


1.仁爱版九年级英语上册词组归纳复习 篇一


保合中学 程学海






三、教材分析 教学目的:














3、能通过分析句子结构理解难句和长句; 写:



























9.1-7 开学工作,学习Unit 1的单词

9.8-14 Unit 1 The changing World Topic 1 Our country has developed rapidly.9.15-21 Unit 1 The changing World Topic 2 The population in developing countries is growing faster.9.22-28 Unit 1 The changing World Topic 3 The world has changed for the better.10.6-12 Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 1 Population has caused too many problems.10.13-19 Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 2 All these problems are very serious.10.20-26 Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 3 What can we do at home to protect the environment? 10.27-11.2 Review of Units 1-2 11.3-9 期中考试

11.10-16 Unit 3 English Around the World Topic 1English is widely spoken throughout the world.11.17-23 Unit 3 English Around the World Topic 2 Some things usually have different meanings in different cultures.11.24-30 Unit 3 English Around the World Topic 3 Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well.12.1-7 Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 1When was it invented? 12.8-14 Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 2 I’m excited about the things that will be discovered in the future.12.15-21 Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 3 China is the third nation that sent a person into space.12.22-28 Review UNIT1--4 1.4-------期末考试


2.仁爱版九年级英语上册词组归纳复习 篇二


Unit 1 Topic 1 1.social ______________ 2.granny ______________ 3.quick ______________ 4.already ______________ 5.progress ______________ 6.succeed ______________ 7.describe ______________ 8.education ______________ 9.chairwoman ______________ 10.proper ______________ 11.communication ______________ 12.rope ______________ 13.composition ______________ 14.tool ______________ 15.consider ______________ 16.war ______________ 17.note ______________ 18.shut ______________ 19.bell ______________ 20.sort ______________ Unit 1 Topic 2 1.probably ______________ 2.excellent ______________ 3.percent ______________ 4.population ______________ 5.market ______________ 6.difficulty ______________ 7.offer ______________ 8.couple ______________ 9.relation ______________.policy ______________ 11.recent ______________ 12.neither ______________ 13.unless ______________ 14.increase ______________ 15.European ______________ 16.measure ______________ 17.billion ______________ 18.relative ______________ 19.organization ______________ 20.teenager ______________ Unit 1 Topic 3.provide ______________ 2.discover ______________ 3.wound ______________ 4.secretary ______________ 5.direct ______________ 6.retell ______________ 7.abroad ______________ 8.drug ______________ 9.skill ______________ 10.invention ______________ 11.stairs ______________ 12.treatment ______________ 13.granddaughter ______________ 14.medical ______________ 15.engineer ______________ 16.dead ______________ 17.army ______________ 18.value ______________ 19.steal ______________ 20.purpose ______________ Unit 2 Topic 1 1.several ______________ 2.waste ______________ 3.influence ______________ 4.disturb ______________ 5.rubbish ______________ 6.blood ______________ 7.create ______________ 8.stream ______________ 9.breathe ______________ 10.weak ______________ 11.print ______________ 12.coal ______________ 13.chest ______________ 14.deaf ______________ 15.industry ______________ 16.produce ______________ 17.effect ______________ 18.anyway ______________ 19.nearby ______________ 20.chemical ______________ Unit 2 Topic 2 1.behavior ______________ 2.divide ______________ 3.level ______________ 4.law ______________ 5.sand ______________ 6.prevent ______________ 7.although ______________ 8.rise ______________ 9.recycle ______________ 10.escape ______________ 11.blanket ______________ 12.radiation ______________.sandstorm ______________ 14.rude ______________ 15.desert ______________ 16.importance ______________ 17.oxygen ______________ 18.tap ______________ 19.pressure ______________ 20.destroy ______________ Unit 2 Topic 3.reduce ______________ 2.battery ______________ 3.electric ______________ 4.towel ______________ 5.action ______________ 6.agreement ______________ 7.encourage ______________ 8.punish ______________ 9.shake ______________ 10.power ______________ 11.journey ______________ 12.plastic ______________ 13.garbage ______________ 14.suppose ______________ 15.distance ______________ 16.chemistry ______________ 17.cheat ______________ 18.murder ______________ 19.strange ______________ 20.toilet ______________ Unit 3 Topic 1.language ______________ 2.stick ______________ 3.similar ______________ 4.possible ______________ 5.conversation ______________ 6.besides ______________ 7.state ______________ 8.speaker ______________ 9.conference ______________ 10.position ______________ 11.require ______________ 12.silence ______________ 13.whenever ______________ 14.general ______________ 15.company ______________ 16.tongue ______________ 17.translate ______________ 18.communicate ______________ 19.system ______________ 20.throughout ______________ Unit 3 Topic 2 1.autumn ______________ 2.difference ______________ 3.victory ______________ 4.pronounce ______________ 5.cent ______________ 6.force ______________ 7.accent ______________ 8.pronunciation ______________ 9.flight ______________ 10.German ______________ 11.clerk ______________ 12.expression ______________ 13.garage ______________ 14.suitcase ______________ 15.puzzled ______________ 16.British ______________ 17.exactly ______________.cartoon ______________ 19.pack ______________ 20.character ______________ Unit 3 Topic 3.complete ______________ 2.grammar ______________ 3.diary ______________ 4.copy ______________ 5.repeat ______________ 6.aloud ______________ 7.ability ______________ 8.sentence ______________ 9.method ______________ 10.insist ______________ 11.review ______________ 12.wise ______________ 13.text ______________ 14.dark ______________ 15.notebook ______________ 16.whom ______________ 17.whose ______________ 18.toothpaste ______________ 19.channel ______________ 20.opinion ______________ Unit 4 Topic 1.achieve ______________ 2.hero ______________ 3.master ______________ 4.expect ______________ 5.doubt ______________ 6.cancel ______________ 7.prove ______________ 8.introduction ______________ 9.technology ______________ 10.tiny ______________ 11.connect ______________ 12.screen ______________ 13.satellite ______________ 14.goddess ______________ 15.astronaut ______________ 16.view ______________ 17.spaceship ______________ 18.click ______________ 19.amazing ______________ 20.launch ______________ Unit 4 Topic 2 1.housework ______________ 2.steel ______________ 3.ink ______________ 4.servant ______________ 5.clone ______________ 6.toothbrush ______________ 7.recorder ______________ 8.experiment ______________ 9.global ______________ 10.contribution ______________ 11.rocket ______________ 12.solar ______________ 13.base ______________ 14.universe ______________ 15.dig ______________ 16.support ______________ 17.organization ______________ 18.value ______________ 19.proper ______________ 20.consider ______________ Unit 4 Topic 3 1.beyond ______________.risk ______________ 3.director ______________ 4.research ______________ 5.basic ______________ 6.coach ______________ 7.admire ______________ 8.limit ______________ 9.search ______________ 10.dry ______________ 11.separate ______________ 12.prison ______________ 13.praise ______________ 14.excite ______________ 15.degree ______________ 16.postman ______________ 17.tower ______________ 18.whatever ______________ 19.envelope ______________ 20.deliver ______________ Unit 1 Topic 1短语.come back from ______________ 2.feel sorry for ______________ 3.by the way ______________ 4.take photos ______________ 5.do farm work ______________ 6.for a long time ______________ 7.tell stories ______________.have summer classes ______________ 9.at present ______________ 10.live a hard life ______________ 11.in order to ______________ 12.give support to ______________ 13.keep in touch with ______________ 14.see sth oneself ______________ 15.far away ______________ 16.in the open air ______________ 17.sorts of ______________ 18.succeed in doing sth ______________ 19.check over ______________ 20.draw up an outline ______________ 21.thanks to ______________ 22.make progress ______________ 23.take part in ______________ 24.in detail ______________ 25.in the past ______________ 26.have no chance ______________ 27.after class ______________ 28.day and night ______________ 29.more than ______________ 30.learn … from ______________ 31.in the future ______________ 32.dream about ______________ Unit 1 Topic 2短语 1.get lost ______________ 2.each other ______________ 3.call sb up ______________ 4.go shopping ______________ 5.at least ______________ 6.take place ______________ 7.because of ______________ 8.be strict with sb ______________ 9.increase by ______________ 10.carry out ______________ 11.be short of ______________ 12.so far ______________ 13.take measures to ______________ 14.a couple of ______________ 15.keep up with ______________.have fun ______________.offer a good education ______________ 18.work well in ______________ 19.be known as ______________ 20.the only child ______________ 21.write down ______________ 22.less than ______________ Unit 1 Topic 3短语.get used to ______________ 2.as a matter of fact ______________ 3.break out ______________ 4.in need ______________ 5.decide on sth ______________.feel good about oneself ______________ 7.provide sb with sth ______________ 8.live a normal life ______________ 9.according to ______________ 10.be away from ______________ 11.be famous for ______________ 12.so that ______________ 13.at the same time ______________ 14.take drugs ______________ 15.obey the rules ______________ 16.aim to do sth ______________ 17.at home and abroad ______________ 18.in the past few years ______________ 19.pay for ______________ 20.belong to ______________ Unit 2 Topic 1短语.at present ______________ 2.have a picnic ______________ 3.of course ______________ 4.be harmful to ______________ 5.in a bad mood ______________ 6.manage to do sth ______________ 7.at midnight ______________ 8.do harm to ______________ 9.go deaf ______________ 10.quite a few ______________ 11.no better than ______________ 12.in public ______________ 13.cause sb to do sth ______________ 14.all sorts of ______________ 15.in many ways ______________ 16.for example ______________ 17.have an effect on sth ______________ 18.two days later ______________ 19.in the past ______________ 20.at the end of ______________ Unit 2 Topic 2短语.as a result ______________ 2.here and there ______________ 3.walk on grass ______________ 4.care for ______________ 5.pick flowers ______________ 6.give some advice to ______________ 7.in the beginning ______________ 8.cut down ______________ 9.prevent sb from doing sth ______________ 10.in danger of ______________ 11.come to do sth ______________ 12.day by day ______________ 13.follow the rules ______________ 14.come into being ______________ 15.cut off ______________ 16.change into ______________ 17.take away ______________ 18.pass through ______________.be helpful to ______________ 20.refer to ______________ 21.deal with ______________ 22.at the same time ______________ 23.take up ______________.stop sb from doing sth ______________ 25.wash away ______________ Unit 2 Topic 3短语.interview sb about sth ______________ 2.spread the message ______________ 3.encourage sb to do sth ______________ 4.protect the environment ______________ 5.save money ______________ 6.be supposed to ______________ 7.ought to ______________.travel a short distance ______________ 9.make sure ______________ 10.on time ______________.make an announcement ______________ 12.turn off ______________ 13.work hard ______________ 14.hurry up ______________ 15.instead of ______________ 16.of course ______________ 17.fail the exam ______________ 18.take part in ______________ 19.be used for ______________ 20.turn green ______________ Unit 3 Topic 1短语 1.stick on ______________ 2.be able to ______________ 3.be ready for ______________ 4.can’t wait to ______________ 5.from now on ______________ 6.one day ______________ 7.throughout the world ______________ 8.on business ______________ 9.be similar to ______________ 10.be pleased with ______________ 11.translate into ______________ 12.once in a while ______________ 13.in general ______________ 14.even though ______________ 15.as a result ______________ 16.be regarded as ______________ 17.take the leading position ______________ 18.be required to ______________ 19.the rest of ______________ 20.make progress in ______________ 21.take a swimming course ______________ 22.be popular with ______________ 23.change with ______________ 24.as well as ______________ 25.have trouble doing sth ______________ Unit 3 Topic 2短语.instead of ______________ 2.say hello to ______________ 3.by the way ______________ 4.see sb off ______________ 5.depend on ______________ 6.be worried about ______________ 7.leave for ______________ 8.put out ______________ 9.on one’s way to ______________.make oneself understood ______________ 11.in the future ______________ 12.as for ______________ 13.in a word ______________.take in ______________ 15.in the beginning ______________ 16.little by little ______________ 17.come about ______________ 18.be forced to do sth ______________ 19.in person ______________ 20.be fond of ______________ Unit 3 Topic 3短语.get into trouble ______________ 2.agree with ______________ 3.give up ______________ 4.work hard at ______________ 5.be afraid of ______________ 6.keep a diary ______________ 7.be weak in ______________.give some advice sth ______________ 9.have a try ______________ 10.take a breath ______________ 11.share sth with sb ______________ 12.as often as possible ______________ 13.advise sb to do sth ______________ 14.make mistakes ______________ 15.make great progress ______________ 16.insist on sth ______________ 17.feel like doing sth ______________ 18.laugh at ______________ 19.last but not least ______________ 20.in public ______________ Unit 4 Topic 1短语 1.dream of ______________ 2.point to ______________ 3.send up ______________ 4.no doubt ______________ 5.for instance ______________ 6.click on ______________ 7.connect to ______________ 8.in the future ______________ 9.in space ______________ 10.at the same time ______________ 11.come into being ______________ 12.thanks to ______________ 13.chat on line ______________ 14.a list of ______________ 15.instead of ______________ 16.of course ______________ 17.study hard ______________ 18.with the help of ______________ 19.do business ______________ 20.land on ______________ Unit 4 Topic 2短语.for certain ______________ 2.make a contribution to ______________ 3.as long as ______________ 4.in short ______________ 5.run away ______________ 6.be allowed to do sth ______________ 7.be made of ______________ 8.come true ______________ 9.be made from ______________ 10.be used for ______________ 11.take photos ______________ 12.during one’s life ______________ 13.so far ______________ 14.be similar to ______________ 15.all the time ______________ 16.no longer ______________ 17.have effects on ______________ 18.the rest of ______________.to one’s surprise ______________ 20.be meant to do sth ______________ Unit 4 Topic 3短语 1.base on ______________ 2.hand in ______________ 3.be full of ______________ 4.in order to ______________ 5.know about ______________ 6.a group of ______________ 7.go wrong ______________ 8.on the earth ______________ 9.in the future ______________ 10.be able to ______________ 11.come true ______________ 12.grow up ______________ 13.search for ______________ 14.be on show ______________ 15.make up one’s mind ______________16.side by side ______________ 17.look forward to ______________ 18.be close to ______________ 19.each other ______________ 20.do experiments ______________

3.仁爱版九年级英语上册词组归纳复习 篇三


Topic1 P1-2 1.回来 come back 2.发生 take place

3.太……以至于 so…that…

4.拍照 take photos

5.顺便说一下 by the way 6.去过某地

have been to +地方 7.去了某地

have gone to +地方 P3-4

1.参加 take part in 2.向……学习learn from 3.在过去

in the past 4.过着艰苦的生活

live a hard life 5.为某人支付…...pay for 6.为了 in order to 7.给某人提供帮助 give support to sb.8.取得好的教育

get a good education P5-6 1.某人亲自看见某物 see sth.oneself 2.与……保持联系

keep in touch with… 3.遥远的far away 4.目前,现在 at present 5.不但……而且……

not only… but also…

6.而且,更多的是what’s more

7.取得进步 make progress 8.在做某事方面获得成功

succeed in(doing)sth.P7-8 1.受……欢迎

be popular with…

2.比起(做)……更喜欢(做)…… prefer(doing)sth.to(doing)sth.3.跳绳 jump rope 4.在野外 in the open air 5.在…..的帮助下 with the help of… 6.起草,拟定

draw up 7.仔细检查 check over 8.多亏于,由于 thanks to Topic2 P9-10 1.不再…… not …any more=no longer =not …any longer 2.打电话给某人 call sb.up

3.讨厌去做某事 hate to do sth.4.我也如此。So do I.5.好像

It seems that…

6.一幅……的照片 a photo of…

7.至少 at least


at that time 9.近些年以来

in recent years 10.由于,因为 because of 11.过去常常做某事 / 过去是…..used to do(be)sth.12.我父母也不是这样。Neither do my parents.13.对某人严格要求

be strict with sb.14.对某事严格要求be strict in sth.P11-12 1.增长到……

increase by 2.它确实是这样。So it is.3.实施

carry out P13-14 1.超过,多于 more than 2.五分之一

one fifth 3.缺乏 be short of 4.到目前为止

so far 5.采取措施去做某事 take measures to do sth.6.作为…..出名 be known as…=be famous as…

7.在做某事方面有效 work well in(doing)sth.8.在乡下 in the countryside 9.处理…… deal with… P15-16 1.来自于…….come from

2.相互,各自 each other

3.例如 such as 4.赶上,跟上

keep up with… = catch up with …

Topic3 P17-18


talk on the phone 2.一直住在……have been in…=have lived in…

3.一段长时间 for a long time 4.习惯于做某事 get / be used to doing sth.5.事实上 as a matter of fact = in fact 6.来拜访一下 come for a visit 7.某人亲自看见某事 see sth.for oneself

7.照顾 take care of=look after P19-20 1.过着正常的生活 live a normal life 2.有困难的人

people in need 3.在某事上做决定 decide on sth.4.为某人提供某物 provide sb.with sth.=provide sth.for sb.5.目的是 so that +句子

6.对某人自己感到开心 feel good(happy)about oneself P21-22 1.因……而出名 be famous for…=be known for…

2.把某物借给某人 lend sb.sth.=lend sth.to sb.3.从…..借入…..borrow sth.from sb.4.为某人买某物 buy sth.for sb.= buy sb.sth.5.同时 at the same time

6.遵守规则 obey the rules 7.吸毒 take drugs 8.过着开心的生活 live a happy life

P23-24 1.目的是去做某事

aim to do sth.2.为某人支付 sb.pay for sth.3.数以千计

4.八年级英语上册词组总复习 篇四




a moment ago刚才


Where were you a moment ago?

six years ago六年前

long ago很久以前


all day and all night 没日没夜,整日整夜

all the world 全世界

all the year(round)一年到头


I hear it is cold all the year round.all right(表示同意的感叹词)好,行,可以;满意的;安然无恙的all the same 仍然,还是


Thank you all the same.不论怎样还是要谢谢你(尽管你没帮上忙)。

all the time 一直;始终;总是


The memory robot followed Mr.Mott all the time.another

in another ten days 再过十天

another person 另一个人

I want another two apples.(我想再要两个苹果)


ask the way 问路

ask(sb.)a question 问(某人)一个问题

ask for 请求;询问


He is asking a policewoman for help.ask sb.to do sth.要求(请求)某人做某事

ask sb.for sth 向某人要某物


at home 在家

用心 爱心 专心

at school 在学校

at work 在工作

at the seaside 在海边

at the station 在车站

at the library 在图书馆

at the cinema 在电影院

at breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner 早餐/午餐/晚餐/正餐


I read the morning paper at breakfast.at six o’clock 六点时

at midnight 午夜时

at noon 中午时

at Christmas 圣诞节时

at once 立刻

at times 有时;偶尔


It will be cloudy at times.not...at all 一点都不

at the end of 在……结尾;到……尽头


At the end of the concert,Eric sang a song in Chinese.at the start of,at the beginning of 在……开始的时候

at the same time 同时


I can see the world at the same time.at this time of year 每年的这个时候

at this time of day 在每天的这个时候


Many stores sell mooncakes at this time of year.B


go back 回到,返回

come back 回来,归来

be back 回到


by the river 河边

go by train 乘火车去

by oneself 独自地

by the way 顺便说;顺便问一下


By the way,why did you call me?

be free 有空


Are you free tomorrow evening?



come down 下来

come in 进入

come on 继续到来;来吧

come over 过来;顺便拜访


Would you like to come over to my home for Mid-autumn Festival?

come out(花)开;发芽;出现;出来


Trees turn green,and flowers start to come out.例如:

The radio says the sun will come out later.catch

catch a bus 乘公共汽车



keep a diary 记日记


I keep a diary to help remember things.during

during the daytime 白天时

during the night 夜晚时



in the end 最后,最终

at the end of 在……结束的时候

enjoy oneself过得快活


pass an exam 考试及格

fail(in)an exam 考试不及格

an exam paper 考卷


fall down倒下;跌倒;从……落下


He fell down and broke his leg.fall asleep 入睡

fall ill 生病

far from 离……远


the Spring Festival 春节


finish school 毕业

finish reading 读完

finish one’s homework 完成某人的作业


Let’s finish our homework.field trip 野外旅游


We are going on our first field trip.fly

fly away 飞走

fly to 飞向,乘飞机去

fly a kite 放风筝


in front of 在……前面(外部)


Six students stand in a row in front of the class.in the front of 在……前面(内部)

at the front of 在……前面(内部)


have fun 开心,作乐

We’re going to have fun learning and speaking English this term.full name 全名



at the school gate 在学校大门


get married 结婚


He met my mother in Liverpool,and they got married in 1967.get together 相聚


Families get together.get a cold 患感冒

get back 回来,取回

get down 下车;下降,落下;下梯子

get on 上(车)

get out 离开

get to到达

get up 起床


give back 归还

give a hand 给予帮助

give up 放弃

give a concert 开音乐会


They are going to give a concert in Kunming tonight.given name名字


I have two given names.give a talk 做演讲


Mr.Wu wants me to give a talk in class tomorrow.go

go boating/swimming/hiking/fishing/skating/skiing/shopping去划船/游泳/徒步旅行/钓鱼/滑冰/滑雪/购物

Why don’t we go fishing at East Lake?


I like going fishing.例如:

Let’s go boating on the river.go away 离开

go back 回来

go down 沿着

go along 沿着

go for(a walk)去(散步)

go in 进入

go into 进入

go on 继续


They didn’t want to stop the concert,so they went on.go out 外出;到外面


I often go out and visit people.go over 复习

go to 到,去


We went to a town near the sea.grow up 长大;成长


5.仁爱版九年级英语上册词组归纳复习 篇五









What is your father? He is a doctor.


Who is that boy? He is my brother

3)询问相貌特征 4)询问目的

What is she like?=What does she look like? What did they come here for?

She is beautiful. To attend a meeting.

5)询问原因 6)询问天气

Why did they come here? How is the weather today?

Because they have a meeting to attend. = What is the weather like today?

7)询问颜色 8)询问尺寸

What dolor is her skirt? What size does he wear?

It’s red. He wars 40.

9)询问钟点 10)询问星期

What time is it? What day is it today?

It’s 7:30. It’s Tuesday.

11)询问几号 12)询问年龄

What is the date today? How old is he?

It’s May 2. He is 38.

13)询问多久 14)询问长度

How long have you been here? How long is the bridge?

For five months. It’s 500 metres.

15)询问距离 16)询问频度

How far is it from here to the zoo? How often do you come back?

It’s 6 kilometres. Once a week.

17)询问多快 18)询问数量

How soon will she arrive? How many jackets do you have?

In an week. How much coffee do you want?

19)询问价格 20)询问高度

How much is it? How tall is she?

How much does it cost? How high is the tower?


1.What’s your favorite subject?你最喜欢的学科是什么?


例如:My favorite subject is English.(定语)我最喜欢的学科是英语。

The book is my favorite(表语)。这本书是我最喜欢的。


例如:The girl is a favorite.此女孩是受人欢迎得人。

2.Then make your own conversation.然后自编一组对话。


1) make sb. do sth.让某人做某事。如:He makes me work all day.他让我整天工作。

2) make sb. /sth+形容词。如:Let’s make our class clean.咱们把教室打扫干净吧!

3) Make after sb追求某人

make friends交朋友

make tea/coffee沏茶/泡咖啡,

make a coat 做衣服

make the bed铺床

make meal/breakfast/supper/lunch/dinner 做饭/早餐/晚饭/午饭/正餐 。

3.Why do you like math? 你为什么喜欢数学?

释:这是以why 引导的特殊疑问句,why 引导的特殊疑问句是就原因进行提问的,因此


例如:-Why do you like P.E? 你为什么喜欢体育?

-Because it’s fun. 因为它有趣。

4.Who is your science teacher?你的自然老师是谁?

释:这是以who 引导的特殊疑问句, 如果疑问代词是问句的主语或以“疑问形容词+名词”为问句的主语,这个问句就用正常的陈述句语序。

例如:Who is your teacher? 谁是你的老师?

5.My science teacher is Mr Wang.我的自然老师是王先生。

释:在句中Mr. Wang为称呼语,称呼语要放在问候语之后,前面要加逗号。Mr.意为“先生”,是Mister的缩写形式,第一个字母须大写,不能单独使用,必须和姓连用,放在姓前面,这一点与汉语不同。

注:Mr.先生、Miss小姐(未婚女子)、Ms女士(已婚或婚否不明)三者都习惯于人的姓之前称呼。如:Mr. Wang王先生, Miss Green格林小姐, Ms Mary 玛莉女士。这种表达形式与汉语语序不同,绝不能把“王先生”说成Wang Mr.,“格林小姐”说成Green Miss,“玛莉女士”Mary Ms。使用Mr.、Miss和 Ms三词时第一个字母要大写。当称呼某某老师时,常用这三个词。如:“高老师”要说Mr.(Miss,Ms) Gao ,而不能说Teacher Gao 和Gao Teacher。

6 What’s your mother’s favourite color?妈最喜欢的颜色是什么?

释:句中的mother’s 是名词所有格,意为 “母亲的” ,名词所有格是在表示有生命的名词末尾加“s”,表示“……的”,其变化规则如下:

(1)单数名词和不以“s”结尾的人名后,加“s”,如:the girl’s name女孩的名字。

(2)在以“-s”结尾的单数名词后加“’”,如:marks’ desk 麦克斯的书桌。

(3)在规则的复数名词的“-s”后面加所有格符号“’”。如:Students’ books学生的书。

(4)在没有“-s”结尾的复数名词后用所有格用“’s”的形式。如:Children’s Day 儿童节。

(5)两人共同拥有的人或物,如:Lucy and lily’s mother 露西和莉的妈妈。

不是两人共同拥有的人或物,如:Lucy’s and WeiHua’s mothers 露西和伟华的妈妈们.

7. It’s Tuesday, November11.今天是11月11日,星期四。


例如:It’s Monday,October ist today.

Today is monday,October 1st.今天是十月一日,星期一。

在疑问句及否定句中,通常用it 作语,而不用today 作主语。例如:一般不能说:Is today Tuesday? 或Today isn’t Tuesday.


注:如要询问星期几,一般用What day…? 来提问。

例如:What day is it today? 今天星期几?Its Saturday today. 今天是星期日。

如要询问日期,则有What date…?提问。

例如:What date is it today? 今天几号?Its September 10th.今天是九月十日。

8. I’m really busy today! 我今天真的很忙。

释:1)句中really是形容词real 的副词,意为“真实地、真正地”,在句中常常常可以修


例如:I really love you very much我真地非常爱你。

2) be busy 表示“很忙”。

例如:My mother is busy today. 我妈妈今天很忙。

注:关于busy 的常见句式还有:

be busy with sth 忙于……be busy doing sth. 忙着做……

例如:He is busy with his homework .=He is busy doing his homework.


9. Our teacher is very stict and makes me very tined.我们的老师非常严格,他使我很疲倦。

释:1)句中的strict mother 一位严厉的母亲,a strict teacher 一位严格的老师。

2)句中草药make 意为“使…成…(的状况)”,常用make+名词/代词+形容词结构.

例如:This makes me very happy. 这使我们非常高兴。

注:①be strict with sb. 表示“对某人要求严格”的意思。

例如:My parents are strict with me. 我父母对我要求非常严格。

②be strict in sth. 表示“对某事要求严格”的意思。

例如:Our teacher is strict in everything.


③be strict with sb. in sth 则表示 对某人在每件事上都要求严格。

6.仁爱版九年级英语上册词组归纳复习 篇六

1.an interesting article about personality一篇关于个性方面有趣的文章

2.let me have a look/see让我看一看

3.It makes them feel good to share things with others.


4.eat up my breakfast/eat it up吃光我的早餐

5.people with different personalities behave in different ways


6.find out more about this找出更多关于这方面的内容

7.recommend a classmate for /to be a position推荐一名同学担任一个职务

8.well organized非常有条理

9.keep all her things in good order保持所有的东西井然有序

10.show off炫耀

11.repeat grammar rules for us为我们重复语法规则

12.come up with/think of new ideas提出新的想法

13.be curious about everything对一切都好奇

14.play football for hours踢几个小时足球

15.get angry easily with sb容易地生某人的气

16.neither ? nor?既不?也不/both? and?和?两者都,既?又/not only ? but also?不但?而且,不仅?还有/either ? or?要么?要么,或者?或者,不是?就是

17.make an accountant成为一名会计

18 .creative jobs创造性的工作

19.work without speaking all day long整天工作不说话

20.be happy with their jobs对? 满意

21.an article on Sunshine Daily在《阳光日报》上的一篇文章

22.a born artist一位天生的艺术家

23.don ’t like talk too much讲话不多

24.but his work shouts但是他的作品极具说服力

25.impress the whole country with his creative work



1.Chinese Spring Festival中国春节

2.a little 一点儿;有点

3.put on增加(体重);发胖

4. in two weeks 两周后

5.sound like听起来像

6.be similar to与......相似

7.each other相互;彼此

8.in the shape of... 呈......的形式

9.on Mid-Autumn night在中秋之夜

10.shoot down射下

11.fly up to... 飞上

12.call out 叫喊;大声说出

14.a good time to do... 做......的好时候

15.Mother’s Day母亲节

16.Father’s Day父亲节

17.dress up 装扮,乔装打扮

18.think of 认为;想起

19.play a trick on ... 开......的玩笑

20.the spirit of... ......的精神
