

(1)as a result of 由于,因为……的缘故 with the result that...结果…… without result 毫无结果

(2)result in 导致(后跟结果)result from 起因,由于(后跟原因)例句:As a result,a sit down strike began.结果发生了静坐罢工。

A sit down strike began as a result of the poor conditions.由于条件太差,结果发生了静坐罢工。

The confusion←results from起因于←the strike.混乱是由罢工引起的。

The strike→results in导致→the confusion.罢工导致了混乱。【链接训练】

Most of all Chinese homes now have microwave ovens,partly ________ less time to spend preparing food.A.as a reason of B.as a result of C.because D.as a fact that 【解析】句意为:中国大多数家庭现在有微波炉,部分原因是准备食物可以花费很少的时间。as a result of后面跟名词,意为“因为,由于”。【答案】B 3.would rather宁愿 归纳拓展

(1)would rather与than连用,可构成另一个惯用句式,即would rather(do)...than(do)...,意为“宁愿(做)……而不愿(做)……;与其(做)……不如(做)……”。

(2)would rather...than...也可改成would(do)...rather than(do)...,其用法及含义不变。

(3)would rather+从句常用来表示一种遗憾或后悔,从句要用虚拟语气。would rather sb.did sth.宁愿某人做某事(用一般过去时表示现在和将来)would rather sb.had done sth.宁愿某人做过某事(用过去完成时表示过去的情况)

(4)would rather(not)+动词原形宁愿(不)做某事

例句:I would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema.我宁可在家看电视也不愿去看电影。

Facing the enemies,our soldiers would die rather than surrender.面对敌人,我们的战士宁死不屈。

I would rather you didn’t tell him about this.我宁愿你不告诉他这件事。(还没有告诉)I would rather you hadn’t told him about this.我倒宁愿你没把此事告诉他。(已经告诉了)【链接训练】

We’d rather our president _________make the decision or scores of employees will be cast down.A.won’t B.doesn’t C.shan’t D.didn’t

【解析】考查would rather的用法。句意为:我们宁愿董事长还没有作出这个决定。否则会有许多员工将会感到失望的。根据句意可知是对现在情况的虚拟,故用一般过去时来构成虚拟语气。选D项。【答案】D 要点三


She explains English grammar so clearly that even I can understand it!她讲解英语语法如此清楚,甚至连我都能明白。归纳拓展


注意:(1)so与such引导的结果状语从句置于句首时,主句要部分倒装。(2)so that...所以,因此,结果(引导结果状语从句);以便,为的是(引导目的状语从句)。

so that引导目的状语从句,从句中常有can,may,could,might,will等情态动词,从句前不用逗号。

so that引导结果状语从句一般不与情态动词连用,从句前可用逗号隔开。

例句:He was so fat that he couldn’t get through the door.他胖得无法通过这道门。It is such a tiny kitchen that I don’t have to do much to keep it clean.这个厨房很小,我不必太费劲就可以保持它的清洁。

They all worked day and night so that they might finish the task ahead of time.他们日夜工作,以便可以提前完成任务。

The old man was caught in a rain,so that all his clothes were wet.那老人淋了雨,因此衣服全湿透了。【链接训练】 ①This morning, he went to school in _________ a hurry that he wore shoes that didn’t _______ at all.A.so;suit B.such;fit C.such;match D.so;go with 【解析】句意为:今天早晨他忙去上学以至于他穿的鞋子都不成双。考查such+n.+that及so+adj./adv.+ that句型和suit,match,fit,go with四者的区别及用法。match“与……相匹配”;fit侧重指“尺寸大小合适”;suit侧重“合乎条件、身份、口味等”;go with“同意;接受;与某物相配”。综上,选C。【答案】C ②The college education system should be reformed _________ it can follow the pace of the economic development.A.so long as B.so that C.only if D.even though 【解析】句意为:大学的教育体制应该改革以便跟上经济发展的步伐。so that“以便,且的是”,引导目的状语从句;so long as“只要”;only if“只有”;even though“即使”。根据句意可知选B项。【答案】B 要点四




admit,allow,appreciate,avoid,consider,delay,enjoy,escape,pardon,permit,prevent,finish,imagine,mind,miss,practise,risk,suggest,forbid,stand,forgive,keep 例句:They don’t allow/permit parking here.他们不允许在这儿停车。

Do you mind my opening the window? 你介意我开窗吗?


be used to,lead to,devote oneself to,object to,stick to,look forward to,can’t help,be fond of,put off,keep on,insist on,set about,take up,give up,admit to,prefer...to,be busy,be worth...,be tired of,be afraid of,think of/about,be proud of,be successful in,It’s no use/good...,burst out,prevent...from...例句:My father used to smoke after dinner,but now he is used to drinking water after dinner.我父亲过去饭后常常吸烟,但现在他已经习惯了饭后喝水。


例句:It began to rain./It began raining.天开始下雨了。

4.有些动词后可跟两种形式,意思上有一些细微的差别,如like,love,hate,learn,prefer等。当表示一般情况或一种倾向时,其后多跟动词-ing形式;当表示一种特定情况或具体动作时,多接动词不定式。例句:I like listening to music, but today I don’t like to.我喜欢听音乐,但我今天不想听。


forget doing sth.忘记已做过的事 forget to do sth.忘记去做某事

remember doing sth.记得曾做过某事 remember to do sth.记住要做某事 regret doing sth.后悔做过的事

regret to do sth.对将要做的事感到遗憾、抱歉 try doing sth.尝试做某事 try to do sth.努力做某事 mean doing sth.意味着…… mean to do sth.打算做某事 stop doing sth.停止做某事 stop to do sth.停下来去做某事 6.在want,need,require等动词后,总是用-ing的主动形式表示被动意义,相当于“to be+v.-ed形式”。

例句:My watch needs repairing(=to be repaired).我的表需要修理。【链接训练】 ①After he became conscious,he remembered ________ and _________ on the head with a rod.A.to attack;hit B.to be attacked;to be hit C.attacking;be hit D.having been attacked;hit 【解析】remember to do sth.“记住要做某事”;remember doing sth.“记着做了某事”。又因为he与attack和hit之间是动宾关系,应用被动语态,故D项正确。【答案】D ②Try to use travellers cheques if possible and avoid __________ too much money.A.to bring B.bringing C.to have brought D.having brought 【解析】句意为:如果可能的话尽量使用旅行支票,避免随身携带太多的现金。avoid后面只能跟动词-ing形式作宾语。【答案】B ③Have you forgotten_________a pen from Mary? Please rememberit to her this afternoon.A.to borrow;to return B.to borrow;returning C.borrowing;returning D.borrowing;to return 【解析】考查forget和remember后跟v.-ing和to do的区别。forget / remember to do sth.“忘记/记得去做某事(还未做)”;forget/remember doing sth.“忘记/记得做过某事(已经做了)”。句意为:你是不是忘记了从玛丽那借过一支钢笔?请记得今天下午还给她。综上,可知答案为D项。

【答案】D ④The library needs_________ ,but it’ll have to wait until Friday.A.cleaning B.to clean C.being cleaned D.to being cleaned 【解析】当主语是物,谓语动词是need时,后跟v.-ing或to be done作宾语。句意为:图书馆需要清理了,但不得不等到下一周。【答案】A

2.人教版英语必修一第二单元教案 篇二

Parts1-4)Teacher shows answers on the screen.T: Please look at the screen and check your answer.Do you have any question? S: Are “such as” and “for example” the same? T: OK.I’ll give you two examples:

1.He knows five languages, such as Russian, French and Spanish.2.The differences in the spoken language are greater.For example, Americans say dance [dæns], and in southern England they say [dæns].Students ask any questions and teacher explains to them in class.Step II warming up Arouse the students’ interest in reading.Let the students know of world English.T: So much for the words.Can you name some countries in which English is spoken? Ss: Of course.America, Britain, Canada, Australia…

Teacher writes American, British, Canadian, and Australian on the blackboard.Then add English to these words.T: Are these Englishes the same? S1: I think they are the same.They are all called English.S2: I don’t think so.As I know BE and AE are different in spelling, pronunciation and so on.T: Well, turn to page 9.Read the Warming Up.Please answer the questions below.Ss:(scanning)There is more than one kind of English.T: Please go on reading and try to tell AE words from BE words below.After reading, the students give their answers.T: Who will show your answer? S: I think “mum, in a team, rubber, petrol” are BE words.And “mom, on a team, eraser, gas” are AE words.T: Can you give them a name? Ss: World English.T: Very good.Step III Pre-reading Activate the students’ background knowledge of English.T: From Warming Up we know many people speak English in the world.How many people speak English and why do so many people speak English? Please discuss with your partners and answer the questions.A few minutes later.Sa: Maybe 1000 million people speak English today.Because many countries were colonies of England, so English is spoken as a first or second language in many countries.Sb: We can’t get the exact number.More and more people begin to learn English because English is the working language in the United Nations.Everywhere children go to school to learn English.T: Excellent!About 1500 million people speak English as their first, second or foreign language.But they don’t speak the same kind of English.Step IV Reading

Get the students to know the history of English and help the students to form a good habit of reading.Point to the blackboard.T: how did different kinds of English come about? Please read the test “The Road to Modern English” quickly and pick out the answer.Students read quickly to find the answer.T: Any volunteer to answer the question? S: I will.English has changed over time.All languages change when cultures communicate with one anther.T: Any different ideas? Well, you all have the same answer.Task 1: Reading and choose correct answers.T: Turn to page 10.Please read the questions and multiple answers first to know what information we should get, and then read the passage to find the answer.A few minutes later.T: Now who would like to tell us your answer? Any volunteer? 1 A 2 D 3 C 4 D 5 B

3.高考历史必修一第二单元知识点 篇三

































8、抗日战争的胜利是:中国人民一百多年来第一次 取得反对帝国主义侵略的完全胜利,增强了全国人 民的民族自尊心和自信心。


4.必修一第二单元课文翻译 篇四


elevator n.电梯;升降机

petrol<英>汽油(=<美>gasoline )

gas 汽油;气体;煤气;毒气。

official adj.官方的;正式的;公务的

voyage n航行;航海


because of因为


come up 走近;上来;提出

apartment <美>公寓住宅;单元住宅



base vt.以……为根据n基部;基地;基础

at present现在;目前




make use of利用;使用






frequent adj.频繁的;常见的

frequentiy adv.常常;频繁地


command n.&vt.命令;指令;掌握

request n.&vt.请求;要求

Spanish adj.西班牙的;西班牙人的n.西班牙人;西班牙语

dialect 方言



eastern adj.东方的;东部的

southeastern adj.东南方的;来自东南的

northwestern adj.西北方的;来自西北方的

African adj非洲的;非洲人的;非洲语言的

play a part( in )扮演个角色;参与

recognize vt.辨认出;承认;公认

lorry n.卡车(=truck)

accent n.口音;腔调;重音


straight adv.直接;挺直 adj.直的;笔直的;正直的

block n.街区;块;木块;石块

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