


1.工程测量第二版第一章 篇一

Unit 3, Book One

Section A: College life in the Internet age 1.Teaching Objectives: To talk about digital education To further understand the text To apply the phrases and patterns To master the paragraph writing skill 2.Time Allotment: Section A(3 periods): 1st---2nd period: Pre-reading activities(theme-related questions for warming up;)While-reading activities(cultural notes;useful words and expressions;

difficult sentences)rd3period: While-reading activities(text structure;main ideas)Post-reading activities(comprehension questions;exercises)4th periods: Practice of the reading skill(reading for the key idea in a sentence);T checks on Ss’ home reading by asking questions based on the passage.T explains some difficult sentences Section B(1period):

3.Teaching Procedures: Pre-reading Activities Step 1.Greetings Greet the whole class warmly.Step 2.Lead-in and preparation for reading Look at 3 pictures and answer the questions based on these pictures.1.What are the advantages and disadvantages of each way of teaching and learning? 2.Which way do you prefer? Give your reasons.3.Do you think the Internet is indispensable in teaching and learning nowadays? Why or why not? Step 3.Fast reading Ask the Students to read the passage as quickly as they can and then answer the questions on the screen.Let them get the main idea of each paragraph and make clear about the text structure.Text structure:(structured writing)The passage can be divided into 4 parts.Part1(para.1)Introduction Part 2(para.2-6)How the transformation influences student’s campus life Part 3(Para.7-11)How the transformation influences college Part 4(Para.12)Conclusion Purpose: Improve the students’ reading and writing ability and understand the general idea of each paragraph.Method: Read the text individually and talk in groups;Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach and total physical response method.Step 4.Preparation for details of the text on the screen Students are required to look at the Words and Phrases on the screen and give a brief presentation in class.Words and Phrases:

Purpose: Train the Students’ ability of understanding and using foreign language.Method: Talk in groups, Use task-based language teaching method, communicative approach and total physical response method.1.(Para.2)access享用权;享用机会

Access to up-to-date information is essential to our research.利用最新信息对我们的研究至关重要。

2.(Para.2)instant-message: v.exchange written messages over the Internet with people what you know 发送即时消息

She doesn’t like instant-messaging.When she has something to say, she will make a phone call.他不喜欢发即时消息。有话要说时,她就打电话。

3.(Para.3)accessible: a.easy to obtain or use 易得到的;易使用的

He has made some attempts to make opera accessible to a wider public.他做了一些尝试,想让歌剧能有更多的受众。

4.(Para.5)add to sth.: make a feeling or quality stronger and more noticeable 增加;增添

Her rejection of our request has added to the uncertainty of the situation.她拒绝了我们的要求,这使得形势更加不确定。

5.(Para.6)indispensable: a.difficult or impossible to exist or do sth.without 不可缺少的;必不可少的

Good dictionaries are indispensable in English learning.对英语学习来说,好词典是必不可少的。

6.(Para.6)visit with sb.: talk socially with sb.叙谈;闲谈 He is so busy that he hardly has time to visit with his friends.他忙得几乎没时间和朋友聊天。7.(Para.7)take the lead树立榜样,带头

The chairman always takes the lead in everything and is deeply trusted by the masses.主席做事总是一马当先,深受广大群众信任。8.(Para.7)account for解释,说明,引起

Many countries are trying to find out what accounts for the disappearance of MH370 airplane.很多国家都在尽力弄清楚MH370失踪的原因。

9.(Para.7)bank balance: n.[C] the amount of money sb.has in their bank account 账户余额;银行存款余额

I check my bank balance about once a month.我大约每个月查一下我的账户余额。10.(Para.8)inferior差的,次的

It is stupid to think that women are inferior in intelligence to men.认为女性的智力低于男性的想法是愚蠢的。11.(Para.9)focus on(把„„)集中(于)

Millions of people focus their attention on commodities which are good in quality and low in price.优质价廉的商品令万众瞩目。

12.(Para.9)wired: a.connected to, and able to use the Internet(指计算机系统)联网的,连线的

Many colleges now have high-tech libraries and wired dormitories.许多大学现在都有高科技图书馆和联网的宿舍。

13.(Para.9)keep up with.①跟上;保持同步;②和(朋友)保持联系 Young people now have more and more means to keep up with their friends.现在的年轻人可以通过更多的方式和朋友们保持联系。14.(Para.10)stand out①出色;②显眼;突出

Her long, blonde hair and bright pink dress made her stand out in the crowd.她那长长的金发和鲜亮的粉色裙子使她在人群中显得很突出。15.replace with用„„替换, 以„„接替

Many people believe that it will be a matter of time before they completely replace cash with credit cards.很多人相信信用卡替代现金只是个时间问题。

16.(Para.12)in large part: mostly, or in most places 多半;在很大程度上;大多数地方 The state is becoming stronger, thanks in large part to the emergency measures taken to guard against economic collapse.这个国家正在变得日益强大,这主要归功于采取了预防经济崩溃的紧急措施。Step 5: While-reading Activities Language Points: 1.In her dorm, she instant-messages her roommate sitting just a few feet away.(Para.2)Meaning: In her dorm room, she even sends instant messages to her roommate, who is sitting only a few feet away from her.2.“ I always feel like I have a means of communication-in class and out of class,” says engineering major.(Para.4)Meaning: “I always have the feeling that I have a way to communicate with others, whether in class or out of class,” says a student majoring in engineering.3.“It’s adding to students’ sense of excitement about the subject.”(Para.5)Meaning: “It makes students feel more excited about the subject.”

4.Professors have been encouraged to tape their lectures and post them online.(Para.5)Meaning: Professors have been encouraged to record their lectures and put them online.5.More than just toys, thes instruments are powerful tools for the storage and management of virtually every kind of information.(Para.6)Meaning: These instruments are not just toys.They are powerful tools to store and deal with almost any kind of information.6.In the past few years, schools have taken the lead by turning their campuses into bubbles of Wi-Fi networks.(Para.7)Meaning: In the past few years, school have been the first to transform their campuses into places connected with Wi-Fi networks.7.Other colleges are straining to stand out from their peers(Para.10)

Meaning: Other colleges are trying very hard to do better than their fellow colleges.8.For those who prefer to travel laptop-free, colleges supply several computer labs.(Para.11)Meaning: For those students who do not like to take a laptop with them, colleges provide several computer labs for them.9.The anywhere-anytime access has already yielded amazing benefits in education.(Para.12)Meaning: The fact that the Internet is available anywhere and anytime on campus has produced surprising benefits in education.Step 6: Typical patterns: Purpose: Further understand the text(Train further reading ability)to find out some difficult sentences and details of the text.Method: Read the text together;Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach, grammar-translation approach and total physical response method.Typical patterns:

1.The college campus, long a place of scholarship and frontiers of new technology, is being transformed into a new age of electronics by a fleet of laptops, smartphones and connectivity 24 hours a day.大学校园长久以来都是学术之地,也是新技术的前沿。现在随着手提电脑和智能手机的大量出现,加上每天24小时不间断的网络连接,大学校园正在转而进入电子设备的新时代。sth., long a … of …, is being transformed into …, and …用于形容“某物的变化”。

应用: 太空长久以来都是一个充满神秘色彩的地域,现在随着尖端技术和先进材料的大量出现,加上专业的宇航员,太空已经正在转为人类探索活动的战场。

The space, long a place of mystery, is being transformed into a battlefield of human exploration by a fleet of top technology, advanced material and professional astronauts.2.In fact, a recent study in the US found that information technology accounted for 5% to 8% of college budgets, up from an estimated 2% to 3% in the mid-1980s.事实上,美国最近的一项研究发现,信息技术的投入占高校预算的5%-8%,比20世纪80年代中期约2%-3%的投入有所增加。

A recent study/ research/ experiment found/ discovered/ indicated that … 用于表达“某些研究、实验等所发现的结果”。


A recent research discovered that interacting with animals in an active way may lower a person’s blood pressure.3.With the widespread application of laptops and computer science, we are going to produce a generation of problem-solvers and intelligent thinkers, which is indispensable for the future of the world.随着计算机技术的广泛应用,我们将培养出善于解决问题和善于思考的一代人,这对于世界的未来是至关重要的。

With the widespread application of …/With the fast/rapid development of …用于表达“某事或某物的发展或应用”。

应用: 随着互联网的迅猛发展和广泛应用,网络信息安全问题变得越来越严峻。With the rapid development and widespread application of Internet, the seriousness of Internet information security is on the rise.Step7.Consolidation Retell the passage according to the topic sentences.Purpose: To know if the students understand the whole text.At the same time, To show the text structure on the screen, so that they can retell it easily.Method: Read the text structure together;Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach and total physical response method.Step 8.Discussion 1.Do you think the university should provide Internet access anywhere and anytime on campus? Why or why not? 2.Some people predict that in the future students will learn only at home by attending online courses.How do you like this idea? 3.What would life be like without the Internet or smartphones? Step 9.Assignments Review the key points of Section A;Finish the exercises after class;Finish online homework;Preview Section B.Writing Topic: Popularity of e-booksor Peer pressure in college

2.工程测量第二版第一章 篇二

一、将下列外贸术语英文名称和中文名称用线连接起来 1.Sole Distribution


2.Exclusive Agent

3.独家代理 3.Invitation to Tender

6.招标 4.Auction

4.拍卖 5.Barter Trade

1.易货交易 6.Compensation Trade

5.补偿贸易 7.Consignment

8.寄售 8.Fair and sales



2.√ 3.× 4.× 5.× 6.× 7.√ 8.×



三、单项选择题(在下列每小题中,选择一个最适合的答案)1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. A 8.B

四、多项选择题(下列各小题中正确答案不少于两个,请准确选出全部正确答案)1.ACD 2.ABD 3.AD 4.BCD 5.ACD 6.BC 7. ABC


3.Auction:拍卖,是由专营拍卖业务的拍卖行接受货主的委托,在一定的地点和时间按照一定的章程和规则,以公开叫价竞购的方法,最后由拍卖行把货物卖给出价最高的买主的一种现货交易方式 2.

1.Exclusive Agent:独家代理,是在指定地区和期限内单独代表委托人从事代理协议中规定的有关业务的代理人

4.Invitation to Tender:招标,是指买方发出招标同志,说明拟采购的商品名称、规格、数量及其他条件,邀请卖方在规定的时间、地点按照一定的程序进行投标的行为

5.Barter Trade:易货贸易,以货换货的贸易方式,不用货币支付。


1.包销和独家代理的区别 答:包销是经销人以自己的名义买进商品,自行销售,自负盈亏:而独家代理是单纯做为供应商的在特定地区的代理,销售商品,从中得到佣金:所以包销实际上是买卖合同,而独家代理则是代理合同。








1.我某公司与国外一公司订有包销秋季羊绒衫的包销协议,期限为一年。年末将近,因竞争者多,包销商“包而未销”,并要求退货,索赔广告宣传费用。问:包销商提出此类要求是否合理?为什么? 答:不合理.因为包销的一个特点就是,经销人以自己的名义买进商品,自行销售,自负盈亏。

2..美国A公司与中国B公司签订了一份独家代理协议,指定B公司为A公司在中国的独家代理。不久,A公司推出指定产品的改进产品,并指定中国C公司作该改进产品的独家代理。A公司有无这种权利? 答:A公司没有权利这样做.因为B公司是指定产品的独家代理,也就是说在同个地区只可以有一个代理,指定产品的改进品严格来说和指定产品是同种商品,所以A公司没有权利那么做。


3.高等数学教案Word版第一章1 篇三

1.1 映射与函数

Ⅱ 教学目的与要求:



3.了解函数的基本性质;知道判定诸性质的思路 4.掌握将复合函数由外及里分解为简单函数的方法 Ⅲ 教学重点与难点

重点:理解集合、邻域的概念 难点:函数的性质 Ⅳ 讲授内容


1. 集合概念



介绍子集、真子集、空集、集合的相等,等概念 2.集合的运算

集合的基本运算有以下几种:并、交、差、直积 介绍全集(基本集)与余集(补集)的概念 3.区间和邻域




注:映射是指两个集合之间的一种对应关系。判断两集合之间的对应关系是否构成一个映射,关键是抓住两个要点:第一,对于第一个集合中的每一个元素,按照规则能否在另一个集合中找到一个与之对应的元素;第二,对于第一个集合中的每一个元素,第二个集合与之对应的元素是不是唯一的 2.逆映射

定义:设fX到Y的单射,则由定义,对每个yRf,有唯一的xX,适合f(x)y。于是,我们可定义一个从Rf到X的新映射g,即x,这x满足f(x)y。这个映g:RfX,对每个yRf,规定g(y)射g称为f的逆映射,记作f2. 复合映射:

定义:设有两个映射g:XY1,f:Y2Z,其中Y1Y2,则由映射g和f可以定出一个从X到Z的对应法则,它将每个xX映成fg(x)Z。显然,这个对应法则确定了一个从X到Z的映射,这个映射称为映射g和f构成的复合映射,记作fg,即fg:XZ,(fg)(x),xX fg(x)三.函数


定义:设数集DR,则称映射f:DR为定义在D上的函数,通常简记为 yf(x),xD,其中x称为自变量,y称为因变量,D称为定义域,记作Df,即DfD

函数定义中,对每个xD,按对应法则f,总有唯一确定的值y与之对应,这个值称为函数f在x出的函数值,记作f(x),即yf(x)。因变量y与自变量x之间的这种依赖关系,通常称为函数关系。函数值yf(x)的全体所构成的集合称为函数 f的值域,记作Rf或f(D),即 Rff(D)yyf(x),xD




(1)f(x)=lnx2 g(x)=2lnx(2)f(x)=1 g(x)=sin2x+cos2x(3)f(x)=|x| g(u)=u2


解:(2)中的f(x)与g(x)相同,(3)中的f(x)与g(x)相同 例.求下列函数的定义域

(1)f(x)x134x1 2x5x6x(2)f(x)log2log4log7

(3)f(x)1x21 x解:(1)Dfxx2且x3


(3)Dfxx0且x2 2.函数的几种特性


定义:教材P12P13 例:判断f(x)lnx21x的奇偶性

1x1x2解:f(x)ln((x)21xln f(x)为奇函数(4)数的周期性







对严格单调函数有以下结论 严格单调函数必存在反函数(6)复合函数有关的问题大致可分为两类:一是判断若干个函数能否构成复合函数;二是将一个复合函数分解为若干个简单函数



 fg,即(fg)(x)fg(x)3.函数的运算

4.初等函数 定义:由常数和基本初等函数经过有限次的四则运算和有限次的函数复合步骤所构成并可用一个式子表示的函数,称为初等函数 5.双曲函数与反双曲函数



提问:是否yf(u),ug(x)一定能复合成y为x的函数? Ⅴ 课外作业

4.机械工程制图教程第一章第二讲 篇四

第二讲几何作图、平面图形的画法、徒手画图的方法(一) 几何作图机件的形状多种多样,在作图时经常会遇到线段连接、作正多边形、圆弧连接、曲线连接以及斜度与锥度等几何作图问题,






图1—25 正六边形的作图a:用圆规等分作图b:利用丁字尺和三角板作图(2)正五边形





图1—26 正五边形的画法2.圆弧连接







图1—27 斜度的标注(2)锥度


图1—28 锥度的标注及其作图方法4.椭圆的画法


图1—29 同心圆法画椭圆(2)用四心圆法画椭圆的作图步骤见图1—30。图1—30 用四心圆法画椭圆(二)平面图形的画法平面图形一般由若干线段组成,相邻线段彼此连接、线段之间的相对位置和连接关系,主要依靠尺寸来确定。要正确绘制一个平面图形,必须对平面图形中的的线段和尺寸进行分析,弄清图形的组成,了解线段的性质,然后才能掌握正确的作图方法和步骤。平面图形的尺寸分析平面图形中的尺寸,按作用可分为两类:




图1—31 手柄的平面图形(2)定位尺寸
























先粗后细:先描深全部粗实线、再描深细实线、细第一章 制图的基本知识第二讲几何作图、平面图形的画法、徒手画图的方法(一) 几何作图机件的形状多种多样,在作图时经常会遇到线段连接、作正多边形、圆弧连接、曲线连接以及斜度与锥度等几何作图问题。因此应当掌握常见几何作图的作图原理、作图技能和作图方法。1.正多边形的画法




图1—25 正六边形的作图a:用圆规等分作图b:利用丁字尺和三角板作图(2)正五边形





图1—26 正五边形的画法2.圆弧连接







图1—27 斜度的标注(2)锥度


图1—28 锥度的标注及其作图方法4.椭圆的画法


图1—29 同心圆法画椭圆(2)用四心圆法画椭圆的作图步骤见图1—30。图1—30 用四心圆法画椭圆(二)平面图形的画法平面图形一般由若干线段组成,相邻线段彼此连接、线段之间的相对位置和连接关系,主要依靠尺寸来确定。要正确绘制一个平面图形,必须对平面图形中的的线段和尺寸进行分析,弄清图形的组成,了解线段的性质,然后才能掌握正确的作图方法和步骤。平面图形的尺寸分析平面图形中的尺寸,按作用可分为两类:




图1—31 手柄的平面图形(2)定位尺寸
























先粗后细:先描深全部粗实线、再描深细实线、细点划线、细实线等。 先曲后直:先描深圆弧和圆,再描深直线,以保持连接圆滑。 先水平后垂斜:先用丁字尺自上而下画出所有的水平线;再用三角板由左至右画出所有的垂直线;最后画出倾斜的直线。




图1—32 挂轮架平面图形挂轮架线段分析见图1—33所示。图1—33 挂轮架线段分析挂轮架尺寸分析见图1—34所示。图1—34 挂轮架尺寸分析挂轮架画图步骤见图1—35所示。先画定位轴线,再画已知线段,接着画中间线段,最后画连接线段,画连接线段时要精确求出线段的端点和半径。图1—35 挂轮架画图步骤(三) 徒手画图的方法徒手画出的图样也称草图。绘图时,一般不用绘图仪器和工具,主要是依靠目测估计图形与实物的比例,按一定画法要求徒手绘制。草图是工程技术人员表达设计思想的有力工具,是必须掌握的一项重要基本技能。


图1—36 徒手画直线2.常用角度的画法见图1—37所示。图1—37 常用角度的画法3.圆的画法见图1—38(a:直径较小时;b:直径较大时)、圆角的画法见图1—39


5.工程测量第二版第一章 篇五

I am proud tosay that I succeeded in learning a foreign language.It was a real challengeand, needless to say, it took a lot of practice.I carried a small dictionarywith me everywhere I went as well as a notebook in which I listed new words Icame across.I also managed my time carefully so that I met the standards ofthe course and finished assignments on time.After years of persistence, Ireaped the benefits of all my hard work.The first thingyou should do t make tea is to boil water.While waiting for it to boil, youcan get your teapot out and put the right amount of tea leaves into it.Whenthe water has come to boil, pour it into the teapot.Then wait for a fewminutes to let the leaves steep.Next? Enjoy the tea.3

All of my classmatesbelieve that Sandy has a good taste for music.The music she listens to alwayshas a clear, strong rhythm and the music has a message for us to think about.Also, the words in the music are just like poems, so beautiful and easy for usto remember.4

Body language is important in many cases: trying to win an election, addressing a family party, talking business at a conference, or giving a seminar at school.5

Build more tall apartment buildings.The increase in population in cities is creating a housing problem.To solve the problem, one-family houses and older ones are being pulled down to make room for tall apartment buildings.When building space on the ground is used up, we can make use of the space in the air.This will help solve the housing problem in cities.6

People come to Beijing for different purposes.Thousands upon thousands of foreign students are studying different subjects at universities in Beijing.Every year a large number of foreign businessmen from all pats of the world visit Beijing, for various kinds of business talks or international conferences.In addition travelers both at home and abroad come to Beijing for visiting places of historic interest during their holidays or visiting their friends and relatives in Beijing.7

6.工程测量第二版第一章 篇六


1.Friendship is a topic close to all our hearts.2.the source of our happiest moments

3.occasionally: now and then

4.take sth too much for granted

5.fail to keep sth in good repair

6.illustrate sth through a tale of sth

7.the lasting regret

8.let sb know how much sb mean to us

9.see the power of sth displayed more in actions than in words

10.unfold a tale of courage and endurance

11.fight to save one’s life

12.vividly reflect the power of sth

13.provide food for thought

14.when it comes to sth

15.what our friends mean to us

16.a fair-weather friend

17.A bank is the place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when

it begins to rain.Text A

18.make an effort to keep in touch

19.put off: delay: postponedoing

20.plenty of time

21.leave sth too late

22.reach for the pen: put pen to paper: start to write

23.cabbie: taxi driver: cab driver


25.all sb had=all that sb had=what sb had

26.be lost in sth=be absorbed in sth=be immersed in sth=be fully occupied with sth

27.tap on the windshield

28.get one’s attention=catch one’s eyecf.eye-catching

29.Is your cab available?

30.look up at sb

31.say sth to sb apologetically

32.settle into the back seat

33.He sounded as if he had a cold or something.34.or something/somebody/somewhere

35.He was an artist or something.36.He was my uncle or somebody.37.I left it on the desk or somewhere.38.I’m in no hurry.39.go ahead and do sth

40.know sth by heart=learn sth by heartcf.learn sth by rote

41.Letters from home always mean a lot.42.I am on the road so much.43.Estimating that…, I guessed sth.44.Come to think of it, it might just as well be…

45.may well do= be likely to do

46.used to do

47.I’m not much of a..: I’m not a good…

48.She is a good hand at making bread.她是做面包的能手。

49.She is a good hand at transplanting rice.她是插秧能手。

50.keep up our correspondence too well

51.take it that…

52.practically: almost

53.all the way through high school

54.grade school: primary school

55.I hadn’t seen him more than once or twice a year over the past 25 or 30 years because I moved

away from the old neighborhood and you kind of lose touch even though you never forget.56.Died a couple of weeks ago

57.It’s no fun to lose any friend — and losing a real old one is even tougher.58.ride on in silence for a few minutes.59.I realized that Old Ed was still on his mind when he spoke again, almost more to himself than

to me.60.The problem has been a weight on my mind.61.on one’s mind: 挂念着;担心着;惦念着;压在某人心头

62.in one’s mind: in one’s opinione.g.In my mind, he will succeed.63.in one’s mind’s eye: 在sb的心目中

64.should have kept in touch

65.We should all keep in touch with old friends more than we do.But things come up and we

just don’t seem to find the time?66.shrug 耸肩

If you shrug something off, you ignore it or treat it as if it is not really important or serious.对…不予理睬

例:He shrugged off the criticism.他对批评不予理睬。

67.sth be mentioned in sw

68.hand sth over to sb

69.That’s pretty personal.70.urge sb to do sth

71.be written in pencil

72.remind sb of sth

73.I’ve been meaning to write for some time, but I’ve always postponed it.74.the good times they had had together when they both lived in the same neighborhood

75.It had references to things that probably meant something to the driver.76.keep us after school

77.There aren’t many of us left.There are fewer and fewer still around.78.go to a class reunion

79.Time goes by

80.work at the same place

81.hang out on the same corner when we(were)single.82.every now and then

83.But for the last 20 or 30 years it’s been mostly just Christmas cards.Of course there’d be

always a note we’d each add to the cards — usually some news about …

84.Your friendship over the years has meant an awful lot to me, more than I can say because I’m

not good at saying things like that.85.I found myself nodding in agreement.86.That must have made you feel good, didn’t it?

87.sb said something that I couldn’t understand because he seemed to be all choked up

88.get close to our destination

89.skip to sw

90.Enjoyed talking with you

91.take my suitcase out of the cab

92.sth be signed sthsth上面签的名字是sth(The letter was signed Tom)

93.It’s a letter I wrote to him before I knew he’d died.So I never mailed it.94.sb looked sort of sorrowful, or as if he were trying to see something in the distance.95.unpack right away

Vocabulary & Translation exe

96.stand absolutely still

97.make your own kite using directions available in books

98.walk steadily north

99.check her direction

100.trade unions

101.invest more money in staff training

102.As a sailing ship has a destination, so we must have a definite goal in our life.You could refer to this as “fake it till you make it,” but I think it’s more accurate to say,“As within, so without.” 你可以称它为“假想直到拥有”,但我认为这样说更准确,“因为源于内心,所以显于外部”。

103.engineering constructions

104.at the disco

105.break into a house

106.have a family reunion

107.accept the invitation

108.reduce life expectancy by around 12 years on average

109.go ahead with sth

110.hold a class reunion

111.be anxious about sth

112.the sight of sth leave sb upset

113.be choked up by sth

114.accomplish the project on time

115.equip the new hospital

116.be estimated at $2 million

117.passengers were held up

118.reference books on computer science

119.skip from A to B

120.understand what they are expected to do

121.focus on sth

122.make reference to sb: 参看,参考;提及,涉及,说到

123.keep pace with the growing demand for sth

124.have a fine reputation for being an old hand at doing sth

125.collect sea-shells on the beach

126.gather wild fruit in the woods

127.A arouse one’s interest in B

128.IT: information technology

129.one’s devotion to sthcf.sb be devoted to doing sth

130.make a deep impression on sb

131.offer me their congratulations on my good record

132.value his friendship with sb

133.paint the ceiling

134.save a child from drowning

135.sth make me choked up

136.practically all our life

137.All my available time is taken up driving the cab.138.I’m on the go all day.139.get round to sth: find time to do sth

140.Whoever says you should never put off till tomorrow what you can do today is absolutely

right.141.was not expected to live for long

142.get the money to make the trip

143.work as a truck driver his entire life

144.manage to have some savings

145.with embarrassment

146.walk the mile to the filling station

147.trust me for the phone call to California

148.go off to college

149.lose touch with sb

150.pull out two pieces of paper

151.the paper read sth: the paper said sth

152.go along with sb: follow sbcf.get along with sb

153.a signed check with an attached message

154.Since I graduated from sw: since my graduation from sw
