


1.大学生数学竞赛魅力何在 篇一


Liping Ma, a former teacher and principal in China, has written extensively about the differences between how the United States and China teach math to elementary school students.After earning a doctorate in curriculum and teacher education from Stanford University, she worked as a senior scholar at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.In 1999, she published ―Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics,‖ an influential book that argues elementary school teachers need a better grounding in arithmetic and math in order to teach them effectively to their students.She currently works as an independent researcher.Dr.Ma spoke recently with Vikas Bajaj of The New York Times editorial board about her research and why Chinese and other Asian students score well above their American counterparts on international math tests.曾在中国任教师和校长的马立平就中美小学数学教育的差异撰写过大量文章。在斯坦福大学(Stanford University)获得课程和教师教育博士学位后,她作为资深学者在卡内基教育发展基金会(Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching)工作。1999年,她出版了《小学数学的掌握与教学》 一书,这本影响深远的著作提出,小学教师要想进行卓有成效的教学,自己需要在算术和数学方面打下更好的基础。目前是一名独立研究者的马博士近日与《纽约时报》评论版委员会的维卡斯·巴贾吉(Vikas Bajaj)谈了她的研究,以及为什么中国等亚洲国家的学生在国际数学测验中成绩要比美国同龄人好很多。Q.Your research compares how the United States and China teach elementary math.Can you briefly explain the biggest differences between the two countries?

问:你的研究对中美小学数学教育进行了比较。能否简要解释两个国家的最大差异在哪里? A.In my first work, published in 1999, I found that Chinese teachers who had much less education than our American teachers showed more profound understanding of the elementary math they were teaching.答:在我1999年出版的第一本书里,我发现中国教师虽然接受的教育远不如美国教师,但是对他们所教授的小学数学有着更深刻的理解。

I noticed that Chinese math education at the elementary level has a core subject structure.They focus on one subject;I called it school arithmetic.That ongoing core subject picks up other things [like fractions, geometry and simple equations].While in the States, we teach many, many things [like number operations, algebra, problem solving and geometry, taught independently of one another in a way that makes it hard for teachers and students to connect them].We lack this kind of core that goes through five, six years of elementary school.That‘s why, in my opinion, we in the States don‘t teach elementary math in an efficient way.我注意到中国的数学教育在小学这个层面具有一个核心科目架构。它专注于一个方面;我称之为学校算术。这个持续的核心会随着时间的推移加入其他东西,比如分数、几何和一次方程。而在美国,我们教很多、很多东西,比如数值运算、代数、解题和几何,这些都是分开来讲授的,这样教师和学生就很难把它们联系起来。我们缺乏那种在小学的五、六年时间里贯穿始终的核心。这就是为什么我认为我们在美国没能找到一种高效的小学数学教育方法。Q.One interesting observation in your work is that the two countries once used similar approaches to teach math.And that the United States changed how it teaches math, while the Chinese kept and built on that approach.问:在你的书中有一段有趣的观察,说两个国家曾经采取过类似的数学教育思维。美国改变了教数学的方式,而中国保持了这种方法,并且在此基础上有所发展。

A.The turning point in the States was in 1959, after Russia launched Sputnik.In the beginning, it was all about advanced math.But this new structure allowed people to make changes and allowed people to take stuff out and put stuff in [the math curriculum].What I criticize is the structure, that structure made the content unstable.Whenever the policy makers changed, the content changed.So, we were not able to accumulate teaching experience.答:美国的转折点发生在1959年,俄罗斯人造卫星升空后。一开始仅限于高等数学。但是这种新的课程体系允许人们对数学课程进行增加和删减。我批评的是这种体系,这种体系让内容变得不稳定。决策者一有变更,内容就变。这样一来,我们就无法积累教学经验。Q.How important are these differences in explaining why students in China and other East Asian countries tend to have higher scores on international math tests than American students?


A.There are many explanations.Students [in those countries] work hard, the parents have higher expectations.But I myself will say that content plays a big role.The subject was not developed by the Chinese, not even the Japanese.The core theory of school arithmetic was created by scholars, including American math scholars, in the second half of the 19th century.We created it, but we abandoned it.While on the other side, they [East Asian countries] just adopted it and improved the teaching approaches.答:有很多解释。那些国家的学生学习勤奋,父母寄托着更高的期待。但是我个人认为内容起到的作用相当大。科目不是中国人开发出来的,甚至都不是日本人开发的。学校算术的核心理论是19世纪下半叶的学者们创造的,包括美国数学学者。我们创造了它,但是我们把它抛弃了。而与此同时,东亚国家却采纳了它,并对教学手段进行了改良。

Q.There is a common perception in the United States that education systems in Asia rely heavily on rote memorization.How true is this perception?

问:在美国有一种常见的看法是,亚洲的教育系统很强调死记硬背。这种认知符合实情吗? A.Of course, rote memorization exists in Asia.But, I think, it‘s not only rote memorization.By those tests we can clearly see that they do not only memorize.It‘s overly simplistic to say they just memorize it, and it blocks our research and understanding of why they are doing well.答:亚洲当然是存在死记硬背的。但是我认为他们不仅仅是死记硬背。从那些考试我们可以清楚地看到,他们不是单纯在记忆。说他们只是在记忆是把问题过分简单化了,这样会妨碍我们去研究和理解为什么他们考得好。

Q.The other common perception is that Chinese and East Asian students are less happy and under greater stress to do well on exams.问:另一个常见看法是中国和东亚学生没那么快乐,承受着更大的应考压力。

A.Again, that is another issue I wish was not oversimplified.I am in my early 60s, when I was an elementary school student back in China, I felt I was very happy.Hard work doesn‘t make you unhappy, as long as you learn meaningful things.You will even feel good when you work hard.But currently in China, there is an over-emphasis on tests.That does make students unhappy.答:这又是一个我希望不要过分简单化的问题。我现在60出头了,我在中国的小学里读书时,是很开心的。勤奋学习不会让人不开心,只要你学到有意义的东西就行。勤奋学习甚至会让你感到愉悦。但是现在中国过分强调考试了。那的确会让学生不开心。

Q.In a recent article, you express concern that recent changes China has made in its math curriculum could weaken its approach and make it more like the United States.Can you explain what China has done and why you are concerned about it?

问:在最近的一篇文章里,你对中国近年的数学课程改革表示了担忧,认为会削弱它的教学思路,变得更像美国。能否讲解一下中国做了什么,为什么会有这个担心? A.Since 2000, they published a new Chinese standard.They kind of copied a lot of our concepts.Mainly, my concern is that they conceptually gave up their structure.They said we will not use arithmetic as the core subject, we will break it into several standards.That makes me feel that they will follow the structure that will weaken the content.However, Chinese schools and textbook publishers have so far kept the arithmetic structure.But they are not allowed to say that.It‘s a very weird situation.答:2000年以来,他们发布了一份新的教学规范。他们差不多是拷贝了一些我们的概念。我的担心主要是他们在观念上放弃了自己的体系。他们说我们不要再把算术作为核心科目了,我们要把它分成多个规范。这让我觉得他们会去追求一个弱化内容的体系。然而中国的学校和教科书出版社迄今为止还是保留了算术体系。只是他们不能说出来。这是个很古怪的状况。

Q.How much has changed in the United States in our approach toward elementary math since you first started studying it? 问:自从你开始研究以来,美国的小学数学教育发生了什么改变?

A.We have been trying in this country to teach less.We have noticed that we have taught too many things – our curriculum is one-mile wide and one-inch deep.We have tried to get focus.That is a big change in this country.However, we have not noticed that arithmetic is a core subject.In the States, now we want to teach algebra, algebraic thinking in elementary school.I personally think it might not work.答:在这个国家里,我们在努力少教点东西。我们注意到我们教的太多了——我们的课程是求全而不求精的。我们在努力集中注意力。这是这个国家的一个重大改变。然而我们还没有看到算术成为核心科目。在美国,我们现在想要在小学教代数和代数思考。我个人认为这样是行不通的。Q.Are you arguing that children shouldn’t be taught algebra or that it should not be taught in elementary schools? 问:你认为孩子们不应该学代数,或者不应该在小学的时候学?

A.I am concerned about algebra at the very beginning of elementary school, even kindergarten.We will not teach real algebra.We will call this algebra and we will say, ‗Oh, we are teaching algebra, we are teaching advanced things.‘ Actually, that will not lead to what we want.答:我对小学一开始、甚至幼儿园就学代数感到担忧。我们不会教真的代数。我们会称它为代数,然后说,‗噢,我们在教代数呢,我们在教高级东西。‘实际上那不会达到我们想要的效果。

There is a misunderstanding of arithmetic in this country.Many people think arithmetic equals computational skills, and that‘s it.Arithmetic has a theoretical core and there is intellectual depth to it.That arithmetic can serve as a good foundation for students to learn algebra or other advanced math.这个国家对算术存在误解。很多人认为算术等于计算能力,仅此而已。算术是一个理论核心,它是有智力纵深的。这样的算术可以为学生学习代数或其他高阶数学打下很好的基础。

2.大学生数学竞赛魅力何在 篇二


古人云:“其身正, 不令而行;其身不正, 虽令不从。”这句话充分肯定了教师言传身教的重要性。教师的言传身教, 潜移默化地影响着学生。教师的言行, 应该是精雕细刻的, 经得起研磨推敲的;教师的形象, 必须是近乎完美的, 或者说追求完美的。榜样的力量是无穷的。凡是要求学生做到的, 教师必须做到。如:教室里, 我只要看到地板上有纸屑, 我准会默默无闻地将其捡拾, 学生就会观其动从其行, 逐渐养成自觉保持卫生的良好习惯, 树立热爱班集体的意识;楼道上, 我从不会因为自己是老师而让学生给自己让道, 却总是保持“礼让三分”的态度, 慢慢地在学生的心目中, 也树立了先别人后自己的道德观;运动场上, 我不但为自己班级因获胜而高兴, 而且也为别的班级获胜而喝彩。渐渐地孩子们学会了欣赏别人, 懂得“为别人而喝彩”。事实证明, 教师的言传身教和表率作用, 能收到良好的教育效果, 这也正是教师自身的人格魅力所感染的结果。


《教师职业道德规范》要求我们教师:“关心爱护全体学生, 尊重学生人格。”我们作为新型的教师, 就要从传统的师道尊严中摆脱出来, 学会宽容, 学会尊重, 学会关爱, 成为学生成长的伙伴, 成为学生成长的引导者和激励者。如:犯了错误的学生, 我总会耐心教育他们认识错误, 帮其改正错误, 告诉他们“任何改正都是进步”, 绝不会严厉训斥;班级中的学困生, 我总是细心地寻找其闪光点, 帮助他们找回自信, 告诉他们“自信是一个人成功的关键”, 绝不会放弃他们;对于我班的全体学生而言, 我会对其人人关爱, 关爱他们的生活, 关爱他们的学习, 更多的是关爱他们的心灵, 时刻告诫自己“爱学生没有理由”, 绝不会厌烦他们。一年来, 曾被大家视为班风“斜”、学风“差”的班集体逐渐变得班风“正”了, 学风“浓”了。因为自己乐为人师, 所以在孩子们的心灵中才栽下一棵尊重的幼苗, 用爱心去浇灌, 必将伴随其生命的成长竖起人格的参天大树。“万紫千红随风去, 冰心一片载玉壶”, 这也正是一个成功教师独特的魅力之所在。


江泽民主席说过:“当今时代, 是要求人们必须终身学习的时代。学习一切反映当代世界发展的新知识, 学习做好工作所必需的一切知识, 知识挑战的严峻程度有目共睹, 每门学科都是学无止境。专业知识更新周期越来越短, 旧知识淘汰很快, 我们随时面临知识危机。”教师作为知识的传播者, 更应该与时俱进, 不断接受新思想、新理念的熏陶, 这样才能满足学生日益增长的知识需求。因此, 我们除了在教育理念上需要改变外, 教学观念也要更新, 同时, 教学手段也需要熟练掌握。尤其从远程教育在我校实施以来, 现代教学设施的应用要求我们教师必须掌握新时代的专业科学技术。为此, 我们学校每周定时组织教师一起学习;业余时间, 大家自学, 并与同行不断交流、共同提高。课堂上, 我们学校的教师教学方法灵活、多样;教学手段新颖、有效。尤其是年轻教师通过充分应用多媒体课件、网络等方式加大课程的信息量, 通过更加形象化的方式帮助学生更好地掌握理论知识。学生立刻变得爱学, 乐学, 把学习当做一种享受。无形中, 教师的专业技术魅力无时不在吸引着学生。

以上教育实践告诉我们:今天, 要想做一个成功的教师, 首先要做一个具有人格魅力、专业知识魅力、专业技术魅力的人。让我们努力培养自身的素质, 用自己健全的、独特的魅力来影响和教育我们的学生吧!坚信光荣属于具有魅力的人民教师。

摘要:教师的言传身教和表率作用, 在实际教学中能收到良好的效果, 这是教师人格魅力感染的结果。关爱每位学生是教育成功的关键, 努力提高自身素质是教师师德魅力的前提和保障。教育工作者只有具备了综合魅力才能出色地完成党和人民交给的任务。
