


1.牛津版高一英语新教材教学心得 篇一

By Flora, Michell

Teaching procedures:

Period 1. Warming up, listening and speaking

New words: mystery, mysterious, footprint, ladder scary, dormitory

Teaching process:

Step 1:leading and lead-in

T: Morning class!

Ss: Morning, Miss Liang, (zhang)

T: What do you like doing in your spare time?

Ss: Playing computer games, seeing a film, watching TV/play?

T: Where do you watch a play?

S1: At the theatre.

T: What do e call the person who writes a play?

S: A playwright.

T: Do you like to be a playwright?

S2: Yes.

T: A playwright must be good at making up stories, is that so?

Ss: Yes.

T: Do you like making up a story?

S3: Yes, I do.

T: If you want to make up a story, what will you tell others?

S4: Who are the hero and heroine.

T: Yeah, so you mean the main character. Anything else?

S5: When and where does the story take place.

T: Good, time and place belong to the setting. Others?

S6: Why does the story happen?

T: You’re right. And the last point is the most attractive. So do you know what it is?

S7: How does the story come about?

T: Yeah, clever! This is about the plot, ××, why do you think plot is the most attractive?

S8: Exciting and interesting.

T: What’s your opinion?

S9: Mysterious.

T: Great, so if you want to be a good story teller, your story should include who--character, when, where--setting, why, how--plot. Besides, the plot ought to be mysterious. Would you please turn to page 15, look at these three pictures and use them to write a good story. You can work in group of four.

T: What can you see in picture1? Can you guess what the old man told the two to do?

What do the two young meet? What happened at last?

Step 2: Warming-up

T: Who will be willing to share your story? ××, will you have a try?

S10: ……

S11: ……

S12: ……

T: which group give us the best story? Why?

S13: ××’s group, because the story made up by them is mysterious.

T: I do agree. If you want to solve the mystery, what is the most important the to you?

S14: Clues.

T: Clues are important, especially to policemen and detectives.

Step 3: Listening

T: So let’s listen to the tape. Try to find out the mysteries and the clues.

T: Listen again and finish the exercises.

1. What is missing? (B)

A. A necklace and some money

B. A necklace and a cellphone

C. A necklace and a wallet

2. What did they find? (A)

A. footprints B. shoe prints C. fingerprints D. A shoe

1. What did John and Mary discover? (D)

A. The door is open B. The window is broken

C. The door is broken D. The window is open

2. What did John and Mary find on the floor? (C)

A. A shoe B. A key C. Some hair D. Broken glass

1.What did John and Mary find in the garden?

A. A ladder B. A banana peel C. A knife D. A necklace

2. Can you solve the mystery?

……….It’s monkey.

T: Suppose you’re the detective, a report from cow is going to interiors you. Could you show us the dialogue?

Ss: Well done. It seems that you’re not only good at telling stories but also excellent Performa. Just now we’ve mentioned that a playwright must be a good story teller. A play also indwells who, when, where, why .But is there anything difference between the story and play?

S15: Play is in the form of dialogue, but story is not.

T: Yes, story is usually narrated. Play has something with dialogue and also has several scenes.

Step 4: Speaking

T: Cat’s move to speaking on page16, first, we’ll have a look at situations. Find out who, when, where or ever why, how.

Character: three pieces

Time: dark night in April

Place: in the mountain


S17: Character: Four classmates


Place: in the dormitory

S18: Character: Four students


Place: on the way to school.

T: Adorning to the situations and the information given above, four in one group, try to create a short play. It can be more than one scene if necessary. Then act it out.

Step 5: homework

T: Time is up. So this is as your homework. Tomorrow we will hold a competition and see who will be the best playwright, who will be the best cotter and actress.

Period 2 Reading

The necklace

New words: Jeanne Mathilde Loisel, recognise, surely, diamond, explain. Pierre, ball, jewellery, franc, continue, call, lovely, being back, day and night, pay off, debt, precious, at most.

Teaching Process

Step1: Check the homework and lead-in

T: Yesterday, I asked you to create a play, would you please share your play with us?

Ss: ……

T: Well done. ××, what do you think of the role you’re played.

S1: ……

T: Next group.

Ss: ……

T: Great. The whole clan, what kind of play do you like: funny plays, serious plays or sad plays?

Ss: ……

T: Yes, I think so. Last chance, who will catch the last chance?

Ss: ……

T: Wonderful! ××, which script is the best one?

S2: I think ……

T: Who is the best actor and actress in your opinion?

Ss: ……

T: You think ×× and ×× performed really well. The same goes for me. And it seems that you know a lot about plays. Do you know any play in and out of China? Who is the playwright?

Ss: ……

T: Today, we are going to read a story written by Maupassant. Who was Maupassant? Was he an English writer or a French writer?

S3: A French writer.

T: Yes. He was a famous French short-story write in the 19th century-born in 1850 and died in 1893. Most of his works were about the everyday life of the simple people. His style was direct and simple with attention is realistic detail. All these can be seen from the story we are going to learn. What’s the title?

Ss: The Necklace.

T: Can you guess why the playwright chose. The Necklace as title?

S4: The play must talk about it.

T: I’m sure you will get a better understanding after reading it. Anyhow, let me introduce you the characters.

Pierre Loisel: a government worker (P)

Mathilde Loisel: P’s wife (M)

Jeanne: M’s good friend (J)

But ten years later, J couldn’t recognize her good friend M, why?

Please read the story quickly and see if you can tell me why.

Ss: She looked much older.

Step 2: Reading

T: Why did M look older than her age? What had happened to the couple? Let’s read the play carefully and then I’ll give you some information about it.

1. One day J was sitting at home and M went to see her. (F)

T: Where did they meet each other?

S4: In a park.

2. J didn’t recognize M because she was ill. (F)

T: Why did she look older than her age? What kind of life did she live?

S5: She looked older than her age because of ten years of hard work. Times were hard for M-Years of hard work, very little food, only a small cold room to live in and never, never a moment’s rest.

3. M married a man with a lot of money. (F)

T: Where did M’s husband work?

S6: He worked in a government office.

4. Ten years ago, the couple were invited to an important meeting.(F)

T: What were they invited to do?

S7: They were invited to a ball.

T: Did they accept the incitation? Why?

S8: Yes, they did. Because P was the only person in his office who was invited.

5. M didn’t think they could go because she had no evening dress or jewellery. (T)

6. P decided to buy some jewellery for his wife. (F)

T: What did he decide to buy for his wife?

S9: An evening dress.

T: How much was it?

S10: Four hundred francs.

T: Why did he decide to spend so much money on an evening dress?

S11: After all, the ball was very important.

7. At last, M decided to go to the ball with a flower. (F)

T: Why couldn’t she do that?

S12: Everybody else would be wearing jewellery. She couldn’t be the only woman who wasn’t wearing jewellery.

8. M would go to see J on Friday. (T)

T: Why did she want to see J on Friday after she got a new dress?

S13: Because J married a man with a lot of money. She could lend M some jewellery.

9. M called J and asked if she could borrow some jewellery. (F)

T: Was J kind?

S14: Yes.

T: How do you know?

S15: She brought out all her jewellery and she told M that she could take anything she liked.

T: What kind of necklace did M choose?

S16: She chose a lovely diamond necklace with a big blue store in the center.

10. M looked pretty and happy. (T)

11. M and P have been happy since the ball. (F)

T: What made their life change?

S17: They lost the necklace.

12. M and P bought a new necklace. (T)

T: How can they afford it?

S18: They borrowed the money. During the next ten years they both worked day and night to pay for it. At last, they paid off all their debts.

T: How much did the necklace they bought cost?

S19: It cost them thirty-six thousand francs.

T: Was J’s necklace as precious as this one?

S20: No, it was made of glass. It was worth five hundred francs at most.

Step 3: Task

1. If only M and P had found the necklace.

Can you imagine what happened when they returned to the ball and tried to find the necklace?

2. What would M do after she returned home from the park. Would she tell her about the real story? What would P say?

So would you please work with your group members, choose one of them and write a short play, then act it out.

* Post reading for reference.

Sample of task 2

M=Mathilde P=Pierre

M: You’ll never guess whom I met today in the park.

P: Oh, was it some important?

M: Why , yes, you could certainly say that. (looking at him.) I met Jeanne.

P: No, you don’t say!

M: Yes, she was sitting there when I walked by but she didn’t know it was me.

P: How could she forget? ( He sees his wife putting her hands to her face.) Oh, I’m sorry.

M: That’s all right. Anyway, we both know I did it to myself.

P: Did what, dear?

M: Made a fool of myself. I simply to be the lowest lady at the ball and look what it cost me -and you, I’m sorry.

P: Forget it, dear. What’s past is past. You mustn’t keep blaming yourself.

M: But you don’t know the worst part. Oh, I still can’t believe it! She told me that the diamond necklace wasn’t real!

P: What do you mean?

M: It wasn’t real. I was only worth a few hundred francs.

P: Oh, my goodness! And we worked so hard to pay for that necklace. Our whole life. But as least we did the right thing. We must forget about the past. At least we still have each other.

M: (not listening.) And to think she gets to keep the necklace now! (She shakes her head many times.)

P: Forget the necklace. It can only bring you as much as trouble as the old one.

Step 4: Homework

I’m for know a lot about M, P and J. Can you use one adj to describe each of them?

M: Pretty, vain.


J: Vain, honest.

1.Rewrite the whole play in the time order. From boring the necklace. Losing the necklace looking for necklace, returning the necklace to knowing the tooth. Then act it out.

II. Discursion

1. Why did M have to borrow a necklace from Jeanne?

If you’re M, will you wear the flower instead?

2. What would Jeanne do after she met M in the park? Would that change M and P’s life?

3. Why did the another chose “The necklace” as title?

4. What do you think of M’s life? In your opinion, what made her life like that?

Period 3

Step 1. Check the homework

T: Today, we’ll go on to talk about=The necklace. What quarters did M, J and P have?

Ss: ……

T: So let’s have some discussion. I’m sure you can have better understanding of M, J and P, the title, or even the society after discussion.

1. Why did M have to borrow a necklace from Jeanne? If you’re M, will you wear the flower instead? Why or why not?

2. What would J do after she met M in the park? Would that change M’s life again?

3. Would M’s life be happy again? What do you think M’s life? In your opinion, what made M’s life miserable?

Step 2: Act out the play

T: You know better about M, J and P, and I asked you to retort the whole play, I have faith in you and you can do well. Any volunteer to have a performance?

Ss: ……

Step 3: Comment on the play

T: Which group give us the best performance? Which group has the best script? Who is the best actor? Who is the best actress?

Ss: ……

T: How to create a successful play?

Step 4: Homework

T: 1. I’m afraid time’s up, let’s leave it until tomorrow. Think over how to create a successful play? You can have a look at learning to act on page 86, it will help you. So will integrating skills on page 20.

2. Tomorrow we will have the programme “the life of Art”. One acts as Mr. ZhuJun. ×× and ×× are the best actor and actress we’ve chosen, so they will invited to the programme as distinguished guest. Others are the audience live. The main topic is “How do you two become famous actor and actress.”

Period 4

Step 1. Greeting and lead-in

T: Morning class. It’s time for us to entertain ourselves. The like of Art will begin soon. Who will be Zhujun? You can begin like this________ Hello, everybody, I’m your old friend Zhujun. Welcom to …… our programme______The life of Art. Today we’re lucky enough to invite the best acter and actress ×× and ××. Welcome! ……

S1: ……

S2 &S3:

Ss: ……

Step 2: Presentation (Fast reading)

T: Wonderful! They talked a lot about how to act well, how to be a successful performer. Do you want to know more?

Ss: Yes.

T: So let’s turn to page 86 skills “learning to act”. Look through the whole passage and find out: What is the first thing an actor or actress should do?

Ss: The first thing an actor must have is the desire to become an actor and the belief that he or she can act well.

Step 3: careful reading

T: Self-confidence, self-determination are of great important. But many skills need learning. Read carefully and tell me how do actors prepare for a performance besides self-confidence.

I. Learning how to act

1. The teacher asks students to image that they are a certain thing, close their eyes, concentrate on the object they have chosen and use their both to show their feelings.

2. The teacher may also ask student to think about a general topic and list situation or actions that belong to the topic.

eg: If the topic is friendship, students may list “a handshake”, “laughter”, “meeting” and so on.

II. trust each other and communicate

eg: one stud it may close his or her eyes and have another student lead him or her around.

III. learn the lines of the play, how to move, where to stand or walk and what expressions to us.

IV. understand the character they pay.

1. from appearance

2. from quality and character.


Remember lives

speak clearly

understanding feelings

Team work On stage

Remember what to say

Speak to the audience

Playing a character

Act together with other actor In real life

Study, take exams

Give a speech, read poetry

Understanding our selves and our friends

Study together, work together

Step 4: Reading and writing (page 20)

T: The actors themselves are the most important. But if an actor wants to perfume successfully, what else will be needed?

Ss: A good director.

A good script.

T: Yeah, a good script plays an important in a successful play. So let’s learn to write and perform a short play. Would you please turn to page 21, and read the tips together?

Ss: ……

Step 5: listening

T: So I’d like you to listen to the tape, follow it and finish exercises on page 21.

1. The teacher says that TV shows and computer games are a bit like plays. Can you think of more similarities? What are the differences?

2. The text above has several roles in it --the teacher and the students. What other “roles” in real life can you think of? Do you “act” in different ways when you’re a “student” and when you are a “son or daughter” or a friend?

3. Life is like theatre, and theatre is like life. Do you agree? Compare life and theatre and try to think of similarities and differences.

Step 6: homework

1. Find out five beautiful sentences in this unit.

2. Go through what we have learnt and try to find something important and difficult.

2.牛津版高一英语新教材教学心得 篇二






词汇量的多少对学生学习英语的质量有重要影响,因此如何进行单词教学,是值得每位英语教师认真考虑的问题。首先,牛津版教材单词容量大,掌握要求分类细,对于不同层次、不同类别的单词,教师可以分而教之,比如根据词性进行词汇分类,名词教学如bread,mobile phone,主要通过实物展示、多媒体呈现等方式进行,而动词一类的教学可以通过动作模拟、情景演示等进行。其次,通过创设情境,为单词的提供一定的语境,让学生通过实际的生活情景互动进行单词练习,加深对单词的感性认识。第三,单词的教学最好结合已学习过的句式进行,可以采用替换法、对比法等进行,另外,通过构词法对学生的词汇量进行扩充,对于有着明确词根、词缀意义的单词,教师要及时进行延伸教学,如学生学习了use后,结合构词法,教师就可以引导学生掌握useful,useless等单词的意思。


如果将单词比作英语语言知识体系的建构元素,那么语法则是将这些元素有机结合起来并赋予完整意义的链接。语法教学的创新主要是要做到激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生从认知需求和任务出发进行规则学习。比如在讲授译林版牛津初中英语7AUnit 5Going shopping中的Grammar时,先让学生观看自己精心制作的flash动画,之后提出“What are we doing now?”然后结合参考答案对时态的规则进行讲解。教师还可以鼓励学生进行分组学习,通过创设不同的情境对这一句型进行内容替换,这样能够围绕语法规则产生丰富的课堂互动内容。教师通过对每一小组的学习情况进行总结,归纳出具有普遍意义的语法学习内容。这部教材在内容安排上在Grammar部分和Checkout部分都对语法项目的学习进行了呈现和要求提升,教师结合这些内容进行语法教学,可以让课堂变得轻松而有效。


语言学习目的在于能够灵活运用于实践,这套教材更加体现了这一本质要求,这就提示我们在做好基础内容教学的基础上,要加强学生语感的培养,最好的方式就是强化朗诵环节,这也可以分为三步。第一步,熟练诵读课文内容,让学生进行大量跟读学习,加深对课文内容的掌握,最好能够达到成诵的程度,尤其是Reading和Main task部分提供的短文,浓缩了需要掌握的一些知识点和实践精华,最好能够让学生进行熟练背诵。第二步,通过教材设置的目标任务对学生的写作进行强化。可以说,良好的写作能力是实践运用的基础。从模仿到原创,学生会通过对写作的熟练达到综合运用语言能力的提高,这也是进行情景对话实践的有效过渡。第三步,在克服语法、句法困难后,就可以让学生结合情境进行对话创作和表演了,这是巩固基础知识、提高口语能力的有效途径。通过这些步骤,就可以让学生实现对课文内容的整体吸收,并做到学以致用。




[1]奚翠萍.基于初中牛津英语教学方法的实践与探索[J].成才之路, 2010 (5) .

3.牛津版高一英语新教材教学心得 篇三

关键词:Task 内容 特点 实践






Step 1 听或读的活动(Receptive)

Step 2 双人或小组的互动(Interactive)

Step 3 口头或书面产品(Productive)

另外,每个Step都有一个技能训练(Skills building), 确保学生顺利完成三个步骤。三个步骤在内容和能力训练上既相对独立,又相互联系,可操作性强。




Task板块的选文内容都与本单元的话题保持一致。试以必修4的各单元为例说明:第一单元话题是advertising,该单元的Task为writing an advertisement;第二单元是sporting events,在Task部分,是你向你的朋友提供一些关于参加运动会比赛的建议;第3单元是Tomorrow’s world,相应地,Task板块安排了一个更换设备超前的新电脑房的提议。

二、Task 板块的教学实践






1.教育部 《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》,人民教育出版社

4.牛津版高一英语新教材教学心得 篇四

A. idea B. feeling C. experience D. sense

2. National day is _______by seven days of holiday in our country.

A. congratulated B. observed C. held D. cheered

3. ________him and then try to copy what he does.

A. Mind B. Glance at C. Stare at D. Watch

4. The storm stopped but the waves were still______ the shore.

A. striking B. hitting C. beating D. knocking

5. We all ______you good luck in the coming examination.

A. hope B. expect C. wish D. want

6. Attention, please. And keep _______when I am taking a photograph of you.

A. calm B. quiet C. still D. silent

7. --------What do you think of the TV play” The Meteor Garden”?

--------I take no interest in it. One of the reason is that such a life is out of our ______.

A. mind B. reach C. sight D. point

8. To work honestly________ in the long run.

A. pays up B. pays off C. pays back D. pays for

9. His work was most unsatisfactory, so we paid him______ at the end of the week.

A. off B. away C. down D. up

10. Can you _____what happened in you childhood to your present state of mind?

A. connect B. keep in touch with C. relate D. join to

11. Having seized the historical developing opportunity, we Chinese people are_____ all the advantages we have, heading for the goal.

A. trying our best of B. going all out of

C. sparing no effort of D. making the best of

12. The doctor keeps________ touch________ telephone_________ his patients.

A. in; with; with B. in: by; with

C. on; by; with C. on; with; by

13. All of________ sudden, I caught_______ sight of my English teacher in the crowd, smiling to me. I calmed down.

A. a; 不填; B. a; a; C. 不填;a; D. 不填;不填;

14. Ronaldo was_____ to win the 100-meter hurdles race, but he fell to the ground and missed the chance.

A. possible B. probable C. likely D. maybe

15. People there soon came to regard the white settlers as their ________enemy.

A. deadly B. dying C. dead D. death

16. Though he was not rich enough, his wife often asks him for_____.

A. jewels B. jewelries C. a jewellery D. jewel

17. Mr. Zhang gave the textbooks to all the people_____ those who had already taken them.

A. besides B. except C. except for D. except that

18. ______Wang Mei, two more girls in our class took part in 1500-metre race and she won the first.

A. Except B. Except for C. Besides D. But

19. I know nothing about the meeting_____ it was held.

A. besides B. except C. except for D. except where

20. Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially_______ Father was away in France.

A. as B. that. C. during D. if

21. ----How are you getting on with your work?

----All goes well as _____.

A. planned B. to be planed C. being planned D. planning

22.Please go and _________a good meal. We shall have the honor of Mr White’s staying for supper.

A. prepare for B. prepare c. get ready for D. have

23. In our childhood, we are often________ by Grandma to pay attention to our table manners.

A. demanded B. reminded C. allowed D. hoped

24.If you are feeling so tired, perhaps a little sleep would_______.

A. act B. help C. serve D. last

25. What surprised me was not what he said but ______he said it.

A. the way B. in the way that C. in the way D. the way which

26. He got to the station early, _______missing his train.

A. in case of B. instead of C. for fear of D. in search of

27. ----Was his father very strict with him when he was at school?

-----Yes. He had never praised him_______ he become one of the top student in his grade.

A. after B. unless C. until D. when

28. ---How did you sleep last night?

---Like a dog. Never slept_______.

A. well B. deeply C. better D. best

29. The matter_______ your fate can’t be taken for granted.

A. in relation to B. has relation to C. has relations with D. to relate to

30. I am sure that David will be able to find the library----he has a pretty good_____ of direction.

A. idea B. feeling C. experience D. sense

31. When he come to, he found himself____ in hospital.

A. lay B. was lying C. lain D. lying

32. With fewer people_______ hens, the price of eggs________.

A. rising; rises B. raising; raises C. rising; raises D. raising; rises

33. We are taught that a business letter should be written in a formal style_______ in a personal style.

A. rather than B. other than C. better than D. more than

33. ----let me have a look at your new stamp.

----here it is.

----_____with mine, yours is ______.

A. to compare; with great value B. comparing; having great value

C. compared; of great value D compare; great valuable

34. Keep_____ to us or you’ll lose your way.

A. closed B. next C. close D. nearly

35. All she needed to ____to her happiness was a baby.

A. finish B. complete C. add D. receive

36. In a word, I don’t think what you said________ at all.

A. makes sense B. makes no sense C. is of little importance D. has a sense

37. The theory which has been against for many centuries______ true.

A. proved B. proved to be C. turned out to be D. all of above

38. ----I’m leaving now.

----Make sure_____ the door.

A. for you to lock B. to have locked C. of locking D. you lock

39. She is beautiful and kind. She is really fit______ you to get married______.

A. of; to B. for; to C. of: with D. for; with

40. It takes almost a whole night for a train to_____ the large province, for it____a bout three time zones.

A. cover; covers B. travel; has C. cover; has D. travel; covers

41. I come into _______with all kinds of people in my work.

A. contract B. attack C. attract D. contact

42._______came that he was punished by the King for he didn’t________.

A. A word, keep his words B. The word, keep his word

C. Word, keep a word D. Word, keep his word

43. I’m sorry, I’m not______ position to _______ you financially.

A. in a, help B. on the , help C. at a, helping D. in the, help

44.I couldn’t help_____ the computer because I was not free at that time.

A. repairing B. repair C. to repairing D. repaired

45. She would not______ the fact that she______ the lowest grades in the recent maths exam in her class.

A. receive; accepted B. accept; received

C. admit; accepted D. realized; got

46. The River Nile______ flood large areas, but now its water______ produce electricity.

A. was used to; is used to B. used to; is used to

C. was used to: is using to D. used to uses to

47. Before the final examination, many students have shown______ of tension. Some have trouble in sleeping while others have lost their appetite.

A. anxiety B. marks C. signs D. remarks

48. Tasting _____, this kind of fried chicken sells _______.

A. well; good B. to be good; well C. good; well D. to be well; good

49. My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever; ______ , he could neither sleep nor eat.

A. as a result B. after all C. anyway D. otherwise

50. We can’t ______ other countries in trade if we don’t develop our national economy.

A. compete for B. compete against C. catch up D. catch with

51. Tom and Mary______ in , that is to say, They_____ for 5 years.

A. married; have married B. have been married; got married

C. got married; have been married D. were married; have married

52. Washington, a state in the United states, was named_______ one of the greatest American presidents.

A. in honor of B. instead of C. in favor of D. by means of

53. Our country has a _____ history of 5000 years.

A. recording B. recorded C. record D. records

54. Eating to much can ______ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.

A. result from B. contribute to C. attend to D. devote to

55. He_____ to escape from the prison, but he couldn’t find anybody to help him.

A. succeeded B. attempted C. advised D. offered

56. We must have a limit____ the expense of the trip.

A. about B. to C. in D. for

57. The young man______ in studying paid no attention to the outside world.

A. involved B. involving C. to be involved D. being involved

58. Please_____ all these figures to see how much they_____.

A. add; add up to B. add up: add up to C. add up; add up D. add; add to

59. If you fight_____ a better future, first of all, you should fight_____ the difficulties.

A. /; for B. against; with C. for; against D. with; /

60. None of us expected the chairman to _____ at the party, we thought he was still in hospital.

A. turn in B. turn over C. turn up D. turn down

61. The plane crashed and they______ on a _____ island in the Pacific Ocean.

A. landed; deserting B. were landed; deserting

C. landed; deserted D. were landed; deserted

62. Thank you, but I’ll have to____ your offer.

A. turn away B. turn down C. turn back D. turn off

63. My English teacher often______ far into night going over the books.

A. stayed up B. stayed C. remained D. kept

64. As is known to us, theory is based on practice and______ serves practice.

A. by chance B. in turn C. in return D. in reply

65. The_____ to the house caused by the storm took several days to repair.

A. ruin B. destruction C. damage D. harm

66. When we found a cook_____ , he will be dismissed.

A. smoke B. smoking C. smoked D. to smoke

67. What he has in mind is beyond____ . No one can tell what she will do next.

A. imagination B. control C. description D. belief

68. People may have different opinions about Karen, but I admire her. ______, she is a great musician.

A. After all B. As a result C. In other words D. As usual

69. I’d like to buy a house-------modern, comfortable, and_____ in a quiet neighborhood.

A. in all B. above all C. after all D. at all

70. We are all fond of _____.

A. journey B. trip c. voyage D. travel

71. The soldier was_____ of running away when the enemy attacked.

A. scolded B. charged C. accused D. punished

72. The Chinese people fought_____ the Japanese invaders_______ freedom over 8 years.

5.牛津版高一英语新教材教学心得 篇五

Unit 1

1) 与某人相处融洽;某事进展顺利 get along/on well with sb./sth.

2) 有麻烦;处与困难中 in trouble

3) 集中注意力于。。。。。。 focus/concentrate (one’s attention) on…

4) 结果,。。。。。。 as a result,…

5) 冲某人大吼 yell at sb.

6) 某人应该因某事而受责备;某人应该对某事负责sb. be to blame for sth.

7) 当众;在公众场合 in public

8) 推迟做。。。。。。 delay/put off doing…

9) 说服某人做某事 persuade sb. to do/persuade sb. into doing…

10) 劝阻某人做某事,使某人因气馁而不去做某事 discourage sb. from doing…

11)(电话等)接通 get through

12)全神贯注于。。。。。。;专心致志于。。。。。。 be absorbed/lost/buried/involved in sth.

13)对做某事犹豫不决 hesitate to do/hesitate about doing…

14)不管/不顾。。。。。。 regardless of…

15)遭受巨大损失 suffer heavy losses

16)彼此 one another; each other

17)因。。。。。。而原谅/宽恕某人 forgive sb. for sth.

18)记笔记 take/make notes (of…)

19)对。。。。。。采取积极态度 take a positive/an active attitude toward(s)/to…

20)感到内疚 feel guilty

21)情不自禁地做。。。。。。 can’t help doing…

22)对。。。。。。感到羞愧 be/feel ashamed of…

23)熬夜 stay up

24)迫不及待地做。。。。。。 can’t wait to do…

25)在。。。。。。后不久 soon/shortly after…

26)给某人提供实用的建议 offer/give sb. practical advice

27)认真对待某人/某事 take sb./sth. seriously; be serious about…

28)在不久前某天 the other day

29)与某人分享。。。。。。 share sth. with sb

30)基于。。。。。。之上 be based on/upon…

31)一方面,。。。。。。另一方面,。。。。。。 on the one hand,…;on the other hand,…

32)第一个做。。。。。。 the first to do…

33) 毫不犹豫地 without hesitation

34)be determined to do…决心做。。。。。。

35) keep one’s word/promise信守诺言

36) apologize to sb. for sth.因某事而向某人道歉

Unit 2

1) 自然灾害natural disasters

2) 发表意见voice one’s opinions

3) 除此之外还有in addition(to…)/besides/as well as/apart from

4) 扫除;消灭wipe out

5) 对。。。。。。有持久影响have a lasting effect upon/on…

6) 对。。。。。。有益be beneficial to…;be good for; do good to; do sb. good; benefit…

7) 担忧。。。。。。 be concerned/worried about…

8) 把。。。。。。排放到。。。。。。pour…into…

9) 为。。。。。。付出沉重代价pay a high price for sth

10) 有意做。。。。。。/专门针对。。。。。。be meant/intended to do…

11) 对。。。。。。负责 take responsibility for/be responsible for…

12) 用完;耗尽 sb. run out of sth; sth. run out; sb/sth give out

13) 只要。。。。。。 so/as long as…; if only…

14) 就我个人而言,。。。。。。personally (speaking),…

15) 对。。。。。。造成破坏/损害cause damage to…

16) 仔细观看。。。。。watch…closely/carefully

17) 在过去 in the past,…

18) 采取措施 take measures/steps to do…; do something to…

19) 鼓励某人做某事encourage sb. to do …

20) 同。。。。。。作斗争 fight against…; struggle against

21) 贮备,备有。。。。。。be stocked with…

22) 取得进步 make progress

23) 到目前为止so far; up to now

24) 引起国内外关注raise/arouse concern both nationally and internationally

25) 导致。。。。。。result in…; lead to…

26) 给某人提有关。。。。。。的建议advise sb. on sth.; give sb. advice on sth

27) cut back on… 削减/缩减。。。。。。

28) rely/depend on sb. for sth.在。。。。。依靠/依赖。。。。。。

29) set up 设立/建立

30) be prohibited from… 被禁止做。。。。。。

Unit 3

1) 超乎想象beyond one’s imagination

2) 指出 point out

3) 干涉;干预。。。。。。interfere with…

4) 因某事而表扬某人praise sb for sth

5) 即使 even though; even if

6) 与。。。。。。有关 be related to…

7) 对。。。。。。感到遗憾feel sorry for…

8) 对。。。。。。做出评论comment on…; make comments on…

9) 完全同意。。。。。。be in complete agreement with…; totally agree with…

10) 毕竟 after all

11) 偶遇。。。。。。come across

12) 讲得通;有意义make sense

13) 与自然作对; 违背自然go against nature

14) 以。。。。。。而告终end up doing…; end up with sth; end up in sp.

15) 实现一个突破 achieve a breakthrough

16) 在科学领域in the field/area of science

17) 局限在。。。。。。范围内be limited to…

18) 对。。。。。。有害be harmful to…; be bad for…; do harm to…; do…harm

19) 抱怨/控诉。。。。。。complain about/of...

20) 开展调查conduct a survey; carry out a survey

21) 在过去几年里over/in the past/last few years

22) 环保environmental conservation/preservation

23) 满足…的需要meet/satisfy/supply/serve one’s needs(requirements/demands/requests)

24) 招致灾难spell disaster

25) 做出选择 make choices

26) 结果是。。。。。。turn out ( to be)…; turn out that…

27) 恢复正常 return to normal

28) 送报纸 deliver newspapers

29) 医疗 medical treatment

30) 得益于。。。。。。benefit from/by…

31) 对。。。。。。要求严格be strict with sb in sth

32) 表现好,守规矩 behave oneself

33) 提倡做。。。。。。advocate doing…

34) 将。。。。。。付诸实践put sth into practice

35) 构建和谐社会construct/build a harmonious society

36) 与某人争论某事argue with sb about/over sth

37) concentrate/focus one’s efforts on…致力于。。。。。。

38) do sth with the intention of…怀着。。。。。。目的去做。。。。。。

39) perform tests on… 在。。。。。。上进行试验

40) follow in one’s footsteps 效仿。。。。。

41) in favour of…赞成/支持/有利于。。。。。。

42) from one’s point of view,…在某人看来

43) decades of…几十年

44) use up 用完;耗尽

45) rather than而不是

46) at a fast rate以很快的速度

47) in general一般来说;大体上

48) push ahead with…义无反顾地进行;努力推进

49) figure out想出;理解;弄明白;计算出

50) go off/to the point跑题/切题

51) beyond all praise赞美不绝

52) in desperate need of…极其需要。。。。。。

53) adopt one’s suggestions采纳某人的建议

54) deliver a speech作演讲

55) be involved in…卷入

56) seek one’s fortune寻出路;去淘金

57) seek after the truth追求真理

58) seek shelter from the rain找躲雨的地方

59) seek advice from sb.向某人请教

60) the/common practice惯常做法

61) perform tasks执行任务

62) under construction在建设中

63) in one’s favor受某人欢迎;对某人有利

64) do sb. a favor帮某人一个忙

65) ask a favor of sb.请某人帮个忙

6.牛津版高一英语新教材教学心得 篇六

1.The world loves nature. (subject,object)

2.Knowledge is power . (subject, predicative)

3.We Chinese are peace-loving.(apposition)


名词性从句在功能上相当于名词名词从句的功能相当于名词词组, 它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语等





His job is important.What he does is important

This is his job.This is what he does every day

I don’t like his job。 I don’t like what he does every day.

I don’t know about the man, Mr. White I don’t know about the fact that he is Mr.White.

That the earth is round is right.

I want to know whether he comes or not.

Pay attention to what I said.

The reason is that he was late for school.

The fact that he died made us sad.


①主语从句(从句位于动词前作主语)(it 做形式主语放于句首,主从放句末)






At lunchtime, the radio weatherman reported that the mist would become a thick fog in the afternoon.

She wondered if the buses would still be running.

The truth is that the fog is too thick for the bus to run that far.

When we will start is not clear.

I had no idea that you were her friend.


连词: that / whether / as if(though);

连接代词: what / who/ which / whose /

whatever / whoever / whomever

/ whichever,

连接副词: where / when / why / how

/ wherever / whenever

Ⅱ句型转换(1.判断主句,从句 2.看主句是否完整,不完整,则用从句补充,若完整则从句代替其中一个成分)

1.They are good doctors. He told us.

He told us that they were good doctors.

2. He hadn’t said anything at the meeting. The fact surprised us.

The fact that he hadn’t said anything at the meeting surprised us.


3.Does your sister get up early? Do you know?

Do you know if/ whether your sister gets up early?

4.Do animals have the same senses as humans? I often wonder.

I often wonder if/ whether animals have the same senses as humans.


5.When did he buy this new bike? Could you tell me?

Could you tell me when he bought this new bike?

6.My question is this: where will the lecture be given?

My question is where the lecture will be given.



1.What we need is more time.

2.What we need are more English dictionaries.

Ⅲ 改错

1.That the earth turns around the sun are known to all.

2.When the meeting will be held haven’t been known yet.

3.I didn’t know that you will come.

4.He said that he is writing a story.

5.Could you tell me when will he arrive?

6.You can begin to see why does English have such strange rules.


连词(除了 as if ,because)

if 引导的主语从句不可居于复合句句首。

Whether he will come on Wednesday is not certain. 不用if

it 做形式主语(由连词 whether , 连接代词 what,who,which 和连接副词 when,where,why,how 等引导.也常常后置:

It’ possible/important/necessary/clear… that……很可能/重要的是…/必要的是…/很清楚…

It’s said/ reported… that..据说/据报道…

It’s announced/declared that..已经通知/宣布…

It seems/appears/happens.. that…显然、明显、碰巧..

It’s no wonder that…并不奇怪/无疑…It’s a pity/a fact /a common knowledge (众所周知)

/ a common saying….(俗话说)

3.主语从句中 ,谓语动词一般用单数What引导的主语从句,可根据表语决定

What he needs _is_ that book.

What he needs _are_ some books

When and where we meet hasn’t been decided.

When we meet and where we meet haven’t been decided.

4主语从句的 “that”不能省。


连词(除了as if ,because)

由that引导的宾语从句(that 通常可以省略)

She told me that she would accept my invitation.

I heard that be joined the army.

I am afraid (that) I’ve made a mistake.

注意:that 引导的从句常跟在下列形容词后作宾语:anxious, aware, certain, confident, convinced, determined, glad, proud, surprised, worried, sorry, thankful, ashamed, disappointed, annoyed, pleased, hurt, satisfied, content 等。也可以将此类词后的that 从句的看作原因状语从句。

但是:He told me (that) he would attend the international maths Olympic competition and that he would win the gold medal.

2.Lily wanted to know if /whether her grandma liked the handbag .

Let’s see if /whether we can find out some information about that city .


a. 主语从句

b. 表语从句

c. 同位语从句

d. 介词后的宾语从句

e.后接动词不定式 (whether to do sth.)

f .whether or not 连在一起引导宾语从句时不用if

1. I asked her __________ she had a bike.

3. We’re worried about ________ he is safe.

4. I don’t know ___________ he is well or not.

5. I don’t know ________ or not he is well.

6. I don’t know _______ to go.

3.时态.与主句相呼应: 如果主句是现在的时态 (包括一般现在时 ,现在进行时,现在完成时),从句的时态可根据实际情况而定,(包括一般现在时,一般过 去时,一般将来时,现在完成时等)

I know he lives here .

I know he lived here ten years ago .

I have heard that he will come tomorrow

如果主句是过去的时态(包括一般过去时,过去进行时),那么从句的时态一定要用相对应的过去的某种时态(包括一般过去时,过去进行时,过去将来时, 过去完成时)

I knew who lived here.

I saw she was talking with her mother.

He asked whether his father would come back


He said that he had seen it .


The teacher said that the sun travels around the earth .

4 it 可以作为形式宾语think,believe,find, make, consider, feel

I think it necessary that you should read English aloud.


若主句谓语动词为think, consider, suppose, believe, expect, fancy, guess, imagine等,其后的宾语从句若含有否定意义,一般要把否定词转移到主句谓语上,从句谓语用肯定式。例如:

I don’t think he will come.

表语从句(可用as if ,because)不用if

The question is whether we can rely on him.

That’s because we were in need of money at that time .

He looked as if he was going to cry .

That’s why I was late .

That’s why + 结果

That’s because+原因

He is ill. That’s why he is absent.

He is absent. That’s because he is ill.

同位语从句(不用if ,because, as if)


He gave me a promise that he would buy a new car for me.

I have no idea whether he will come.

That 引导的同位语从句与定从的区别

The fact that he said nothing surprised everyone present.

The fact that he sais surprised everyone present.


定语从句 --定从和前面的名词是所属关系,对名词进行修饰,加以限定

(2) 同位语从句--that 只起连接作用,不作任何成分

定语从句 -- that 是关系代词,起连接作用和充 当宾语和主语





(1)(That the erath is round) is true.(主语从句)


(2)Do you know(where he lives)?(宾语从句)


(3)My opinion is (that you should not go alone) .(表语从句)


(4)I don’t like the idea (that money is everything).(同位语从句)



1、句意不完整→缺连接代词 ①人 who,whoever(主语)


②物 what,whatever(主语、宾语)



(1)缺连接副词 :


7.牛津版高一英语新教材教学心得 篇七


在课堂教学中,教师只有正确引导学生围绕一个主题来联想单词,才能使学生脑海中的旧词和新词纷联系起来,才能达到温故而知新的目的。譬如,我在教学牛津英语8A Unit4 Wild Animals时,开门见山地向学生提问: “What do you think of when I say ‘Giant Panda’?” 并要求学生把联想到的单词全部写在纸上,不到三分钟,不少学生一口气写出了二十多个单词,思维敏锐的学生写出的单词甚至多达三十个。学生联想到的单词主要有: white, bear, fat, black, zoo, strong, forest, bamboo shoot, mountain, bamboo, nature reserve, slowly, protect, rare, wild animal, die, dangerous (in danger), hunter, fur, peaceful, quiet等。在此过程中,英语基础好的学生向大家展示了自己丰富的词汇量,赢得了师生的一致好评;那些基础较差的学生也享受到了联想单词的快乐,同时也学会了一些新的、非常实用的单词,诸如:高山(mountain)、竹笋(bamboo shoot)、稀有的(rare)、自然保护区(nature reserve)……联想词汇法一般适用于进入一个新的单元时的新课导入,教师采用联想词汇法来引入这个单元或这节课的主题时,学生的良好表现总是出人意料,也会取得事半功倍的教学效果。


教师在课堂教学中巧妙地创设生活化的教学情境,有利于学生在轻松愉快的氛围中学习单词。虽然教学情境是模拟的,但仍会让学生感觉置身于真正的日常生活情境之中。为了让学生学习打电话的常用语言,我带了两部手机让学生来模拟真实通话。例如,A: Hello! May I speak to Jim? B: I’m sorry. He isn’t here. Can I take a message for you? A: OK! This is Kate. My telephone number is 87654321. B: All right. A: Thank you very much. Bye. B: Bye. 当然,教师还可以创设借物、购物、问路、邀请和探望病人等生活中的交际情境,让学生饶有兴致地学习英语,从而提高课堂教学效率。


在新课程改革背景下,学生的主体地位越来越突出。教师引导学生进行归类和总结,不仅能有效激活学生学习英语的积极性和创造性,而且能为学生的语言综合运用能力奠定坚实的基础。学生通过归类和总结,能够从被动学习的状态中解脱出来,从而积极主动地对知识进行梳理和汇总;同时,在教师的恰当指导下,真正实现自主探究学习的目标。如牛津初中英语8B Unit3 Online Travel是有一定难度但又相当实用的单元,总共包含九十二个生词,其中六十五个四会词。我在教学这个单元的时候尝试采用化零为整的归类方法,紧紧围绕与 computer 有关的词汇进行搜集和整理。与Computer相关的名词有:键盘(keyboard)、屏幕(screen)、软盘(floppy disk)、键(key) 、图标(icon)、硬盘(hard disk)、光标(cursor)、打印机(printer)、光盤(CD-ROM)、鼠标(mouse)、指令(instruction)、程序(program)、电子辞典(e-dictionary)、电子邮件(e-mail)、文字处理(word processing)、设置(setting)、工作表(worksheet)、内存(memory)、窗口(window)。至于与computer有关的动词则包括: search for, receive, draw, design, send, print, store, control, restart, check, connect, type, appear, press, double click。当然,该单元的词汇也可以从computer game的角度进行整理,教师只要大胆尝试,就会取得意想不到的效果。

