1.控制工程专业学生英文求职信 篇一
Dear leaders:
Was pleased to participate in your companys human resources recruitment.As the car is about to graduate professional students, are convinced that your company would like to search for jobs.At the same time, the company also hopes to read my resume and attached to the report card.Wish to express my gratitude.University, I first of all to their own position in the technology, followed by taking into account the management of the economy;but also focus on training their own ability to learn, and strive to improve the framework of their own knowledge.Technical aspects, I have done in three preparations.1)Basic: may be due to the characteristics of the automotive industry, it is holding up the works of convincing, so I focused on the schools required course on the open.Received five scholarships and the best students, learning the title role models.My first three years of the weighted score of 82 points, basically the post-graduate qualification exam.2)computers and networks: the development of computers and networks are a great trend.For its characteristics, I customized study plan accordingly.To participate in CAD / CAM / CAE(CATIA)training and obtain a certificate IBM.3)Foreign Language: the importance of English self-evident.I would like to make foreign language learning is a self-confidence.If necessary, even if this is not a problem spoken.In addition, learning German.Other aspects, mainly referring to the human sciences: knowledge for improving their own interest in the structure and consideration, I take part and self-study courses.For management, economic, legal, etc.With some basic knowledge.In addition I would also like to mention is that I am not a party member, but the thought of not less than the quality of party members;As regards health status, not aerobics, but health is definitely a first-class.Their immune systems strong.University during the last one hospital, it took about three drugs.Represents past performance, in addition to the technical aspects needs to be added in the outside.Especially in the practice should step up their study.While in school there is the practice of setting up classes, but it is certainly not enough, but there is a certain distance and the actual.Therefore, I would like to participate in the work of training their own hands the ability to combine theory and practice to gain insight and understanding to help better use of the future.I would like your company to take greater account of the material.Been looking forward to hearing from you.Thanks!
2.控制工程专业学生英文求职信 篇二
0 引言
党的十八大提出实施创新驱动发展战略, 并强调科技创新是提高社会生产力和综合国力的战略支撑, 必须摆在国家发展全局的核心位置, 通过科技创新推动改革。高校是科技创新的主阵地, 大学生创新意识和创新能力的培养已成为各高校教育教学的主要抓手。
机器人活动是典型的机电一体化技术, 囊括了机械、电子、计算机、自动控制、传感器、通信、人工智能等学科的尖端技术, 是一门跨专业、多学科交叉且高度综合的新兴事物。它具有创造性、趣味性、观赏性和对抗性等特点, 是在学生具备基础能力的前提下, 综合运用多学科知识, 给学生广阔的发挥空间, 提高学生的创新能力。机器人研究正处于不断完善、不断出新、不断深入的动态研究之中, 这些未知领域也恰恰是大学生们的兴趣点所在。
笔者于2008年开始管理、指导学校机器人实践创新团队, 从08年开始, 连续7年参加了中国机器人大赛暨Robo Cup公开赛。该项赛事是中国最具影响力、最权威的机器人技术大赛、学术大会和博览盛会。7年来, 我校代表队一共获得冠军15项、亚军12项、季军7项。本文以实际指导与参赛的经验, 就我校新设的交通设备与控制工程专业大学生创新能力培养进行探讨。
1 交通设备与控制工程专业情况
交通设备与控制工程专业为工科学科特设专业, 主要培养适应国家交通运输设备现代化、智能交通工程建设的需要, 具备交通设备、信息及控制工程方面专业知识与应用能力, 能从事交通领域设备研发、设计、制造、智能交通系统集成、维护、运行管理的应用性高级工程技术人才。目前全国仅有10所左右的高校开设了此专业。我校交通设备与控制工程专业于2011年开始招生, 目前有在校生191人。作为工科专业, 学院十分重视学生创新能力、动手实践能力的培养, 并将机器人活动作为抓手, 促进学生素质全面提升。
2 机器人活动培养学生创新能力的优势
2.1 机器人活动营造良好的校园科技创新氛围
机器人活动丰富了同学们的课余文化生活, 培养了同学们科技创新的浓厚兴趣, 它作为一种参与面极广的大学生课外科技创新活动, 能让同学们将平时所学的课本理论知识应用于实践活动, 同时又扩大了知识面。特别是校团委每年一度的大学生科技节开幕式上的展演, 把每年参加全国赛、省赛的获奖作品予以宣传展示, 邀请相关指导教师开展机器人制作系列讲座, 邀请获奖学生代表分享参赛心得等, 营造良好的校园科技学术氛围, 使得机器人活动被广大同学所了解、喜爱。
2.2 机器人活动激发学生的学习兴趣
在对交通设备与控制工程专业学生专业学习情况的调研中发现, 学生对于自己所学的专业认识迷茫, 方向不清楚, 自然学习的兴趣不浓、动力不足。对于开设的很多专业课程, 他们并不清楚课程的重要性, 更谈不上灵活运用。有些十分重要的课程同学们感觉比较枯燥无味, 难以理解, 无的放矢。课堂教学和固定模式的试验并不能激发他们的学习兴趣, 教学效果也不是很好。机器人团队的学生普遍反映, 通过机器人活动, 他们不仅巩固了学习过的课程, 而且能将所学的课程与实际运用相结合, 有助于他们理解知识点、掌握知识点。同时还具备了围绕具体的制作项目, 搜集资料、自学新知识的技能。
2.3 机器人活动的各项赛事有完整的比赛规则
中国机器人大赛暨Robo Cup公开赛已成功举办了15届, 比赛规则完备, 自始至终均保持着公平、公正的竞赛原则, 除个别项目是通过评委打分来评判成绩之外, 绝大多数项目是通过计时、计分等方式公正客观的来分出胜负, 对于结果令人信服。在这样一个公平公正的全国大赛的竞技场上, 参赛学生不受任何不良因素的干扰, 不存在任何找关系、开后门等社会不良风气, 只需关注自身机器人的稳定性, 展现自己的设计成果和创新做法。
3 机器人活动促进学生多方面能力的提高
3.1 机器人活动提高学生的工程实践能力
每个机器人都是一个复杂的机电产品, 它既是设计出来的, 更是制造出来的, 好的设计不见得就是好的产品, 一个好的产品既依赖于好的设计、制造, 也依赖于好的项目管理、质量控制等, 这一切都依赖于对于过程的实践, 它需要经验的积累, 时间的考验。[1]同学们在机器人作品的设计制作过程中, 通过反复观察、实践、总结来掌握核心技术、解决棘手问题, 为解决工程实际问题打下基础。
在2013年的比赛中, 我们进入决赛的一台旅游机器人在赛前适应场地的时候出现了问题, 整台车处于不工作的状态, 经过队员反复检测, 发现主控板被烧掉, 更换主控板需要把整台车全部拆掉, 此时距离决赛开始还有20分钟, 除了要将另外一台车上的主控板拆下换掉烧坏的主控板之外, 还要留有时间适应场地。同学们齐心协力, 拆车的拆车, 焊接的焊接, 编程的编程, 紧张的15分钟之后, 整车装备完毕, 开始调试, 最终我们获得冠军, 同学们欣喜若狂。这与同学们在日常实际训练时, 主动将所学课程知识融会贯通, 综合运用, 具备了一定的工程意识和工程实践能力分不开。
3.2 机器人活动培养学生团队协作的精神
团队协作精神是当今社会衡量大学生个人素质的重要因素, 作为一个机器人活动小组成员, 他们来自不同的年级、不同的专业, 各自的特长也不尽相同, 有的擅长硬件制作, 有的擅长软件编程, 在日常的训练比赛中, 难免会出现意见不统一, 方法不一致的情况, 这就更需要团队的相互协作、各司其职。有时我们也会发现, 出现问题之后, 队员间相互埋怨, 缺乏理解、沟通, 严重影响了机器人的创作进程。经过指导教师的劝解、调节, 促使他们走到相互协作的轨道上来, 让同学们意识到只有团队合作才能顺利完成设计、制作、训练、参赛的任务。
3.3 机器人活动培养学生全面发展的个人品质
机器人活动综合了多学科的知识, 在选题、策略分析、制作方案、设计加工、软硬件设计以及稳定性方面的工作量很大。同学们围绕核心主题各抒己见的时候, 促进了自己的语言表达能力的提高。
在前期验证、中期制作、后期调试等过程中, 促进了同学们思考问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力提高。
机器人调试时一个不断完善、追求完美的过程, 它与普通的课程设计不同, 需要实践的检验。所以同学们在运行调试过程中, 通过反复多次的检测、修改, 努力提高机器人的性能, 潜移默化地培养了同学们对待工作追求完美、精益求精的品质。
机器人活动作为一项实践性很强的活动, 对于学生的动手能力要求很高, 在制作调试的过程中, 一些纯手工的活儿给同学们带来了极大的挑战。不论男生女生, 熟练使用锯子、手电钻、烙铁、钳子等工具都是必须的, 这对大多数独生子女都是一个难得的生活体验。在此过程中, 加班加点也并不稀奇, 熬夜通宵更是家常便饭。调试累了, 趁给机器人充电的时候, 抓紧时间休息一会儿。在比赛过程中, 为了了解竞争对手的机器人, 同学们不停地观摩、拍摄、讨论, 甚至通宵改进策略。整个过程无形中培养了学生不畏艰难、吃苦耐劳的优秀品质。
4 基于机器人活动的学生创新能力培养方法实施
4.1 创建专门的机器人创新实验室
高校想要在科技竟赛中取得好成绩, 就必须注重人才梯队的培养。而依托开放性实验室不失为一种行之有效的方法[2]。目前, 由于学校学生人数较多, 大部分学校的实验室都在安排正常的实验教学, 有的甚至从早安排到晚, 无法满足学有余力的同学开展各类科技创新活动。为此, 学院专门为机器人活动创建了创新实验室, 该实验室不承担普通实验教学, 全天候为机器人团队成员开放。实验室既是创新型人才的培养及选拔的基地, 同时也为指导教师与学生之间的沟通提供了稳定的场所和条件。
我们将实验室划分为制作区、训练区和展示区。在制作区和训练区内, 同学们可以放开手脚、充分发挥自身和团队的聪明才智, 紧密围绕中心任务动手实践。展示区就是机器人创新团队的成长足迹, 我们将同学们自己设计研发的机器人作品和历年比赛的奖状、奖杯、照片等按照时间顺序进行摆放展示, 记录整个团队成长的点滴。我们还将实验室作为新生入学教育的阵地, 尽早在他们心中点燃科技创新的火种。
4.2 组建机器人实践创新团队
在组建机器人实践创新团队的时候, 我们实行“大手拉小手、左手拉右手”的管理模式, 也就是整个团队的梯队式培养。高年级的老队员在知识储备、动手能力、比赛经验等方面有一定的积累, 低年级的同学加入后, 由老队员对他们进行相关内容的培训和指导, 分享自己在机器人活动过程中所积累的丰富经验。即使今后老队员们面临着实习、就业、升学等问题, 也不会影响整个团队的继续发展。此外我们还根据每个队员的特长进行合理组队, 尽量做到每个队中都有一名有经验的高年级队员, 并担任组长, 带领小队员们进行理论学习、技术攻关、参加比赛。
4.3 充分给予学生发挥的空间
学生的创造力是无穷无尽的, 在机器人的设计制作或优化改进的过程中, 指导教师给予学生充分的信任, 放开手脚让同学们自行设计、改进。指导教师仅在方案制定、测试调试、策略运用上给予指导和帮助, 出现问题时鼓励学生坚持克服、树立自信, 鼓励学生永不放弃、重整方案。使学生在机器人活动中真正成为一名设计者、而不仅仅是一名操作者。
4.4 教师的指导要把握好
总的来说, 教师的指导原则是“到位不越位”, 做好学生的参谋, 审核设计的方案, 督促制作的过程, 协调团队的管理。教师应当常去创新实验室, 抓住重点环节, 给予具体建议。由于学生在实际工程设计经验等方面不足, 有的学生甚至还不会绘图。在这种情况下, 指导教师应把机器人关键零部件的制作和结构设计放在首位, 把好重点关, 使重点零部件和结构可靠、稳定、实用。指导教师还要和学生分享自己丰富的经验, 尽量争取时间, 少走弯路, 提高效率。此外, 指导教师还要深入研读比赛规则, 根据实际情况选择机器人的制作、策略等, 这个过程要给予足够的重视。
5 总结
机器人活动有效的激发了学生参与科技创新活动的热情, 有利于学生将理论与实践相结合, 促进学生实际分析问题、解决问题能力的提升, 是大学生创新能力、实践能力培养的很好的切入点, 为全面提升我校交通设备与控制工程专业创新人才培养的空间提供了很好载体和平台。
[1]张东泉, 等.以机器人大赛为载体构建大学生科技创新训练体系[J].创新与创业教育.2011, 2 (4) .
[2]汤兆平.依托实验室加强大学生科技竞赛人才的培养[J].华东交通大学学报, 2007 (24) .
[3]张云洲, 等.基于机器人竞赛的大学生创新素质培养与实践[J].电气电子教学学报, 2007, 2, 29 (1) .
3.土木工程专业英文求职信 篇三
Respect of unit the leadership:
Hello, thank you in spite of being very busy toglance reading my cover letter and resume!In this, I hope and confidence to accept your review.My name is , graduate in July in liaoning university of civil engineering construction professional.Recruiting people learned of yourpany, so I want to become a member of yourpany, for yourpanys business tomorrow.In the university four years of the study life, I study hard, positive enterprising, achieved good results and continuous awarded a scholarship from the university, smoothly through the national English four levels of tests, and in the six level of test made of 424 points record;And pass intermediate drafters qualification certificate, of mastering application of CAD skills and try to grasp the building professional software PKPM the drawing process.In the school each professional course design in a smooth finish tasks and measurement in practice and cognition practice and production practice gradually strengthened my professional skills and to bite the start of the confidence in the work.Make me more like building this line.“A beginning” is the za civil the efforts and achievements.Solid professional skills in the master at the same time, also fostered me calm confidence character and steadfast the rigorous work style, has strengthened my team work spirit and ability, to participate in thepetition of courage.The characteristics of The Times that I clear understanding to the needs of society topound talent, so, Im trying to learn this professional, and on the basis of the constantly expand their knowledge base.But at the same time I know four years time is short, of knowledge is limited, the university development is just a way of thinking and learning methods.So in the future I will learn, in the practice of continuous research, work experience, and constantly improve the ability to work.Career success requires knowledge, perseverance, sweat, and the perfectbination of opportunity.Also, apany of the honor of the need to carry his carrier--peoples selfless dedication.I would like you to give me a chance, let me become one of you, I will be tremendous enthusiasm and hard work in return for your autobiography, and very happy to cooperate with future colleagues, dedication to ourmon cause of all the sincere talent.Accept the pen, I solemnly make one small request: no matter whether you choose me, respect of leadership, I hope you can accept my sincere appreciation!
Wish yourpany prosperity!
4.土木工程专业英文求职信 篇四
Hello, thank you in spite of being very busy toglance reading my cover letter and resume! In this, I hope and confidence to accept your review.
My name , graduate in July in liaoning university of civil engineering construction professional. Recruiting people learned of yourpany, so I want to become a member of yourpany, for yourpanysbusiness tomorrow.
In the university four years of the study life, I study hard, positive enterprising, achieved good results and continuous awarded a scholarship from the university, smoothly through the national English four levels of tests, and in the six level of test made of 424 points record; And pass intermediate drafters qualification certificate, of mastering application of CAD skills and try to grasp the buildingprofessional software PKPM the drawing process. In the school each professional course design in a smooth finish tasks and measurement in practice and cognition practice and production practice gradually strengthened my professional skills and to bite the start of the confidence in the work. Make me more like building this line. “A beginning” is the za civil the efforts and achievements.
Solid professional skills in the master at the same time, also fostered me calm confidence character and steadfast the rigorous work style, has strengthened my team work spirit and ability, to participate in thepetition of courage. The characteristics of The Times that I clear understanding to the needs of society topound talent, so, Im trying to learn this professional, and on the basis of the constantly expand their knowledge base. But at the same time I know four years time is short, of knowledge is limited, the university development is just a way of thinking and learning methods. So in the future I will learn, in the practice of continuous research, work experience, and constantly improve the ability to work.
Career success requires knowledge, perseverance, sweat, and the perfectbination of opportunity. Also, apany of the honor of the need to carry his carrier--peoples selfless dedication. I would like you to give me a chance, let me become one of you, I will be tremendous enthusiasm and hard work in return for your autobiography, and very happy to cooperate with future colleagues, dedication to ourmon cause of all the sincere talent.
Accept the pen, I solemnly make one small request: no matter whether you choose me, respect of leadership, I hope you can accept my sincere appreciation!
Wish yourpany prosperity!
5.工程管理专业应届生英文求职信 篇五
Dear Sir/Madam:
Thank you for your busy schedule to read my letter, and sincerely hope you can get the support and endorsement. I am a session of the Huaihai Institute of Technology project management graduates, in-school period, I strictly abide by school rules and regulations, respect for teachers, united students, have a strong collective sense of honor; seriously hard to learn, excellent performance, access to hospital on several occasions scholarships; emphasis on integrating theory with practice, and actively participate in the practice, and internship activities. I come from rural families, foster the tradition of hard work from an early age, the spirit of perseverance.
Four years of university education, let me have the project management aspects of the theory of professional knowledge, the work of more than half a year so I have a wealth of practical experience, but also enhance their ability to adapt to the en vironment. Today#39;s professionals need for multi-level, prompted me to update, strengthen self: While studying at the school I passed the national examination in English and four grade 2 level, Jiangsu Province, computer examinations and computer-aided design (AutoCad), and motor vehicles to pass in driver#39;s license (C) according to, able to skillfully use Office (Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint), in addition to the cost of learning such as division 3000.
The success of the cause of the need for knowledge, perseverance, sweat, the perfect combination of opportunities, and similarly, the need for a company the honor of carrying her carrier - selfless people. Request that your company can give me a chance, let me become one of you, I will be very enthusiastic and hard working your return, and very happy to work with colleagues in the future for our common the cause of all the talents dedication.
6.控制工程专业学生英文求职信 篇六
大学英语教学大纲提出了对写作的要求, “能运用学到的语言知识按规定的题目和提示在半小时时间内写出100~120词的短文, 内容连贯, 无重大语法错误。”英语作文能够全面地考察学生的词汇、语法、遣词造句、组织段落篇章等应用英语的综合能力, 因而是考察学生能否真正的采用英语与外国人交流的标准之一, 然而, 对一部分学生来讲, 出现了写作能力迟迟得不到提高的现象。许多学生一下笔便漏洞百出, 有的寥寥数笔便草草结尾, 个别学生甚至完全不会写作文。笔者在多年的教学中找出学生写作中出现的错误, 并进行研究和总结。
2011年10月, 笔者对30名学生进行了一次作文测试, 要求学生在30分钟内独立完成一篇题目为My life in College的作文。结果共发现各类错误43处, 涉及到非语言表达错误、拼写错误、语法错误、母语迁移错误、连贯性错误等。现对出现的错误进行归纳总结。
1. 非语言表达错误。
非语言表达错误是指各种标点符号及字母大小写错误。标点符号常见的错误是学生乱用逗号, 对一些较长的句子随意使用逗号而不去构成结构严谨的长句子, 也有学生错误的采用冒号, 感叹号等。字母大小写主要体现英文标题上, 题目第一个字母不大写, 月份, 人名, 地名不大写。
2. 单词错误。
单词错误是指单词的拼写错误和相近词 (包括词义、词形相近) 的选取错误。常见的拼写错误为aboundant错误写成abundant, casual错误写成casaul等。相近词的选取错误主要体现在两方面。一方面是对单词含义的理解错误, 把work写成job, 把study写成research。另一方面是学生对词性的理解, 形容词和副词的混淆, 名词和形容词的混淆, 把good写成well, 把lucky写成luck等。
3. 语法错误。
学生作文中的语法错误形形色色, 一些最基本的语法错误出现频率最高, 以下是学生作文中出现的一些典型的语法错误。
(1) 动词形式误用。如:Say what you want to say. (saying)
(2) 第三人称单数的误用。如:If Jackhave time, he will join our team. (has)
(3) 平行结构不对应。如:Speaking loudly in public and laugh in an emergency situation are effective. (laughing)
(4) 人称和代词的混乱使用。如:If one works reasonably hard, you can 1earn to speak a foreign language in a few month. (one和you混合使用)
4. 母语迁移错误。
母语迁移错误是指学生在英文写作中受到汉语语法结构和表达方式的非学术型影响, 不同的学生有不同的表现形式, 是英语作文中最难纠正的错误之一。以下是几种常见的形式。
(1) I have a friend, he is an office person. (×)
I have a friend, he is an officer. (√)
对部分写作者而言, 他们掌握的词条内容只有单词形式上的信息, 使用外语词汇时须通过其母语对等词的词目才能与共享概念系统发生联系, 这便导致了学习者对母语对等词的依赖。
(2) They are hard to find a job in English countries. (×)
It is hard for them to find a job in English countries. (√)
按照中国人的思维方式, 先陈述要说明的事物, 然后对其加以评论。在汉语中, 主题和述题是构成句子的基本结构。英语中, 主语突出;主语和谓语是句子的主要成分。
(3) He said yesterday he will go to Nanjing. (×)
He said yesterday he would go to Nanjing. (√)
英语时间意义的表达是在动词的形式上表现出来, 而汉语是非形态语言, 没有时态、人称、语态的差别, 则要依靠表示时间的副词 (如“曾经”、“正在”、“已经”、“将要”等) 作状语或利用虚词“了”、“着”、“过”等作补语手段来体现, 动词形式没有任何变化。
这种句法表达上的差异是初学英语的中国学生在用英语表达时间意义时, 很容易受汉语句法习惯的影响而产生不正确的句子。
5. 连贯型错误。
Because he studied well, so he had a good job. (×)
Because he studied well, he had a good job. (√)
连贯型错误主要体现的连接句子的单词用法上, because, so, hence, since, as, for等表示原因或理由的连接词都是经常被学生错误使用的。
造成英文作文错误的原因有很多, 主要有以下三个方面的问题:英语基础知识薄弱、写作技巧的缺失和母语迁移的影响。
1. 英语基础知识薄弱。
英语基础知识薄弱主要表现在语法错误和单词和短语的缺乏及滥用。每个错误都不是独立的, 许多错误具有普遍性。一般情况下, 语法错误是由于省略, 过度概括和指代不明而引起的。省略错误是指在写作时, 经常忘记给名词和动词由于时态的变化而作适当的变化, 遗漏冠词、系动词、介词等等。过度概括是指对目标语的某些规则错误地推广使用。虽然学生已形成较完整的语言系统, 但因为对规则理解不够全面, 常常对所学语言规则做出过度概括, 忽略其特殊形式。词汇错误主要包括单词拼写错误和措辞错误。人们常把词汇比作是写作的基本建筑材料之一。没有比较丰富的词汇量, 写作时就必然会出现词不达意、不合表达习惯或表达不得体等情况。由于学生在写作中没有养成良好的措辞推敲习惯, 往往拿来就用。所以作文中用词不当的错误比比皆是。
2. 写作技巧的缺失。
写作技巧的缺失主要是由于写作者缺少足够的日常训练, 在文章的写作过程中体现的理屈词穷, 句子太长或太短, 句子间连接生硬, 部分单词用法有待商榷等现象。追其原因主要有以下几方面:部分学生的汉语作文水平有限, 对作文的整体缺乏一个前期结构规划, 边想边写, 缺乏宏观意识, 造成流水账式论文;部分学生在写作构成中长句和短句不协调, 前面都是长句后面都是短句, 或短句太多等现象;还有学生忽略了连接词的用法, 缺少对部分词汇的必要润色, 写出来的文章僵硬缺少美感;还有部分学生的词汇或短语在一篇文章中频率太高。
3. 母语迁移的影响。
写作从本质上讲是思维和认知活动的体现, 不同文化背景的人在思维方式及考虑问题的角度上差异则更大。母语思维对英语作文的负面影响, 很大一部分学生在英文写作时, 无法脱离中国人的思维表达方式, 采用了中国式英语进行表达, 这反映到学生的作文中可以发现, 大量的迁移错误存在, 汉语气息太浓。产生的原因主要是中国学生长期处在汉语的语言环境中, 习惯采用了中国式的思维方式, 一些表达也被写成了汉语式英语。还有个别人面对作文时首先写出汉语作文, 然后翻译成英文, 这样的文章中明显带有汉语气息, 时间久了习惯很难改正。
笔者通过对非英语专业大学生英语作文常见的错误和原因进行研究, 通过了解形式各样的错误和产生错误的原因, 可以让教师在今后的教学中有针对性地纠正错误。针对不同的错误教师在教学中应采取行之有效的措施加以纠正。第一, 对于来自母语干扰类的错误, 教师在平时教学中应尽量用英语进行授课, 让学生大量接触英语, 课后多读纯英文的报纸, 熟悉英文的交流方式和交流环境。教师在平时授课时要注意方法, 知识要循序渐进, 要讲究因材施教, 容易混淆的知识讲解要清楚或者尽量避免放在一起讲解, 讲解后要及时注意学生的反馈, 看他们是否已经真正掌握。第二, 对于涉及到基础方面的知识, 一定要有针对性的进行训练, 对常用词汇进行强化, 对常用短语进行深入剖析, 掌握常见用法。第三, 应推荐学生读一些比较好的原著、杂志、报纸, 这样学生既可以学到比较地道的表达方式, 又可以扩大学生的词汇量和知识面, 同时还锻炼了他们的写作能力。
[1].李圣平.大学生英语作文错误分析及其归因[J].南京晓庄学院学报, 2005 (11)
[2].张立坤, 鲍德媛.母语迁移对英语学习的影响及教学对策[J].河北农业大学学报 (农林教育版) , 2006 (6)
7.控制工程专业学生英文求职信 篇七
heartfelt thank you for your busy schedule to read my written this, to be your sincere guidance.my name is xxx, the 2008 session xx institute of polymer materials and engineering graduates.i have learned the professional name of polymer materials engineering,department of chemical engineering is part of not only the chemical aspects of learning, such as inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, chemical theory, chemical equipment, a series of disciplines, such as knowledge, further studies studied polymerization of polymer materials and their methods, the associated equipment, including chemical modification of polymer blend fibers, polymer physics, polymer chemistry, polymer synthesis technology, molding technology, chemical cad, forming polymeric materials process design, principles of polymer processing a series of disciplines, such as knowledge.in addition to the accumulation of expertise, but also reshaping the way others, including his own, excellent team-oriented thinking, and often physical exercise, in order to become a rounded all-round development of a new era of talent and effort.in addition, i love the cause of your organization are engaged, eager to look forward to
your leadership, for the glorious cause of building blocks;and practice of continuous learning and progress.a time when the pen collection, solemnly raised a small request: regardless of whether you choose me, and distinguished leadership, i hope you will accept my sincere thanks!
8.生物医学工程专业英文求职自荐信 篇八
It is an honor in your busy schedule to read my cover letter, thank you!I am a Department of Automation, graduating students will receive bachelors degree.University during the period laid a solid theoretical foundation for the professional, good organizational skills, teamwork spirit, pragmatic style of work.proficient professional knowledge of digital signal processing technology, analog / digital electronics, C programming language, automatic control, 80X86 principle, etc.;skilled such as the use of Windows 7/Xp operating system;skilled use of Office, Excel office automation software;learning photoshop, Flash such as mapping software.Outstanding accomplishment on the quality of thinking, thinking of progress, Benedict Shou-cheng, a letter, propriety and learning the principles of life.Social practice, a four-year university life, I have strict requirements, competency-based training, in particular the practice of manipulative ability are my strengths.Low job-seekers holding a book, read the mind of self-confidence sincere, and I look forward to your company to become one!
9.控制工程专业学生英文求职信 篇九
1. 语言基础薄弱,阅读理解能力低。
2. 阅读方法不正确。
3. 缺乏相关专业知识。
1. 长远意义———对于实现商务英语专业人才培养目标的
2. 直接意义———提高交际能力和应对各类英语证书考试。
语言交际能力是指运用所学语言与使用该语言的不同文化背景的人们顺利进行交流的能力。英语报刊内容丰富,从政治、经济到外交、科技等各方面的话题都有所涉及,而且知识更新快、实用性强、语言通俗,具有时代性。此外,英语报刊的内容和语言表达形式都是语言交际的鲜活材料,说英文报刊是培养学生英语交际能力的最佳学习材料一点也不为过,大量的语言信息和专业知识信息为交流或语言输出做了充分的准备。例如,只要经常关注《中国日报》及其网站,对于一些社会热点词汇的运用必定得心应手,也就是说只有了解《中国日报》上给出的诸如科学发展观(Outlook on Scientific Development)、可持续发展(Sustainable Development)、小康社会(Moderately Well-off Society)、三聚氰胺(Melamine)、次贷危机(Subprime Loan Crisis)等热门词汇的官方译法,在谈论相关热点话题时才会如鱼得水。
[1]端木义万.大学英语报刊阅读教程[M].上海世界图书出版社, 2005.8.
[2]王克俊.报刊英语语言特色研究[J].四川理工学院报 (社会科学版) , 22 (1) .
10.管理专业大学生英文求职信 篇十
Dear Sir/Madam: In the capacity of the former dean of “Kellogg Management School” of North- western University (NWU), I am writing with pleasure to recommend Mr. Caleb to your esteemed university. I got to know him personally when he was taking the course--Methodology of Management Research (or Methods of Management as stated in his transcripts), a course I taught, concerning basic research methods, especially quantitative approach to management research. Then he took one of my other courses--Advanced Strategic Management. Mr. Caleb showed great aptitude on both courses and he got 78 on both, which seem a bit lower, but if you take the difficulty of the test papers and my strict grading into account, you will understand why such scores are still among the top five. Undoubtedly, he got excellent scores on other courses and ranked among the top 5% of his class after the first year of graduate study. To my knowledge, Mr. Caleb is not only strong in academics, but also in sports and social activities. He was the captain of the soccer team of graduateschool of NWU and led the team to play in the soccer league of our university for two successive years. He was also one of the main founders of the first academic club--“Management Forum” of the “Kellogg Management School” of NWU. After I left NWU, he still keeps in touch with me from time to time and I am pleased to see that he proved his outstanding capability in both research and teaching position. Therefore I feel very delighted when he told me he would like to pursue his advanced studies in your honored program. I am confident that Mr. Caleb will contribute greatly to your program as well as he did in the NWU. Please don t hesitate to contact me if you need more information. Truly, yours
11.计算机专业学生的英文求职信 篇十一
Because of the courage to take risks, and the rich taste of the fruits of success;because the exploration risk, but also experienced the rocks of the
Shocks and miserable.However, all my training as a corporate officer must have the maturity and courage!
University life, I realized that the true meaning of life.After three years of unremitting efforts, it is my basic
Are all-round development of their own goal, which for my future development laid a solid foundation.Three years of mentoring in the strict lessons and personal efforts, I have a more solid foundation of professional knowledge
Knowledge, grasp of the telecommunications system of the theory;to proficiency in computer operating system win98, 2k, Xp
And commonly used software photoshop and OFFICE series of office software, network security, LAN set up, diskless
The formation of workstations.At the same time, after school hours, I covered a lot of extensive books, not only enriched the
Themselves, but also cultivate a wide range of skills of their own;more importantly, the rigorous style of study and learning correct
I shaped the attitudes and simple, stable and innovative character.I understand that in the traditional education system by the students, inevitably with a narrow and practical knowledge to
Inadequate shortcomings.Fortunately I mentioned earlier, where graduates from the previous understanding of this point and has been
In their efforts to make up for.University a few years I have been training in the overall capability of its own, especially the computer, I
Have been working hard to learn, although I have learned this is not professional.Note also continue to participate in the
Kinds of social practice, for example, engaged in home work, has to some extent to improve the capacity of their own practice
.I would like to have a certain extent, the ability to after work in the future there will be a great career
Help.In their daily work, I am positive and optimistic attitude to life.pursuit of “Sanming”(clever, clever,Open-minded), “four”(mature personality, good human nature, cultural depth, sophisticated human)noble realm
To intelligent, benevolent and courageous, refined strictly about wrecks N chair caning fresh Shun Di yi security abuse have been confusing啻⑾ Γ?
progress together.Interested in broad participation in various activities such as playing basketball, table tennis, so I became acquainted with the
Friends of different characteristics, but also temper the will of its own.I hope the noble self, but also the hope of improving life.Noble self-pleased with the others, a sound person
Health and enrich himself.I heard a mature way of thinking, but also eager to maturity season.Mature way of thinking can be seen
Life, maturity can see the world the season.To mature, I want the opportunity......Optional wooden birds and good habitat,Capacity for persons with disabilities friend, a co-operation opportunities, to me is a good start, for you are a prescribed
Unwise choice.My past, is the development of your company to prepare, and蕴积;my future, it is for your company
Struggle, and struggle, and dedication!
I wish the cause of success!
12.控制工程专业学生英文求职信 篇十二
1. 使用观念
通过对浙江师范大学英语专业学生的调查表明, 38%的英语专业学生认为英语释义对学习英语很重要, 31%的英语专业学生认为英语释义对学习英语重要, 19%的人认为不太重要, 12%的人认为不重要。在各年级组中, 大二、大三学生认为“重要”和“很重要”这两个选项的比例比较高。在访谈中发现, 大二、大三英语专业学生认为其重要的原因大多来自于准备专四考试时词义辨析题的解决需依靠英文释义, 中文释义通常解决不了问题。还有一部分认为其重要是因为教师在学习过程中多次提到词典英文释义的重要性, 因此耳濡目染觉得其重要。
2. 使用概况
第一, 对词典中英文释义的关注度。笔者在进行“对词典中英文释义的关注度”问卷调查时发现, 14%的学生从不看英文释义, 37.2%的学生老师要求时关注, 51.1%的学生偶尔关注, 只有10.4%的学生对英文释义十分关注。其原因主要是一些学生不习惯读英文释义, 还有一些学生为了图快或图省事而不愿读英文释义。
第二, 查阅英文释义的目的。通过查词典可以增加英语的阅读量, 而看懂英语释义的过程就是学习用英语方式思考、用英语理解的过程。在调查中, 笔者发现学生查阅英文释义的目的多数是为了准确了解词义、搭配和句型, 主要停留在语言知识上, 对语用和文化信息的关注度较低。
第三, 选择词典中的英文释义的方式。正确理解词义是准确运用词语的先决条件。结果显示, 有36.7%的人选择只看词条的一条, 16.8%的学生选择只看该词条相应此类的第一条, 38.2%的学生选择从相应此类第一条看起, 直到确定合适词条, 只有8.3%的同学选择通读所有词条, 然后再根据语境确定合适词条。由此可见, 大部分英语专业学生在查看英文释义时方法不当, 学习习惯有待改善。
第四, 找到目标单词正确英文释义的熟练度。英语中有许多同义词、近义词无论是日常使用还是各类考试中都常出现。英文释义能帮助学生辨别这些词, 但也考验学生正确找到英文释义的熟练度。在调查中, 大部分同学都表示在查找目标单词的正确英文释义时不熟练, 找出来的英文释义有时也不匹配, 这是缺乏正确查找英文释义的方法所导致的。
3. 现状总结
通过本次的调查研究, 得出的主要结论如下:英语专业的学生由于英语专业需求和教师的提倡, 已经有一部分同学意识到英文释义对于英语学习的重要性, 但低年级学生的重视度低于高年级, 对英文释义重要性的提倡还有待加强。大部分学生没有养成良好的查找英文释义的习惯, 关注度和熟练度不高, 在正确使用英文释义方面有一定的提升空间。因此, 笔者认为目前英语专业学生对词典中英文释义的使用现状不容乐观, 有一定的提升空间, 需要广大英语教师和英语专业学生共同努力来改善。
1. 教师
教师应提高自身词典知识与词典使用技能。笔者建议专业教师可通过参加词典学讲座、词典学研讨会和选修词典学相关课程或研究与词典学相关的期刊和书籍来提高自身的词典使用水平, 尤其在英文释义方面可以着重关注。
教师应帮助学生树立正确利用词典英文释义的观念。教师在新生开始大学英语学习前应强调查阅英文释义的重要性, 要求学生用英文释义对课文词汇做好充分预习, 课后布置一定的查阅作业从而达到培养学生正确的词典英文释义使用观和提高学习效果的双重目的。
教师应注重对学生词典英文释义查找使用技巧的指导并将其作为教学内容的一部分。教师可以在课堂活动中对词典的英文释义使用技巧进行说明, 要求学生对某些生词、短语、搭配进行实战限时查询, 反复训练校对, 提高学生英语综合运用水平和英语教学质量。
2. 学生
英语专业学生作为词典的重要使用者, 应树立正确的英语释义使用观念, 形成正确的使用技能。如学生可以通过多翻查词典英文释义来熟悉词典的宏微观结构和训练查阅的速度;通过现场或视频词典讲座或书籍去了解具有英文释义的词典使用技巧等。
本研究就英语专业学生对词典中英文释义的使用现状做了调查研究, 通过对比数据和研究了解到英语专业学生对英文释义有一定的重视度, 但还有提升空间, 使用现状也不容乐观。学生对使用指导的预期十分强烈, 说明在英语专业学习开始之初就培养学生的词典英文释义使用意识的必要性。教师对词典英文释义技能指导的必要性已经开始引起有关学者的关注, 但如何进行指导还没引起足够的重视。在此希望广大英语教师与专业人士对这些问题进行更多的研究, 共同促进提升英语专业学生对词典中英文释义的利用率, 提高英语专业学生人才培养质量, 推进英语专业教育改革。
摘要:本文以全国高校英语专业教学改革与发展为背景, 运用问卷调查及访谈等实地调查方法, 以浙江师范大学为例, 通过对英语专业学生对词典中英文释义的使用现状的调查, 了解其使用现状, 并对此进行分析, 指出存在的问题。在此基础上提出促进提升英文释义利用率的建议, 促进学生跨文化能力、自主学习能力的培养, 提高英语专业学生人才培养质量, 推进英语专业教育改革。
[1]陈玉珍.对高校英语专业学生使用学习词典情况的调查分析[J].辞书研究, 2007 (2) :120~130
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[5]陈敏、李守京.中国大学生词汇学习中的词典使用情况调查及启示[J].长春理工大学学报 (社会科学版) , 2009 (2)