


1.英语四级作文万能套用 篇一



































2.高中英语万能写作高分技巧 篇二

【关键词】 高中英语 写作障碍 教学策略

【中图分类号】 G633.41 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1674-4772(2013)11-001-01



1. 开头万能公式一:名人名言。有人问了,“我没有记住名言,怎么办?尤其是英语名言?”,很好办:编!

原理:我们看到的东西很多都是创造出来的,包括我们欣赏的文章也是,所以尽管编,但是一定要听起来很有道理!经典句型:A proberb says, “ You are only young once.” (适用于已记住的名言)It goes without saying that we cannot be young forever. (适用于自编名言)更多经典句型:As everyone knows, No one can deny that…

2. 开头万能公式二:数字统计。

原理:要想更有说服力,就应该用实际的数字来说明。原则上在议论文当中十不应该出现虚假数字的,可是在考试的时候哪管那三七二十一,但编无妨,只要我有东西写就万事大吉了。所以不妨试用下面的句型:According to a recent survey, about 78.9% of the college students wanted to further their study after their graduation.看起来这个数字文邹邹的,其实都是编造出来的,下面随便几个题目我们都可以这样编造:Honesty:根据最近的一项统计调查显示,大学生向老师请假的理由当中78%都是假的。Travel by Bike:根据最近的一项统计调查显示,85%的人在近距离旅行的时候首选的交通工具是自行车。Youth:根据最近的一项统计调查显示,在某个大学,学生的课余时间的70%都是在休闲娱乐。更多句型:A recent statistics shows that …


1. 结尾万能公式一:如此结论。说完了,毕竟要归纳一番,相信各位都有这样的经历,领导长篇大论,到最后终于冒出个“总而言之”之类的话,我们马上停止开小差,等待领导说结束语。也就是说,开头很好,也必然要有一个精彩的结尾,让读者眼前一亮,这样,你就可以拿高分了!

比如下面的例子:Obviously, we can draw the conclusion that good manners arise from politeness and respect for others.如果读者很难“显而见之”,但说无妨,就当读者的眼光太浅罢了!更多过渡短语:to sum up, in conclusion, in brief, on account of this, thus.更多句型:Thus, it can be concluded that…, Therefore, we can find that…

3.英语高考作文套用 篇三


Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make.


All the teachers and students are required to attend it.

Please take your notebooks and make notes.

Please listen carefully and we’ll have a discussion in groups.

Please come on time and don’t be late.


Please come and join in it.

Everybody is welcome to attend it.

I hope you’ll have a nice time here.

4.英语高考作文套用开头 篇四


















5.高考英语作文高分套用 篇五


第1段: some people hold the opinion that a is superior to b in many ways. others, however, argue that b is much better. personally, i would prefer a because i think a has more advantages.


第2段:there are many reasons why i prefer a. the main reason is that ... another reason is that...(赞同a的原因)

第3段: of course, b also has advantages to some extent... (列出1~2个b的优势)


6.英语四级作文万能套用 篇六


人物介绍文常出现下列套用语言:…is my/our…. He is healthy/in good health. He can get on/along well with others. He is strict with us but he is also strict in his work. He likes to…in his free/spare time. He is kind as well as honest. He is always ready to help others. He is deeply loved and respected. He is often elected as a model worker. Such is…, a…and…worker.


单位介绍文中常出现Our…is a beautiful/a famous/an excellent…. Our…is a beautiful…with a long history. The size of our…is…/Our…has a size of…/Our…covers…. The population of our…is…/Our…has a population of…. Our…lies in/on…. Our…is situated/located in/on…. You can see trees and flowers everywhere in our…/Trees and flowers can be seen everywhere in our…. Our…is rich/high in…. You’re welcome to visit our….等套用语言。


求职信常使用I learned from the newspaper that your company wants to hire a/an…and I want to apply for this position very much. Now I’d like to introduce myself to you. I was born in…on…. I’m…years old this year. I graduated from…. I’m good at…and I can speak…freely. If you agree with me, please phone me or send me an e-mail. My address is…and my telephone number is…. I look forward to your early reply./Waiting for your early reply.等套用语言。


交友信常用语言有:I’m glad/I’m honoured/It is an honour to have a chance to be your pen friend. I learned about you from the International Friendship Club. I hope we will be good friends forever. I expect to hear from you soon./Waiting for your early reply.


写英文日记时常使用Today I visited a/an…或It is…today. With the sun setting down, we had to say goodbye to…. I feel very glad because I have learned a lot from the visit./I feel very glad because this activity benefits us very much. I decide/make up my mind to do more good deeds in the future.等套用语言。


便条常使用下列套用语言:Just now I came to your home but you happened to be out, so I have to leave a note to you. There will be a/an…in…on…. You had better attend it on time. Don’t forget the time and address. That’s all, thank you.


通知常用语言有:There will be a/an…on how to…. It will be given by…, a professor from…. You’re welcome to attend it. Don’t forget the time and address and get there in time. I wish you to have a pleasant time. That’s all, thank you.等。


路径介绍文常使用下列套用语言:Here’s how you can get there. Walk along…for…minutes, and you can see/will come to…. Turn right/left at the…crossing. At the street corner, you will see a/an…. I’m sure you’ll have no difficulty in getting there. You can’t miss it. I wish you to have a pleasant journey.等。


写比较式议论文时常使用Recently, we have held a heated discussion on whether…can…, about which different people/students have different opinions. Some…think that…. Besides, …can…. What’s more, …can also…. However, other people/students don’t think so. They hold the view that…. What’s worse,…can’t…/…will do harm to…. In my opinion/In the opinion of me/In the eyes of me, …can…but they can’t…/must….等套用语言。


比较式说明文套用语言常见的有:As we all know, both…and…have their advantages and disadvantages. As is known to all, …and…both have their strengths and weaknesses. …has advantages over…. …belongs to…while…is…. It is (not) convenient for people to…. Their…differs from/is different from each other. Clearly,…and…really have their strengths and weaknesses./Obviously, …and…really have their advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is free for you to choose either of them.等。


灾难报道文套用语言有:This morning, I witnessed a/an…on my way to…. It happened at/was…o’clock on the morning/afternoon/evening/night of…. Suddenly a/an…came out at a high speed. Though…acted quickly, it was too late. …was/were hit by…. …died at once and…were seriously/badly hurt. There are several reasons for this traffic accident. …is to blame for this traffic accident. It was raining/snowing heavily. The bad weather and the slipper road made it hard for the driver to bring the…to a full stop. The strong wind made the situation worse. The driver drank too much. You can’t be too careful while crossing the street.等。


游记常见套用语言有:Today I visited/paid a visit to…. I saw many royal/ancient/modern buildings. I was lost in…. …has a long history. Quite a few dynasties made…its capital. I couldn’t help being struck by the beauty of…. I look forward to visiting…once again. The development and decline of our country and the change of our history strengthened my feeling of duty. I take pride in the beautiful scenery, brilliant culture and long history of our country. I think every one of us has duty to make our country more beautiful and powerful.等。


调查报告套用语言常见的有:Recently I have made a survey among…about…. In this survey, …were interviewed. The interview results are as follows. …and…were equal in number. Both…and…like to…. The number of…is almost the same as the number of…. …like…most while…like…most. Up to…like…but only…like…. The chart shows…. There are several reasons for it./A few factors lead to it. …is caused by…. We should guide…to…properly. We should take measures to improve it. It shows great changes have taken place in our…. Our…has taken on a new look. These prove that people’s living conditions have been greatly raised.等。


问题反映文常使用I’m writing to you to introduce something about…. There are a few reasons for it. …has great effect on…. …influences…greatly. Many people haven’t realized the importance of…. I hope our government can take measures/steps/action to prevent…from…./I think measures/steps/action should be taken to….等套用语言。


7.英语高考作文套用书信开头 篇七

You have asked me for my advice with regard to________________, and I will try to make some conducive suggestions here.

In my opinion, you would be wise to take the following actions: ________________(建议的内容).

I hope you will find these proposals useful, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details.

Good luck with your________________(祝愿).

Yours Sincerely,

8.高中英语作文套用句型 篇八

Listening to music enables us to feel relaxed.听音乐可以让我们感觉放松。

Doing exercise keeps us healthy. 做运动让我们保持健康。



练:Besides,________________(随身携带一些小型运动器械) can help you do exercisewhenever you are free.


(did/do/does+动词原形; It is/was +强调部分+that+句子剩余部分)

It was Eric that/who found a beautiful vase in the cave.

Eric did find a beautiful vase in the cave.




Beijing, the capital of China, has a great many places of interest.


I have just received the message that a serious earthquake struck a county of Taiwan yesterday.

同位语从句的基本结构是:抽象名词+ that + 抽象名词的内容(从句)+主句剩余部分。



______________(被这些孩子所感动), I decided to donate(捐)all my money to them.

______________(看到爸爸那么努力的工作), I could not help bursting into tears.



Oddly enough, my most precious memory lies in the days when I was ill in hospital.



___________(显然), one of the best ways to keep healthy is to do sports.

___________(最终), every child will leave home to lead his own life as a fully independent adult.


9.英语四级作文万能套用 篇九


1)There are three reasons for this.

2)The reasons for this are as follows.

3)The reason for this is obvious.

4)The reason for this is not far to seek.

5)The reason for this is that...

6)We have good reason to believe that...


There are three reasons for the changes that have taken place in our life.Firstly,people’s living standard has been greatly improved.Secondly,most people are well paid,and they can afford what they need or like.Last but not least,more and more people prefer to enjoy modern life.

注:如考生写第一个句子没有把握,可将其改写成两个句子。如:Great changes have taken place in our life. There are three reasons for this.这样写可以避免套用中的表达失误。


1)It has the following advantages.

2)It does us a lot of good.

3)It benefits us quite a lot.

4)It is beneficial to us.

5)It is of great benefit to us.


Books are like friends.They can help us know the world better,and they can open our minds and widen our horizons.Therefore,reading extensively is of great benefit to us.


1)It has more disadvantages than advantages.

2)It does us much harm.

3)It is harmful to us.


However,everything divides into two.Television can also be harmful to us.It can do harm to our health and make us lazy if we spend too much time watching television.


1)It is important(necessary,difficult,convenient,possible)for sb.to do sth.

2)We think it necessary to do sth.

3)It plays an important role in our life.


Computers are now being used everywhere,whether in the government,in schools or in business.Soon,computers will be found in every home,too.We have good reason to say that computers are playing an increasingly important role in our life and we have stepped into the Computer Age.


1)We should take some effective measures.

2)We should try our best to overcome(conquer)the difficulties.

3)We should do our utmost in doing sth.

4)We should solve the problems that we are confronted(faced)with.


The housing problem that we are confronted with is becoming more and more serious.Therefore,we must take some effective measures to solve it.


1)Some changes have taken place in the past five years.

2)A great change will certainly be produced in the world’s communications.

3)The computer has brought about many changes in education.


Some changes have taken place in people’s diet in the past five years.The major reasons for these changes are not far to seek.Nowadays,more and more people are switching from grain to meat for protein,and from fruit and vegetable to milk for vitamins.


1)We cannot ignore the fact that...

2)No one can deny the fact that...

3)There is no denying the fact that...

4)This is a phenomenon that many people are interested in.

5)However,that’s not the case.


We cannot ignore the fact that industrialization brings with it the problems of pollution.To solve these problems,we can start by educating the public about the hazards of pollution.The government on its part should also design stricter laws to promote a cleaner environment.


1)Compared with A,B...

2)I prefer to read rather than watch TV.

3)There is a striking contrast between them.


Compared with cars,bicycles have several advantages besides being affordable.Firstly,they do not consume natural resources of petroleum.Secondly,they do not cause the pollution problem.Last but not least,they contribute to people’s health by giving them due physical exercise.


1)It has increased(decreased)from...to...

2)The population in this city has now increased(decreased)to 800,000.

3)The output of July in this factory increased by 15% compared with that of January.


With the improvement of the living standard,the proportion of people’s income spent on food has decreased while that spent on education has increased.


10.四级英语作文万能 篇十


第一段As we all know ,there is no denying the fact that 题目 and meanwhile it is quite controversial among people.第二段Actually, 题目 is of critical significance to an individual and society ,which we should greatly pay attention to.Specifically speaking what I want to emphasize here is that 题目 is(are)important which is beneficial(disadvantageous)to social atmosphere.Even more important, another aspect of this issue is that 题目 is of critical significant for our life.第三段In summary ,we had batter take into account not only the benefit but also the problem aroused.Moreover it is because of 题目 that promotes urban image and quality of residents.

11.英语四级作文万能句 篇十一



There are different opinions among people as to ____.Some people suggest that ____.2.俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。

There is an old saying______.It"s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today.3.现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是……。

Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life.First, ____ Second,____.What makes things worse is that______.4.现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。

Nowadays,it is common to ______.Many people like ______ because ______.Besides,______.5.任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages.6.至于我(对我来说,就我而言),我认为……更合理。只有这样,我们才能……For my part, I think it reasonable to_____.Only in this way can you _____.7.对我来说,我认为有必要……。原因如下:第一,……; 第二,……;最后……但同样重要的是……

In my opinion, I think it necessary to____.The reasons are as follows.First _____.Second ______.Last but not least,______.8.在总体上很难说……是好还是坏,因为它在很大程度上取决于……的形势。然而,就我个人而言,我发现……。

It is difficult to say whether _____is good or not in general as it depends very much on the situation of______.However, from a personal point of view find______.9.综上所述,我们可以清楚地得出结论……

From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that____.10.如果我们不采取有效的方法,就可能控制不了这种趋势,就会出现一些意想不到的不良后果,所以,我们应该做的是……

12.高考套用英语作文句型 篇十二

Be getting on well with one’s study某人的学习越来越好

take several courses at school在学校学若干门课程

have English (Chinese, Physics…) every (other )day work hard at…

put one’s heart into…专心于;致力于

be interested in…

be fond of

like chemistry best

be good at…; be poor at…; do well in…; be weak in…

make progress in…; fail in…’ be tired of…’

pass the examination; give sb. a passing grade;

major in history主修历史

He has the best record in school.他的成绩最棒。

get a doctor’s degree获得博士学位

be more interesting to sb.

learn about; succeed in…; be active in class (work);

take an active part in…; learn… by heart;

work out a (maths) problem; improve oneself in…;

get 90 marks for (English); get an“A” in the exam;

have a good command of…

lay a good foundation in (language study)


get on well with sb; like to be with students;

be gentle with us; be kind to sb;

be a strict teacher; be strict with one’s pupils;

be strict in work

We think of him (her) as…; help sb with sth;

praise sb for sth…; blame sb for sth..

give advice on…; question sb on…

be satisfied with…

correct the students’ homework carefully and prepare for the next day; give sb a lot of work;

try to teach sb good study habits; make one’s lessons lively and interesting; teach sb. sth.;

teach sb to do sth.

devote all one’s time to work;

admire (sb.for) his devotion to the cause of education



spend one’s time in many different ways;

enjoy doing things by oneself; go swimming;

go for an outing; have an outing at (the seashore);

see the sights of Beijing; play the piano (violin);

play chess (basketball); have a swim;

have dances on weekends; have a picnic over the weekend;

go to the cinema; have a party; hold a sports meeting;


do some reading; help sb do sth; enjoy a family trip;

get everything ready for;

ride one’s bike with sb.to(the park);

There are a lot of activities at (the beach).

We enjoy a change from our busy life in the city.

She would like to bring sth. to the picnic.

It was a very relaxing Sunday.

There are good programmes on TV on weekends.


take a message for sb; send a message to sb;

hear from sb; talk about/of sth; tell sb to do sth;

get information about…;

express one’s idea (feelings) in English用英语表达一个人的思想(感情);

Write sb a letter saying…给某人写信说..., apologize to sb for…

thank you for…; make a speech t at the meeting;

explain sth to s; look upon sb as…; think sb to be…;

take sb’s side


would like to do; allow sb to do;

keep sb from doing (prevent sb. from doing);

call on sb to do; be afraid to do (be afraid of…);

fee like doing; insist on doing; drive sb. off;

speak highly of sb; speak ill of sb; think highly of sb;

force sb to do; offer to do; refuse to do; agree to do;

regret doing;

prefer to do A rather than do B; had better do;
