1.上游企业感谢信 篇一
作 者:朱谷生 Zhu Gusheng 作者单位:曲靖师范学院,经济与政治法律系,云南,曲靖,655011刊 名:曲靖师范学院学报英文刊名:JOURNAL OF QUJING NORMAL UNIVERSITY年,卷(期):25(2)分类号:F279.726.4关键词:珠江上游 骨干企业 循环经济 资源利用 生态保护
2.上游企业感谢信 篇二
所谓“上游成本会计”, 是指在价值链管理环境下, 以保持和赢得竞争优势为目标, 在保证顾客满意的条件下, 通过特定的定性及定量的成本方法, 选择良好的供应商合作伙伴, 从成本角度维系和管理供应商关系, 以优化企业进货成本结构、降低进货成本的成本会计。可见, 根据价值链管理思想, 基于价值链管理的上游成本会计主要是针对企业价值链上游, 即企业外部供应商进行成本管理, 其主要工作内容即为针对企业价值链上游的供应商进行成本管理, 包括根据成本信息选择、评价良好的供应商合作伙伴、供应商关系管理, 以及在价值链起始的设计阶段对供应商的成本管理等内容。
在价值链管理环境下, 企业首要任务之一就是要选择良好的供应商合作伙伴, 这也是上游成本会计所需从事的重要工作之一, 即利用成本管理方法, 建立一套科学合理的供应商选择评价模型, 并用于实践工作。上游成本会计应该能够从成本的视角对供应商进行选择评价。综合考察现有的成本方法, 笔者认为, 作业成本法能够在供应商选择评价中发挥重要作用, 上游成本会计可以运用作业成本方法, 建立价值链管理环境下基于作业成本法的供应商选择评价模型。
作业成本法将成本管理从以“产品”为中心转移到以“作业”为中心, 成本对象不再局限于单一的“产品”层次, 而是可以根据不同的管理目的定义不同类型和不同层次的成本对象。其意义不仅在于成本计算的精确性的层面, 而且己经深入到了企业作业链—价值链重构, 乃至企业组织结构设计的问题。因此, 利用作业成本法不仅能够计算出与特定供应商相关的作业成本以进行供应商的选择评价, 而且能够在作业成本法的基础上对这些作业进行优化, 最终起到优化价值链的作用。运用作业成本法进行供应商选择评价的基本公式如下:
其中:Si表示由供应商i所引起的每单位购进货物所包含的战略性供应商成本;CSSi表示由供应商i所引起的整个计划合作期内的战略性供应商成本;Pi表示供应商i提供物资的单位净价;Q表示采购企业在整个计划合作期内将要购买的货物数量;C j表示采购企业成本动因J的成本动因率;Dij表示由供应商i引起的采购企业成本动因J的估计数量。
对作业进行适当的划分, 一是便于企业识别作业及其成本动因, 提高计算的准确性;二是有利于企业找出不必要、不增值或低效率的作业, 进行作业的优化设计。其次, 有人可能要问:公式中为什么要用Q去“除”CSSi呢?就供应商选择决策本身来说, “除”与“不除”并没有实质性的区别。但是, 这却涉及到一个成本管理理念的问题。一般来说, C S S在整个合作期间并不是均匀发生的, 往往初期比较大、中后期比较小, 因为随着企业与供应商“相处”时间的延长, 相互信任程度会加深、协作的效率也会提高。但是从逻辑上讲, 后期购进的物资应该要“帮助”前期购进的物资分担一部分成本, 因为前期交易为后期交易打下了基础。而且, “除”了以后还有其现实意义:便于企业计算出每单位的产成品中包含了多少CSS (单位产成品中包含的, 这样不仅有利于企业实施产品成本控制, 而且有利于企业进行产品定价决策。因为前期购进物资“高”成本可能会导致前期生产的产成品具有“高”成本的假象 (企业也有可能因此将产成品的价格定得偏高) , 而到后期发现产品成本“降低”了, 很可能误以为这是企业“努力”的结果, 从而掩盖了成本控制的真实效果。
根据企业的发展战略、长期销售预测及产品的物料清单等文件, 确定购进的关键物资、预测计划合作期内的购进数量;收集该关键物资的市场情报, 确定各备选的供应商 (这些备选的供应商应该具备长期合作的意愿, 其产品结构、技术等条件应该符合企业的基本要求, 否则计算其战略性供应商成本是没有任何意义的) ;确定各供应商提供的单位净价;从企业的A B C综合数据库中提取数据, 识别和划分出与供应商相关的作业;通过作业和成本动因分析查看作业是否需要优化, 如有需要则对相关的作业进行优化设计, 优化完毕, 将作业优化的结果返回到ABC综合数据库中更新相关的数据, 并确定每一作业 (经优化的) 的成本动因率和各供应商引起的成本动因数量;运用公式计算出S;以S为标准并结合其他方面的考虑选出供应商, 并确定供应商关系。理论上, 如果各备选供应商在其他方面的情况差不多或不能确定时, 应选择S最小的供应商作为供应链合作伙伴。
在选择了良好的供应商合作伙伴之后, 上游成本会计要展开各项工作, 加强与供应商之间的沟通, 科学地管理供应商成本, 优化采购成本。上游成本会计需要与供应商一起寻找提高企业与供应商之间“互赢”的途径和方法。价值链上游成本会计应该与供应商共同寻找提高相互交流效率的途径。提高相互交流效率的一个重要方面就是降低不确定性, 例如, 通过提高信息共享和缩短周期来降低不确定性。通过对供应商的管理, 企业可使得供应商能够通过改变自身行为来降低采购成本, 从而提高供应商与企业相互交流的效率。例如, 如果企业采用适时生产制度 (Just In Time) 方式, 供应商延迟交货的代价就十分高昂。在对采购成本进行分析的基础上, 企业可以向供应商展示由交货能力低所导致的高成本。然后, 供应商可以启动一个项目专门提高及时交货的能力。企业可以通过将自己在价值链管理过程中所掌握的经验传授给供应商, 从而在这一过程中对供应商起到协助作用。
[1]黄大春刘秋生:价值链管理环境下基于作业成本法的供应商选择评价模型.财会周刊, 2005年第8期
3.中药企业:往上游去 篇三
进入2010年以来,华南地区最大的单体中药制造生产企业白云山和黄中药动作频频。先是在3月投资5亿元,在云南建立白云山复方丹参片三七原料万亩GAP(Good Agricultural Practices,生产质量管理规范)基地,紧接着于4月23日宣布将在大庆打造5万亩板蓝根GAP基地,通过“科技+农户+企业”的运作模式,鼓励扩大种植规模。预计该基地建成后,年产量可达1万吨,使其成为国内最大的板蓝根生产企业。同时,国内首家中药抗病毒研究中心也在当天正式成立,以流感、禽流感、手足口病、乙型肝炎、艾滋病等全球性病毒性传染病为研究课题,运用现代技术研发具有显著药效的现代化中药。
4.企业感谢信 篇四
5.企业感谢信 篇五
此次新加坡企业奖学金项目的成绩,有我们不懈的努力,但自始至终,终究离不开学校的鼎力相助:有陈力校长等学校领导的高度重视,也有各位老师的辛勤付出。试想如果没有国兴中学的滋养,能够有我们今天的成长与进步吗?正如在面试时提到的一样:GuoXing Middle School,is no doubt my second life。我们所取得的成绩与收获,离不开国兴中学老师们一点一滴的耕耘。正是有了学校莫大的帮助,才成了我们力压群雄的壮志,才有了我们勇攀高峰后胜利的呐喊。
6.企业感谢信 篇六
7.上游企业感谢信 篇七
An understanding of the interactions between upstream and downstream energy markets has become more and more important to the energy industry,as discussed in many recent studies on topics such as fuel inventory and supply[1], fuel purchase strategies[2],even many regulation policies have been made[3]. The root of these issues is the contradictions between pricing strategies of fuel producers and production strategies of electricity producers. Therefore, understanding the factors like incentives, interactions and strategies are very important to policy makers,the government,fuel and electricity companies,and the others whose interests are highly related with these two energy markets.
These factors depend on interactions in the equilibrium of the electricity market,and are receiving more attentions. Ref.[4] proved the existence of market equilibrium considering the interaction between a fuel dispatcher and generators.Similarly, Refs.[5-6]considered the existence of multiple equilibria.Refs.[7-8]proposed models to show how fuel price affects the production cost of electricity as an exogenous variable.
The descriptions of the impacts of interactions on the market equilibrium are complicated. Therefore, the possibility of using related indices is studied to simplify the description of interactions.Indices are often used to simplify the study and discussion,like consumer product index and industrial production index.The method is also used to simplify the study of impacts on the market equilibrium. Ref.[9]resorted to a set of proper quantitative indices to assess the impacts of demand elasticity on the oligopolistic market.However,the impacts of interactions between fuel and electricity markets on the market equilibrium are not studied thoroughly.
This paper studies the equilibrium between fuel and electricity markets with a new index,called the market incentive index(MI index).A mathematical model vertically linking a monopolistic fuel market and an oligopolistic electricity market is formulated to describe the market we are interested in.The new index provides an intuitionistic view on the impact of interactions on the market equilibrium.In addition,it also provides a method to assess the market incentive on development strategies of electricity producers,which refer to the strategies on the generation capacity.
1 Model and Definition
This section presents a simplified game theoretic model with a monopolistic fuel market and an oligopolistic electricity market,as well as several definitions.The model is simple for representing strategic interactions (game) between the two markets without losing the generality of our conclusions from the qualitative aspect.
1.1 Model Description
Since the fuel cost is a dominant factor that alters strategies of electricity producers when the fuel price changes,we only consider the fuel cost.The cost function for each electricity producer is:
where Fe(Qi)is the cost function of electricity producer i; Pfuelthe fuel price;Qithe output of electricity producer i; and Hithe heat rate of electricity producer i,if the producer i is a fuel-independent producer,like renewable producer, its heat rate is zero.
The object of the monopolistic fuel producer is to maximize its profit by choosing the optimal fuel price as:
whereπfuel(Pfuel)is the profit function of the fuel producer; Sfuel the total fuel supply;Dfuel (Qi )the fuel demand function of electricity producer i;ffuel the marginal fuel production cost;and I the set of electricity producers.
The inverse demand curve of the downstream electricity market takes a simple linear form as:
where Deis the total electrical demand;andθ andρ are coefficients.
The goal of each electricity producer is to maximize its profit assuming that its rivals keep their outputs constant. Thus,their behaviors can be summarized as:
where Ciis the capacity constraint on electricity producer i.
The above behavior model implies that electricity producer i knows the quantities produced by the electricity producer j ≠i, the fuel producer knows all the electricity quantities,and each electricity producer knows the fuel price.
1.2 Definition
Several definitions are presented to assist the analysis in this study.
1)The first best choice is the best choice for an electricity producer decided in the situation ignoring its capacity limit.
2)Objective fuel price(OP)is the optimal fuel price in the fuel market set by the fuel producer responding to the overall fuel demand of fuel-dependent electricity producers.
3)Subjective fuel price(SP)is the expected fuel price for an electricity producer whose first best choice just equals to its capacity.If the capacity is zero,the SP is called the threshold fuel price(TP),which represents the lowest fuel price to make the electricity producer willing to access the market.
4)Capacity change rate (CCR)is the normalized optimal capacity change level of the electricity producer.This can measure the incentive on electricity producers to change its capacity in the market equilibrium.
5)High efficiency generation technology is a kind of generation technology with a low heat rate.In the model setting of this paper,the level of producing efficiency refers to its relevant heat rate compared with other electricity producers. We consider the rest of electricity producers except electricity producer j as the hypothetical electricity producers(expressed as j-1).If Hj<0.5 Hj -1 ,the electricity producer j applies the high efficiency generation technology.
6)Low efficiency generation technology is a kind of generation technology with a high heat rate.Opposite to the high efficiency generation technology,if Hj>0.5 Hj -1 ,the electricity producer j applies the low efficiency generation technology.
7)MI index is the normalized difference between OP and SP where the benchmark is the difference between SP and TP.The difference between OP and SP is also called the price gap for short in this paper.The definition of the MI index is described as:
whereηiis the MI index for electricity producer i;PfO uelthe objective fuel price;PiS (Ci)the subjective fuel price for electricity producer i when its capacity is Ci;and PiS (0)its threshold fuel price.
2 Market Equilibrium
The market equilibrium with three lemmas are studies, and interaction relationships between the two markets are explained.Particularly,the last lemma can explain how the MI index represents the incentive on development strategies of electricity producers in the market equilibrium.These lemmas are bases of the further study on the market equilibrium in section 4.
In order to simplify our study, we treat the other producers except producer j as the hypothetical producers (expressed as j-1).Since electricity producers always withhold their capacities in an oligopoly market,we assume that the hypothetical producer j-1 has adequate capacity to produce electricity.
2.1 Relationships Between Fuel Prices and the Generation Capacity
We only consider the situation that the capacity of producer j is binding.This is because when its capacity is not binding,changes at the capacity level cannot affect the market equilibrium. Lemma 1 shows the relationships between fuel prices and the generation capacity in the binding situation.
Lemma 1:In the proposed market framework,when producer j is binding,the relationships between fuel prices and the generation capacity depend on the technology applied.
1)If producer j uses the high efficiency generation technology,its subjective fuel price is monotonously increased with its capacity level,while the objective fuel price is monotonously decreased with its capacity level.
2)If producer j uses the low efficiency generation technology,its subjective fuel price is monotonously decreased with its capacity level,while the objective fuel price is monotonously increased with its capacity level.
For example,the relationships in the model setting of this paper can be described as:
Note that,when the electricity producer j uses the high efficiency generation technology (Hj<0.5 Hj-1 ),a1is positive and a3is negative;while,when it applies the low efficiency generation technology (Hj>0.5 Hj-1 ),a1is negative and a3 is positive. The detailed deduction is presented in Appendix A.
2.2 Relationship Between the Price Gap and the Optimal Development Strategy
If the capacity level is too low or too high compared with its first best choice,electricity producer j will suffer profit loss. Once this happens, the electricity producer is motivated to adjust its capacity to reach a new optimal level so that its capacity equals to its first best choice.Lemma 2 shows the relationship between the price gap and the optimal change of generation capacity.
Lemma 2:In the proposed market framework,the relationship between the price gap and the optimal change of generation capacity depends on the technology applied.
1)If producer j uses the high efficiency generation technology,the price gap positively and monotonously reflects its optimal adjustment at the capacity level in both situations,that is,the capacity of producer j is binding and not binding.
2)If producer j uses the low efficiency generation technology,the price gap negatively and monotonously reflects its optimal adjustment at the capacity level in both situations,that is,the capacity of producer j is binding and not binding.
For example,the relationship in the model setting of this paper is:
whereΔCj* is the optimal adjustment at the capacity level for producer j;a1and(a1-a3)can be proved as negative.
Note that,negative capacity adjustment does not mean that the electricity producer should cut its capacity in reality. It indicates that its capacity is overcapitalized.Therefore, the electricity producer should withhold its production in spite of suffering investment loss. The deduction of Lemma 2is presented in Appendix B.
2.3 Relationship Between the MI Index and CCR
The incentive on electricity producers is studied by analyzing the relationship between the MI index and CCR, which is shown in Lemma 3.
Lemma 3:In the proposed market framework,the MI index positively and monotonously indicates the optimal CCR of the electricity producer j in both situations,that is,its capacity is binding and not binding.
For example,the relationship in the model setting of this paper is:
whereηjis the MI index of electricity producer j;ΔCj* /Cj the CCR;it is obvious that(1-a3/a1)is positive no matter what technology producer j applied.The detailed deduction is presented in Appendix C.
Since CCR is a relevant variable that reflects the degree of the incentive on a electricity producer to change its capacity in the market equilibrium,this lemma shows that the MI index can be used to explain the incentive on electricity producers.For example,when the MI index is positive,a larger CCR means that the incentive in the market equilibrium of allowing the electricity producer to expand its capacity is stronger.
3 Illustrative Examples
Results of numerical examples are provided to further explain the lemmas.
3.1 Market Structure
There are three hypothetical electricity producers using different generation technologies in the electricity market. Producer A is a fuel-independent electricity producer operating renewable generators;producer B is a fuel-dependent electricity producer operating old generators with the highest heat rate;producer C is also a fuel-dependent electricity producer but operating new generators with a lower heat rate than producer B.As producer A is the fuel-independent electricity producer whose heat rate is zero,it can satisfy the condition of the high efficiency generation technology;while,as producer C has the highest heat rate,it can satisfy the condition of the low efficiency generation technology.The technologies applied by electricity producers A and C cover all technologies, therefore,we only present simulation results of electricity producers A and C. An exhaustion method is used to simulate the game between the upstream fuel market and the downstream electricity market,and simulation data are presented in Appendix D.
3.2 Simulation Results
The simulation results shown in Fig.1 illustrate the relationships between capacity levels of electricity producers and fuel prices.Fig.1(a)shows that the objective fuel price is monotonously decreased with the capacity level of producer A applying the high efficiency generation technology,while its subjective fuel price is monotonously increased with its capacity level,which is the idea of the first point of Lemma 1;Fig.1(b)shows that the objective fuel price is monotonously increased with the capacity level of producer C applying the low efficiency generation technology,while its subjective fuel price is monotonously decreased with its capacity level,which is the idea of the second point of Lemma 1.
The simulation results shown in Fig.2 illustrate the relationships between the optimal adjustments at capacity levels and in the price gaps for electricity producers. Fig.2(a)and (b)show that the price gaps are all monotonously increased with the optimal adjustment at the capacity level of producer A applying the high efficiency generation technology in both situations,that is,its capacity is binding and not binding,which is the idea of the first point of Lemma 2.Fig.2(c)and (d)show that the price gap is monotonously decreased with the optimal adjustment at the capacity level of producer C applying the low efficiency generation technology in both situations,that is,its capacity is binding and not binding,which is the idea of the second point of Lemma 2.
The simulation results shown in Fig.3 illustrate the relationship between CCR and the MI index.As Lemma 3 satisfies a producer with any type of technology,we take producer C as an example to show this relationship. Fig.3(a)and(b)show that the MI index is monotonously increased with CCR in both situations,that is,the capacity of producer C is binding and not binding,which is the idea of Lemma 3.
4 Market Equilibrium Based on the MI Index
Features of the market equilibrium are studied and classified by the sign of the MI index.
Analysis 1:In the market with our framework,the market equilibrium with a positive MI index has the following common features.
1)There is an incentive on electricity producer j to expand its capacity level for producing more electricity and the degree of the incentive is increased with the MI index.
2)The optimal output of electricity producer j is not its first best choice and it is physically limited in the market equilibrium.
3)The incentive on electricity producer j can affect the market equilibrium.
Analysis 2:In the market with our framework,the market equilibrium with a zero MI index has the following common features.
1)There is no incentive on electricity producer j to change its capacity level.It strategically withholds its production at its capacity level.
2)The optimal output of electricity producer j is its first best choice and it is at the constrained edge in the market equilibrium.
3)There is no incentive on electricity producer j to change the market equilibrium.
Analysis 3:In the market with our framework,the market equilibrium with a negative MI index has the following common features.
1)There is an incentive on electricity producer j to shrink its capacity because its capacity is overcapitalized. The degree of the incentive is increased with the absolute value of the MI index.
2)The optimal output of electricity producer j is its first best choice but it is lower than its capacity level in the market equilibrium.
3)The incentive on electricity producer j cannot affect the market equilibrium.
The above analyses can be easily explained by the lemmas. We provide an explanation of Analysis 1as an example. With a similar method,other analyses can be explained.
When the MI index is positive,according to Lemma 3, there is an incentive on the electricity producer to expand its capacity,which is the idea of the first point of Analysis 1.If ignoring its capacity,the electricity producer should choose a larger output,so its optimal output is lower than its first best choice,which is the idea of the second point of Analysis 1.When the electricity producer changes its capacity,it will result in a new fuel price according to Lemma 1.In other words,the market equilibrium will move to a new statue, which is the idea of the third point of Analysis 1.
The above analyses summarize market equilibriums with the MI index.Analysis results show that the market features in the equilibrium can be summarized and represented with simple indices like the MI index.Besides,it also provides a method to compare the market incentives on development strategies of electricity producers.
5 Conclusions
This paper introduces a new index,called the MI index as well as an index-based method for studying the equilibrium between fuel and electricity markets.In order to derive out the MI index,we study the market equilibrium,in which the interaction relationships between the two markets are explained analytically with three lemmas and demonstrated with numerical examples.The findings for the three lemmas are explained in the following.
1)In a binding situation, fuel prices have fixed relationships with the generation capacity,which is highly dependent on the generation technology. For a given electricity producer with a fixed generation technology,SP and OP have opposite relationships with respect to the generation capacity.
2)The optimal development strategies of electricity producers can be understood by the price gap,i.e.,the sign of the price gap reflects the direction of capacity adjustment and its absolute value reflects the amount of capacity,thus the electricity producer should change. However,such relationships also rely on the technology that the electricity producer applied.
3)The MI index has a strong relationship with CCR,and such relationships truly reflect the incentives less sensitive to the generation technology.
Based on the three lemmas,we further study the market equilibrium with the MI index.The results show that the MI index not only can describe the incentives on market participants in the equilibrium,but also can reveal more features of the market equilibrium.
Furthermore,the above analyses suggest that even for the very complicated interactions between fuel producers and electricity producers, some insights on the market equilibrium can be easily developed and summarized by simple indices like MI index in this paper.Besides,although the complicated interactions have complicated impact on the market equilibriums,the degree of the impact can be intuitively explained by indices.