


1.雅思写作技能类短语 篇一



1. lower the cost 降低成本

2. lower the risks降低风险

3. mechanical translation机器翻译




3.mechanical是来自于machine 这个词,是“ 机械的” ,“机器的”的意思。



The utilisation of robots hugely lowers the cost of factories,and thus improves their survival.


For instance ,using many delicate instruments lowers the risks of doctors doing operation .


At present,people tend not to meet language barriers during their travels.This is just because of the introduction of mechanical translation which makes tourists enjoy themsevels and wind down in exotic countries.

2.雅思写作技能类短语 篇二

一种语言的词汇是由词和固定结构组成的。各家的表述大同小异, 刘叔新 (2005:20—21) 指出:“现代汉语的词汇单位, 仅仅有两类, 就是词和词的固定组合体。”并确认“词的固定组合体”就是“固定语”。符淮青也明确认为“词汇包括语言中的词和固定语”, 同时指出, 语言中除了词以外, 固定语“是词汇的重要组成部分。”比较来说, 词的情况较为单纯些, 而固定结构显得复杂多了, 各种语言的固定结构的差异也大得多。现代汉语的词汇由词与固定短语组成, 按照张斌先生的说法, 固定短语分为三类, 一是专名, 二是动词和名词的组合, 也就是我们习惯说的惯用语, 三是成语, 其中成语是最常用的固定短语, 固定短语是词的“等价物”。并且提到, 一些四字短语, 从形式上看很像成语, 而实际上是根据交际需要临时创造出来的, 它们的特有形式和功能跟成语近似, 这些句式组成的结构, 基本稳定, 属于这种聚合关系的动词或数量短语可以替换, 张先生称之为“类固定短语”, 也有称之为“准固定短语”的, 但在外延上与张先生的“类固定短语”不一致, 包含了类似惯用语这样的短语。类固定短语与固定短语的区别之一就是前者某些成分可以替换, 与后者相比较还不是完全固定。

汉语成语形式绝大多数以四字格为主, 类固定短语是仿成语形式构成的短语, 所以四字格比例也非常高。我们说类固定短语是处于固定短语与自由短语之间的语言单位, 所以它的性质特点都是在与固定短语、自由短语的对比中显现出来的。类固定短语与固定短语、自由短语的区别可以从结构和语义两个方面展开, 结构和语义两个方面又相互关联在一起。

首先我们看结构。自由短语是组成短语的语言单位, 也就是词按照句法准则组合在一起, 在符合语法规则和语义搭配关系的前提下就可以结合在一起, 如“吃”, 按照“V+O”的句法方式可以组成众多短语:吃+饭、食堂、大碗、川菜……两个语言单位组合在一起是任意的。固定短语则不是, 语言单位组合在一起是凝固的, 一般不能更换其中的某个成分, 甚至是并列关系成分的语序, 如“不伦不类”, 不能将其中某个成分更换为另一个同义单位或颠倒语序, 比如说成“不伦不种”或“不类不伦”。类固定短语相对自由短语就较为固定了, 它其中的某些组成单位是不能更换的, 如“不明不白”, 但相对固定短语来说, 它又具有相对的自由度, 在“不A不B”中, A、B是可以替换的, 还可以有“不三不四”、“不男不女”、“不折不扣”等。

语义上, 自由短语是组合单位语义累加就是短语的意思, 但固定短语的意思一般都不是组成成分语义的相加, 在语义上有惯用语的特点, 有的甚至不能进行语义结构的分析, “不伦不类”指的是事物什么情况都不像, 带有贬义色彩, 成语很多都是典故, 有来历、有出处, 意思是引申的或是比喻性的, 完全脱离了字面意思, 用认知语言学理论来分析, 意思都是隐喻或转喻性的, 从接受者的角度看, 在理解时必须是整体提取语义, 如“立竿见影”, 意思是“比喻立见功效” (《现代汉语词典》第5版) , 与字面的“杆”、“影”都没有关系了, 因为这样, 固定短语成了词的等价物, 语义是其中的重要原因。对照自由短语与固定短语, 类固定短语的语义如何确定?一般的说法是类固定短语意义单纯, 字面意思就是整个短语的意思。如果是这样的, 类固定短语仅仅就是在形式上与自由短语区分开了。我们认为, 结构和形式是区分类固定短语和自由短语的两个标准, 如果抛开语义, 只看形式, 我们认为区分出类固定短语是没有什么意义的, 也没有必要建立这样的一个词汇范畴。一个格式, 既有词汇语义, 也会有格式结构意义, 符合类固定短语要求的才能进入格式, 进入格式后就具有一定的稳定性, 同时具有格式的意义。如“一A一B”格式, A、B为两个同类名词, 表示两种意义, 一是表示整个, 有:一心一意、一生一世等, 二是表示数量极少, 有:一草一木、一针一线、一言一行, 这些类固定短语的意义并不完全是构成单位意义的简单相加, “一针一线”表示东西很小、价值很低, 不是实指“一根针和一条线”, 像固定短语一样具有一定的转喻性, 前后两项的语序也不能更换, “针、线”中的一个也不能随便更换。所以由此看来, 类固定短语除了在结构上和固定短语相似, 在语义上也像固定短语一样具有一定的整体性和稳定性, 并不像自由短语那样是临时的和任意的。

结构和语义的稳定性是判断短语是否属于类固定短语的标准, 不能舍弃其中的任何一项。上面说过, 自由短语、类固定短语、固定短语三者的关系并不是均等的, 类固定短语不是不偏不倚地处在二者的中间, 它更接近后者。类固定短语的固定性还表现在它的常用性上, 所谓常用性, 就是同一格式的具体短语使用频率高, 并不是同一聚合关系的词都可以组成类固定短语, 如我们并没有看到“一窗一户”的说法, 所以虽然原则可以, 但并不一定就取得了类固定短语的身份, 即使造出某短语, 也只能是临时性的, 不具有稳定性。如果类固定短语构成一个语言范畴的话, 我们可以用认知语言学的范畴理论来说明这种情况, 认知语言学认为, 亚里士多德的范畴学说所谓同一范畴的成员都是同等的说法是错误的, 范畴成员的地位并不平等, 处于中心或显著位置、最能代表范畴成员的就是该范畴的原型 (prototype) , 原型也有不同种类, 主要有典型原型 (typical case prototype) 、理想原型 (ideal case prototype) 等。类固定短语的原型就是那些在结构上、语义上都具有一定稳定性的短语, 不具有这样特点而形式上又符合类固定短语的短语, 只能说是非原型类固定短语, 而理想原型则可能进入固定短语范畴转变为固定短语。

类固定短语的总体结构形式框架是固定的, 由两部分组成:不变部分 (定项) +可变部分 (变项) 。四字格类固定短语的常项、变项的结构方式有3种, 最多的是定项2+变项2, 然后就是:定项1+变项3、定项3+变项1。

词汇是语言的建筑材料, 掌握足量的词汇是将汉语作为第二语言学习者运用汉语进行交际的必备条件。汉语词汇包括词和固定短语, 词和固定短语的学习, 虽然有构词法等语言知识帮助可以进行一定的有规律扩展, 但不论是学习还是运用, 还是需要逐个学习、存储、提取等学习或运用过程, 这对学习者来说可能会对掌握词汇具有一定的制约作用, 影响学习者快速、大量地掌握和运用汉语词汇。

短语是由词组成的, 分为固定短语和自由短语, 前者进入词汇范畴, 一般会收入词典, 固定短语的主体是成语和惯用语。类固定短语与成语不同, 在构式上, 成语各语素的搭配是固定的, 不能随意更换其中的语素, 而类固定短语的语素是可以更换的, 而且语素顺序也具有一定的灵活性, 只要在语义和语法上符合该格式要求的语素就可以进入该格式, 组成一个相对稳定的短语进入交际领域。在语义上, 类固定短语与成语也有相当大的不同, 成语的语义有三种情况, 字面意思、引申义、比喻义, 留学生在学习成语时, 最难的是对比喻义的掌握。而类固定短语则不同, 一般都可从字面意义就知道或可以推测出整体意义, 少数有引申的意思, 一般都没有比喻义, 所以对留学生来说, 掌握类固定短语比掌握成语要容易, 又因为类固定短语的格式相对稳定, 在语义上已有格式意义, 所以添加可以更换的语素后整个短语的意思就较为明了, 学习者容易理解, 同时在掌握格式意义后很容易按照格式要求进行类推, 能迅速增大词汇量, 对词汇教学能发挥非常积极的作用。

常见的类固定短语构式是一个相对封闭的小类, 在现行的对外汉语教材中, 尤其是中高阶段教材都或多或少出现了这样的词汇。我们收集的构式有这样一些 (以字母代替可进入语素, 在此仅罗列部分) :

一A半B一A一B七A八B千A万B A三B四无A无B


有/无A有/无BA有BCAB不C无A不B A来B/A去


格式中的“A、B”可能“AB”是一个词, 如“千呼万唤”中的“呼唤”, 也可以不是一个词, 并列关系中, 有的是同近义词, 如“一心一意”的“心、意”, 有的是反义词, 如“一起一落”, 还有可能“A、B”是同一个词, 如果不是并列关系的话, 变项之间的语义关系就和一般的句法成分至今的语义类型相一致, 在此就不一一例举了。

类固定短语的教学难点不在语义上, 也不在结构关系上, 而在于类固定短语的应用上。类固定短语可以单独成句, 但与自由短语和固定短语一样, 还要与其他成分结合组成更大的单位, 直至成句。在与其他成分组合时它可以充当什么句法成分?可以与哪些成分结合?这是个难点。同一个格式, 添加进去词的词性一样, 但可能整个类固定短语的句法作用不一样, 如文章开头提到过的“一心一意”、“一针一线”, 二者同是一个格式的两个具体组合, 变项都是语义相似的名词, 但充当的句法角色却大相径庭。“一针一线”是一个名词性短语, 在句子中充当名词可以充当的成分, 我们耳熟能详的是“不拿群众一针一线”, 在这个结构中“一针一线”作宾语, 语义上是“拿”的受事。而“一心一意”不是名词性结构, 在句子中只能充当附加成分, 作为修饰语, 如“他一心一意学习汉语”, “一心一意”在此表示“学习”的情状。同一个格式充当不同的句法成分, 这对学习者来说难以把握, 对教师也不好处理, 而且这种情况的规律性不强。针对这种情况, 我们认为教师在教学中要把普遍性和个案结合起来, 在处理某个格式时, 要把各种具体组合情况分辨清楚, 尽可能发现规律, 这样便于学习者按照规律进行类推。另一方面, 注重语感的培养和训练, 在运用时, 将用法规律和语感结合起来, 最终达到使学习者能迅速扩大词汇量、正确使用类固定短语的目的。

教学中, 主要是针对中高级阶段的留学生, 在专门的词汇或相关的语言材料的学习中, 如果遇到类固定短语或有与类固定短语相同构式的成语, 教师就可以在语义和格式两方面进行讲授, 之后引导学生按照格式要求替换相应语素, 并运用到交际中。类固定短语在中高级阶段的词汇教学中具有重要意义, 中高级阶段, 留学生已经掌握了一般基本词汇和汉语的组合规律, 正是处于要急速扩大词汇量以提高汉语整体交际能力阶段, 规律性很强的类固定短语可以做到以简驭繁, 使学生迅速扩大大于词单位的词汇量, 对于词汇掌握能发挥事半功倍的功效。从学习规律看, 掌握了类固定短语的格式知识就可以进行大量的类推, 便于学习者迅速大量地扩大词汇, 同时在格式运用中体会到句法结构规律, 这适合成人学习汉语特点;从教学效果看, 语言知识教学容易转化为语言技能的培养, 能收到迅速将语言知识运用到语言技能提高上, 类固定短语不光是在词汇层面, 而且在句法上都可以为学习者熟练掌握汉语发挥积极作用;从语言运用看, 四字格的类固定短语和成语相仿, 显得庄重、正式, 具有书面语特点, 学习者在阅读时, 遇到不太明白的内容, 容易根据格式意义推测意思, 在运用类固定短语交际时, 也能得体地进行表达。

总之, 类固定短语的格式化特点便于成人学习者减轻机械记忆负担、掌握汉语词汇, 只要教师能将类固定短语教学处理好, 对学习者的汉语词汇学习、扩大词汇量具有非常积极的作用。


符淮青《词义的分析和描写》9页, 语文出版社1996

张斌《汉语语法学》23—24页, 上海教育出版社, 2003

刘叔新《汉语描写词汇学 (重排本) 》169—170页, 商务印书馆, 2005

G.Lakoff Ten Lectures on Cognitive Linguistics byGeoge.Lakoff, 45—46页, 外语教学与研究出版社, 2007

3.雅思写作短语 篇三

in addition to… 除…之外

on (the/an) average平均,一般来说

on the basis of… 根据…,在…的基础上

at (the) best充其量,至多

on business因公,因事

in any case无论如何,总之

in case of… 假使…,万一…

in case假如,以防(万一)免得

in no case决不

by chance偶然,碰巧

in charge of… 负责…,主管…

in common共用,共有,共同

in conclusion最后,总之

on condition that在…条件下

in connection with/to… 关于…

in consequence因此,结果

in consequence of… 由于…的缘故

on the contrary反之,正相反

in contrast with/to… 与…成对照

under control被控制住

at all costs不惜任何代价

at the cost of… 以…为代价

in the course of… 在…过程中,在…期间

in detail详细地

in difficulties处境困难

on earth究竟,到底

at all events无论如何

in any event无论如何

in effect实际上

with the exception of… 除…之外

in the face of… 面对…,不顾…

in favor of… 有利于…,赞成…,支持…

in general通常,大体上

at heart在内心,实质上

in honor of… 为纪念…,向…表示敬意

at intervals不时,时时

at length终于,最后,详细地

at a loss困惑,不知所措

by all means无论如何,必定

by means of… 借助于…,用…

by no means决不

by mistake错误地

in nature本质上

on occasion有时,不时

in particular特别地,尤其,详细地

in the first place起初,首先

in the last place最后

in practice实际上

at present目前,现在

in proportion to… 与…成比例

for (the) purpose of… 为了…

on purpose故意,有意

at random随意地,任意地

at any rate无论如何,至少

by reason of… 由于…

with/in regard to… 对于…,就…而论

with respect to… 关于…

as a result结果,因此

as a result of… 由于…的缘故

4.雅思写作技能类短语 篇四

on account of… 因为…,由于…in addition to… 除…之外

on(the/an)average平均,一般来说on the basis of… 根据…,在…的基础上

at(the)best充其量,至多on business因公,因事in any case无论如何,总之in case of… 假使…,万一…in case假如,以防(万一)免得in no case决不

by chance偶然,碰巧

in charge of… 负责…,主管…in common共用,共有,共同in conclusion最后,总之on condition that在…条件下in connection with/to… 关于…in consequence因此,结果

in consequence of… 由于…的缘故on the contrary反之,正相反in contrast with/to… 与…成对照under control被控制住at all costs不惜任何代价at the cost of… 以…为代价

in the course of… 在…过程中,在…期间

in detail详细地

in difficulties处境困难on earth究竟,到底at all events无论如何in any event无论如何in effect实际上

with the exception of… 除…之外in the face of… 面对…,不顾…in favor of… 有利于…,赞成…,支持…in general通常,大体上at heart在内心,实质上

in honor of… 为纪念…,向…表示敬意at intervals不时,时时

at length终于,最后,详细地at a loss困惑,不知所措by all means无论如何,必定by means of… 借助于…,用…

by no means决不by mistake错误地in nature本质上

on occasion有时,不时

in particular特别地,尤其,详细地in the first place起初,首先in the last place最后in practice实际上at present目前,现在in proportion to… 与…成比例for(the)purpose of… 为了…on purpose故意,有意at random随意地,任意地at any rate无论如何,至少by reason of… 由于…

with/in regard to… 对于…,就…而论with respect to… 关于…as a result结果,因此

as a result of… 由于…的缘故

in the long run最终,从长远观点看for the sake of… 为了…起见at first sight乍一看,初看起来in spite of… 不管…,不顾…in terms of… 依据…,按照…

on the second thoughts经重新考虑,一转念

from time to time有时,不时in truth事实上,实际上,的确on the whole总的来说

have/gain access to…可以获得…take...into account把…加以考虑

gain/have an advantage over…胜过…,优于…

take advantage of…利用…,趁…之机

make the best of…充分利用…,妥善处理…

take charge of…担任…,负责…

make a/the difference有影响,很重要carry/bring into effect使生效,使起作用put into effect实行,生效

come/go into effect生效,实施keep an eye on…留意…,照看…bear/keep in mind记住make up one’s mind下决心

keep/hold pace with… 跟上…,与…同步

take place发生,进行take the place of… 代替…make sense讲得通,有意义

a great/good deal of大量(修饰不可数名词)

influence on影响

reply to…回答…,答复…once upon a time从前

once in a while偶尔,有时account for…说明…allow for…考虑到…

live on/by…靠…生活,以…为食

refer to…参考…,查阅…,涉及…,提到…

serve as…用做…

take for把……认为是…,把……看成是…

think over仔细考虑depend on…取决于…

devote to…奉献…,致力于…engage in…从事于…,忙着…insist on…坚持…

look forward to…盼望…,期待…

have something to do with…和…有点关系

have nothing to do with…和…毫无关系be fed up with…对…感到厌烦take...as把…做为…

think of...as…把…看做是…

be abundant in…富于…,富有…be accustomed to习惯于be aware of…意识到…

be based on…根据…,以…为基础be characterized by…以…为特征be composed of…由…组成be concerned about…关心…,挂念…be determined to do something决心做…be equal to…等于…

be free from没有……的,不受……影响be identified as…被认为是…

be known as被称做……,以……著称be known to为……所熟知

be popular with…受……欢迎be prepared for对……做好准备be regarded as被认为是…,被当做是…be satisfied with对……满意,满足于…be second to…次于…be sick of…对…感到厌倦be used as…被用做…be used to…习惯于…get used to…习惯于…

all of a sudden 突然all the time 一直,始终as a rule 通常,照例

as far as...be concerned 就...而言

as to… 至于…,关于…at best 充其量,至多before long 不久以后beyond question 毫无疑问

by all means 尽一切办法,务必every now and then 时而,偶尔in itself 本质上,就其本身而言sooner or later 迟早,早晚abide by… 遵守…,信守…agree with与…相一致 同意…

be beneficial to… 有利于…,有益于…turn a blind eye to… 对…视而不见by leaps and bounds飞速地,突飞猛进地

when it comes to一谈到…,就…而论disagree with… 与…意见不一致 不同意…

give an opinion on… 对…发表意见adapt oneself to…=adjust oneself to…使自己适应于…


comment on…评论…

concentrate on/upon…集中注意力于…on the contrary与之相反

convince somebody of something使某人确信某事

deprive somebody of something剥夺某人某物

derive from…起源于…

in detail详细地

be equipped with…装备有…in essence本质上


inform.somebody of something通知某人某事

lie in在于…major in主修…

5.雅思写作技能类短语 篇五

♦colourful programmes 丰富多彩的节目

♦latest news 新新闻

♦talk show 脱口秀

♦reality show 真人秀

♦convey information 传递信息

convey vt.传递,传送:传播.

♦present a vivid world 展现一个生动的世界.

♦play an educational role 扮演教育的角色.

♦kill time消磨时光

♦occupy academic time 占用学习时间

♦affect academic learning 影响学习

♦passive enjoyment 消极娱乐

The TV programmes about wild life present a vivid natural world to us.


The reality show The apprentice has very high audience rating in States.


As a kind of passive enjoyment, watching TV has become one of the main reasons that contribute to less outdoor activities and declining health of teens.

6.雅思英语写作中常用的45个短语 篇六

1、on account of… 因为…,由于…

2、account for… 说明…的原因

3、on the basis of… 根据…,在…的基础上

4、in any case无论如何,总之

5、in case of… 假使…,万一…

6、in no case决不

7、make sense讲得通,有意义

8、a great/good deal of大量(修饰不可数名词)

9、influence on影响

10、reply to…回答…,答复…

11、once upon a time从前

12、once in a while偶尔,有时

13、refer to…参考…,查阅…,涉及…,提到…

14、depend on…取决于…

15、devote to… 奉献…,致力于…

16、insist on…坚持…

17、look forward to… 盼望…,期待…

18、have something to do with…和…有点关系

19、have nothing to do with…和…毫无关系

20、be fed up with…对…感到厌烦

21、in detail详细地说

22、be accustomed to习惯于

23、be aware of…意识到…

24、be characterized by…以…为特征

25、be composed of…由…组成

26、be concerned about…关心…,挂念…

27、be determined to do something决心做…

28、be equal to…等于…

29、be identified as…被认为是…

30、be satisfied with对……满意,满足于…

31、as far as somebody be concerned 就...而言

32、as to… 至于…,关于…

33、be beneficial to… 有利于…,有益于…

34、adapt oneself to…=adjust oneself to…使自己适应于…


36、concentrate on…集中注意力于…

37、on the contrary与之相反

38、in detail详细地

39、deprive somebody of something剥夺某人某物

40、in essence本质上

41、inform somebody of something通知某人某事

42、major in主修…

43、in favor of… 有利于…,赞成…,支持…

44、in consequence因此,结果

45、in conclusion最后

雅思大作文:the difference in age between parents and children

雅思大作文题目:In some countries, the difference in age between parents and children is generally greater than it was in the past. Do you think advantages outweigh disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.Write at least 250 words.


Young couples in the global context are adopting a more self-oriented lifestyle in which many choose to postpone the age of having their first baby, and this happens more specifically in the middle and upper class in developed worlds, bringing benefits and drawbacks on each family member affected.

The advantages of the delayed reproduction come from the more experienced parents. The greatest part of this decision is that these parents who have been dedicated in working for years since graduation may earn a higher income when their first offspring is born, compared with those who have merely graduated. And definitely, the wealthier family can provide surely the new member better conditions like a professional maternal nurse, nutritious diet and private schooling. As well as being rich, these more mature parents have psychological superiority to young adults in parenting. To be specific, the older ones may have gentle and even temper when children are naughty and be properly responsive to children’s demands.

The middle-aged new mothers and fathers, however, have their determined physical disadvantages. The most obvious one is greater generation gap, which means the difference of age between the two parties, parents and children, may be greater than three decades and thus less mutual understanding can be given and more domestic conflicts would occur during upbringing. Another problem is about physical decline due to aging. This process means the difficulty in pregnancy and the risks of natural diseases for the fetus although medical interference can solve some of the issues. Moreover, having the first descendant late suggest less energetic parents who may sense the process of raising the children overwhelming, leading to less and poorer company.

In conclusion, this phenomenon has more benefits to all family members. Although late childbirth faces emotional and physical problems, more people still choose this way when they have stable financial conditions and are more experienced to tackle those thorny problems in rearing.

雅思大作文:the best way to reduce crime

雅思大作文题目:.The best way to reduce crime committed by young adultsis to teach parents parenting skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Givereasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


The relationship between home education and juvenile delinquency has always been a topic that concerned by crime academia. Thus, an idea has been proposed as a prime one that parenting concepts and skills should be further implanted and acquired for the sake of lower rate of teenager crimes.

One of the greatest advantages of this proposal is that good parenting goes right to the core of the matter. This is because children make most of their interpersonal contact with their family members before kindergarten and primary school and these members, especially parents, conveys the sense of being loved, if only, during this formative years. Without this, the youth when coming at the age of reason may be in difference and show no affection to others, which in the long run, leads to committing crimes.

Another positive effect of concentrating on family issues lies in the contribution in the future. A valid childhood education establishes a solid and just foundation of views and values. Although this sort of approach may not as immediate as the trials and penalty in deterring crimes, this effort devoted may take effects as a psychological disincentive rather than a cruel deterrent, to say the least, inthe next few decades.

Any method that claims to be the best, however, is both too absolute and unilateral. As for this one, there is one premise not to be neglected which involves the performance of parents during and after the instruction of such techniques as all the efforts are but in vain if the subjects taught spare no efforts in implementing these conceptsand theories. Moreover, schooling and social factor should be included in crime prevention in search of a so-called best solution.

雅思大作文:printed books are no longer needed in a digital era

雅思大作文题目:Some people think that printed books are no longer needed in a digital era because all writing can be stored electronically. Others think that printed books will still play an important role. Discuss both and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


In the era of information technology, many traditional ways of life have turned into virtual ones, and the advent of electronic-books is a typical example. Young readers no longer restrict their reading to printed materials; instead it is common to see them reading over their mobiles or ipad screens on a bus or in the street. Consequently, some suggest that printed books have become out of date and can be substituted by their counterpart in the electronic version.

This sounds reasonable in this modern society. Despite the cut of cost on paper pulp, printing machines and transportation of products, electronic books are much economic. If we take the environmental impact into consideration, e-books would show another advantage over traditional ones which consume abundant plants. In addition, in the globalized world, easy and fast access to knowledge and information becomes increasingly significant, and this requirement can be best met by e-books which spread faster and more widely via the internet.

However, these advantages of electronic books do not necessarily mean that printed version will be completely replaced soon. Printing is a safe way of saving knowledge because it is not easy to modify the original words once they are printed on paper, which is where the authority of published paper books comes. As a traditional way of life, reading books plays an important part in the elderly population who are used to thumb a book from cover to cover. If printed books are not available any more, they would be the most frustrated group of people. There is the health issue to consider. Reading printed material is healthier than on shining screen for eyesight. Therefore, e-books are not suitable for children.

In conclusion, the fact that all writing can be stored electronically does not necessarily suggest the extinction of written books. The two forms of books can co-exist to cater for different groups of people.

7.雅思写作技能类短语 篇七


the rapid development of economy


the remarkable improvement/steady growth of people’s living standard


science and technology


be faced with new opportunities and challenges


It is commonly believed/recognized that…


the inevitable result of social development


arouse wide public concern/draw public attention


It is undeniable that…/There is no denying that…

9.热烈的讨论/ 争论

a heated discussion/ debate


a controversialissue


a totally different argument

12.一些人 …而另外一些人 …

Some people… while others…

13.就我而言/ 就个人而言

As far as I am concerned, / Personally,


reach an absolute consensus on…


be supported by sound reasons


argument on both sides


play an increasingly important role in…


be indispensable to …


As the proverb goes:


…be no exception


exert positive/ negative effects on…


the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.


lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in


a complicated social phenomenon

25.责任感 / 成就感

sense of responsibility/ sense of achievement


sense of competition and cooperation

27. 开阔眼界

widen one’s horizon/ broaden one’s vision


acquire knowledge and skills


financial burden / psychologicalburden


take many factors into account/ consideration


from another perspective


make joint efforts


be beneficial / conducive to…


make contributions to the society


lay a solid foundation for…


comprehensive quality


blameless/beyond reproach


increase the chances of

39.致力于/ 投身于

be committed / devoted to…




unshakable duty


satisfy/ meet the needs of…


a reliablesource of information


valuable natural resources


the Internet (一定有冠词)


convenient and efficient


in all aspects of human life


environmental protection/environmentally friendly


a symbol of society progress


the ever-accelerated updating of science and technology


hold different attitudes towards this issue


people / those in favor of the former/ latteropinion


have/ provide the following reasons/ evidence


to some extent/ degree / in some way

55. 理论和实践相结合

integratetheory with practice

56. …必然趋势

an irresistible trend of…


the increasingly fierce social competition


immediate interest/ short-term interest


interest in the long run


…has its merits and demerits/ advantages and disadvantages


Exploit to the full one’s favorableconditions and avoid unfavorable ones


Take the essence and discard the dregs.


do harm to / be harmful to/ be detrimental to

64.交流思想/ 情感/ 信息

exchange ideas/ emotions/ information


keep pace with / catch up with/ keep abreast with the latest development of …


take effective measures to do sth.


the healthy development of …


Every coin has its two sides.(不推荐用)

No garden without weeds.


Views on …vary from person to person.


attach great importance to…


social status


focus time and energy on…


expand one’s scopeof knowledge


both physically and mentally


be directly / indirectly related to…

76. 提出折中提议

set forth a compromise proposal

77. 可以取代 “think”的词

believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion/ belief that

78.缓解压力/ 减轻负担

relievestress/ burden


give (top) priority to sth.


compared with…/ in comparison with


in contrast / on the contrary.


replace/ substitute / take the place of 大写)


cannot bear closer analysis / cannot hold water


offer job opportunities


mirror of social progress


Undoubtedly,/There is no doubt that…


enhance/ promote mutualunderstanding


make full use of / take advantage of


suffer from heavier work pressure


guarantee the stability and prosperity of our society


put more emphasis on…


adapt oneself to the development of society


realize one’s dream/ make one’s dream come true


The main reasons are listed as follows:

95. 首先

First,Firstly,In the first place,To begin with


Second, Secondly, In the second place


Besides,In addition, Additionally, Moreover, Furthermore


Finally, Last but not the least, Above all, Lastly,

99. 总而言之

All in all, To sum up, In summary, In a word,

