


1.四级常用词汇总结 篇一



name 姓名

alias 别名

pen name 笔名

date of birth 出生日期

birth date 出生日期

born 出生于

birth place 出生地点

age 年龄

native place 籍贯

province 省

city 市

autonomous region 自治区

prefecture 专区

county 县

nationality 民族,国籍

citizenship 国籍

duel citizenship 双重国籍

address 地址

current address 目前地址

present address 目前地址

permanent address 永久地址

postal code 邮政编码

home phone 住宅电话

office phone 办公电话

business phone 办公电话


sex 性别

male 男

female 女

height 身高

weight 体重

marital status 婚姻状况

family status 家庭状况

married 已婚

single/unmarried 未婚

divorced 离异

separated 分居

number of children 子女人数

none 无

street 街

lane 胡同,巷

road 路

district 区

house number 门牌

health 健康状况

health condition 健康状况

blood type 血型


far-sighted 远视

color-blind 色盲

ID card No.身份证号码

date of availability 可到职时间

available 可到职

membership 会员,资格

president 会长

vice-president 副会长

director 理事

standing director 常务理事

secretary general 秘书长

society 学会

association 协会

research society 研究会


education 学历

educational background 教育程度

educational history 学历

curriculum 课程

major 主修

minor 副修

educational highlights 课程重点部分

curriculum included 课程包括

specialized courses 专门课程

courses taken 所学课程

courses completed 所学课程

special training 特别训练

social practice 社会实践

part-time jobs 业余工作

summer jobs 暑期工作

vacation jobs 假期工作

refresher course 进修课程

extracurricular activities 课外活动

physical activities 体育活动

recreational activities 娱乐活动

academic activities 学术活动

social activities 社会活动

rewards 奖励

scholarship 奖学金

“Three Goods” student 三好学生

excellent League member 优秀团员

excellent leader 优秀干部

student council 学生会

off-job training 脱产培训

in-job training 在职培训

educational system 学制

academic year 学年

semester 学期(美)

term 学期(英)

president 校长

vice-president 副校长

dean 院长

assistant dean 副院长

academic dean 教务长

department chairman 系主任

professor 教授

associate professor 副教授

guest professor 客座教授

lecturer 讲师

teaching assistant 助教

research fellow 研究员

research assistant 助理研究员

supervisor 论文导师

principal 中学校长(美)

headmaster 中学校长(英)

master 小学校长(美)

dean of studies 教务长

dean of students 教导主任

dean of students 教导主任

teacher 教师

probation teacher 代课教师

tutor 家庭教师

governess 女家庭教师

intelligence quotient 智商

pass 及格

fail 不及格

marks 分数

grades 分数

scores 分数

examination 考试

grade 年级

class 班级

monitor 班长

vice-monitor 副班长

commissary in charge of studies 学习委员

commissary in charge of entertainment 文娱委员

commissary in charge of sports 体育委员

commissary in charge of physical labor 劳动委员

Party branch secretary 党支部书记

League branch secretary 团支部书记

commissary in charge of organization 组织委员

commissary in charge of publicity 宣传委员

degree 学位

post doctorate 博士后


master 硕士

bachelor 学士

student 学生

graduate student 研究生

abroad student 留学生

returned student 回国留学生

foreign student 外国学生

undergraduate 大学肄业生

senior 大学四年级学生;高中三年级学生

Junior 大学三年级学生;高中二年级学生

sophomore 大学二年级学生;高中一年级学生

freshman 大学一年级学生

guest student 旁听生(英)

auditor 旁听生(美)

government-supported student 公费生

commoner 自费生

extern 走读生

day-student 走读生

intern 实习生

prize fellow 奖学金生

boarder 寄宿生

classmate 同班同学

schoolmate 同校同学

graduate 毕业生


accomplish 完成(任务等)

achievements 工作成就,业绩

adapted to 适应于

adept in 善于

administer 管理

advanced worker 先进工作者

analyze 分析

appointed 被任命的assist 辅助

authorized 委任的;核准的be promoted to 被提升为

be proposed as 被提名为;被推荐为

behave 表现

breakthrough 惊人的进展,关键问题的解决

break the record 打破记录

business background 工作经历

business experience 工作经历

business history 工作经历

conduct 经营,处理

control 控制

cost 成本;费用

create 创造

decrease 减少

demonstrate 证明,示范

design 设计

develop 开发,发挥

devise 设计,发明

direct 指导

double 加倍,翻一番

duties 职责

earn 获得,赚取

effect 效果,作用

eliminate 消除

employment experience工作经历

employment record 工作经历

employment 工作

enlarge 扩大

enliven 搞活

enrich 使丰富

establish 设立(公司等);使开业;确立

evaluation 估价,评价

excellent League member 优秀团员

excellent Party member 优秀党员

execute 实行,实施

expand 推广;扩大

expedite 加快;促进

experience 经历


export 出口

found 创立

generate 产生

good at 擅长于

guide 指导;操纵

implement 完成,实施

import 进口

improve 改进,提高

increase 增加

influence 影响

initiate 创始,开创

innovate 改革,革新

inspired 受启发的;受鼓舞的install 安装

integrate 使结合;使一体化

introduce 采用,引进

invent 发明

invest 投资

job title 职位

justified 经证明的;合法化的launch 开办(新企业)

lead 领导

lengthen 延长

lessen 减少(生产成本)

level 水平

localize 使地方化

maintain 保持;维修

make 制造

manage 管理,经营

manufacture 制造

mastered 精通的

modernize 使现代化

motivate 促进,激发

negotiate 谈判

nominated 被提名的;被任命的occupational history 工作经历

operate 操作,开动(机器等),经营(厂矿)

organize 组织

originate 创始,发明

overcome 克服(困难等)

participate in 参加

perfect 使完善;改善

perform 执行,履行

plan 计划

position 职位

professional history 职业经历

professional 职业经历

profit 利润

promote 生产,制造

promote 推销(商品);创立(企业)等

provide 提供,供应

raise 提高

reach 达到

realize 实现(目标等);获得(利润)

receive 收到,得到,接受

recognize 认清(职责等)

recommended 被推荐的;被介绍的reconsolidate 重新巩固;重新整顿

reconstruct 重建

recorded 记载的recover 恢复;弥补

rectify 整顿,调整

redouble 加倍,倍增

reduce 减少,降低(成本等)

refine 精练,精制

reform 改革

regenerate 更新,使更生

registered 已注册的regularize 使系统化

regulate 控制(费用等)

rehandle 重铸;重新处理

rehash 以新形式处理(旧材料)

reinforce 加强

reckon 计算(成本等)

renew 重建,换新

renovate 革新;修理

repair 修复,修补

replace 接替,替换

representative 代表,代理人

research 调查,研究

resolve 解决

responsibilities 职责

second job 第二职业

set 创造(纪录等)

settle 解决(问题等)

shorten 减低......效能

show 显示,表明

significant 重要的,有效的

simplify 简化,精简

solve 解决

sort out 清理

specific experience 具体经历

speed up 加速

sponsor 主办

spread 传播,扩大

standard 标准,规格

streamline 把......设计流线型

strengthen 加强,巩固

study 研究

succeed 成功

supervise 监督,管理

supply 供给,满足(需要)

systematize 使系统化

target 目标,指标

test 试验,检验

top 头等的,最高的total 总数,总额

translate 翻译,转化

travel 旅行

unify 使成一体,统一

use 使用,运用

useful 有用的utilize 利用

valuable 有价值的vivify 使活跃

well-trained 训练有素的work experience 工作经历

work history 工作经历

work 工作,起作用

working model 劳动模范

worth 使......钱的,有......价值的简历词汇(4):个人品质用词

able 有才干的,能干的active 主动的,活跃的adaptable 适应性强的adroit 灵巧的,机敏的aggressive 有进取心的alert 机灵的

ambitious 有雄心壮志的amiable 和蔼可亲的amicable 友好的

analytical 善于分析的apprehensive 有理解力的aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的capable 有能力的,有才能的careful 办事仔细的candid 正直的charitable 宽厚的competent 能胜任的confident 有信心的

conscientious 认真的,自觉的considerate 体贴的constructive 建设性的contemplative 好沉思的cooperative 有合作精神的creative 富创造力的

dashing 有一股子冲劲的,有拼搏精神的dedicated 有奉献精神的devoted 有献身精神的dependable 可靠的

diplomatic 老练的,有策略的disciplined 守纪律的

discreet(在行动,说话等方面)谨慎的dutiful 尽职的dynamic 精悍的earnest 认真的

well-educated 受过良好教育的efficient 有效率的energetic 精力充沛的enthusiastic 充满热情的expressive 善于表达

faithful 守信的,忠诚的forceful(性格)坚强的frank 直率的,真诚的friendly 友好的frugal 俭朴的

generous 宽宏大量的genteel 有教养的gentle 有礼貌的hard-working 勤劳的hearty 精神饱满的honest 诚实的hospitable 殷勤的humble 恭顺的humorous 幽默的impartial 公正的

independent 有主见的industrious 勤奋的ingenious 有独创性的initiative 首创精神

have an inquiring mind 爱动脑筋

intellective 有智力的intelligent 理解力强的

inventive 有发明才能的,有创造力的just 正直的

kind-hearted 好心的knowledgeable 有见识的learned 精通某门学问的liberal 心胸宽大的logical 条理分明的loyal 忠心耿耿的methodical 有方法的modest 谦虚的

motivated 目的明确的objective 客观的open-minded 虚心的orderly 守纪律的original 有独创性的

painstaking 辛勤的,苦干的,刻苦的practical 实际的precise 一丝不苟的persevering 不屈不挠的punctual 严守时刻的purposeful 意志坚强的qualified 合格的rational 有理性的realistic 实事求是的reasonable 讲道理的reliable 可信赖的responsible 负责的self-conscious 自觉的selfless 无私的

sensible 明白事理的sincere 真诚的smart 精明的

spirited 生气勃勃的sporting 光明正大的

steady 塌实的

straightforward 老实的strict 严格的

systematic 有系统的

strong-willed 意志坚强的sweet-tempered 性情温和的temperate 稳健的tireless 孜孜不倦的简历词汇(5):其它内容用词

objective 目标

career objective 职业目标

employment objective 工作目标

position wanted 希望职位

job objective 工作目标

position applied for 申请职位

position sought 谋求职位

position desired 希望职位

for more specialized work 为更专门的工作

for prospects of promotion 为晋升的前途

for higher responsibility 为更高层次的工作责任

for wider experience 为扩大工作经验

due to close-down of company 由于公司倒闭

due to expiry of employment 由于雇用期满

offered a more challenging opportunity 获得的更有挑战性的工作机会

sought a better job 找到了更好的工作

to look for a more challenging opportunity 找一个更有挑战性的工作机会

to seek a better job 找一份更好的工作


【世贸人才网:国际贸易商务人才门户 更新时间: 2008-01-22 】 【打印】【关闭】


1.Mature,dynamic and honest.


2.Excellent ability of systematical management.


3.Ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1.


4..A person with ability plus flexibility should app1y.需要有能力及适应力强的人。

5..A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.个性稳重、具高度责任感。

6.Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。

7.Bright,aggressive applicants.反应快、有进取心的应聘者。

8.Ambitious attitude essential.


9.Initiative,independent and good communication skill.


10.Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality.


11.Willing to assume responsibilities.应聘者须勇于挑重担。

12.Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。

13.Energetic,fashion-minded person.精力旺盛、思想新潮。

14.With a pleasant mature attitude.开朗成熟。

15.Strong determination to succeed.


16.Strong leadership skills.


18.Ability to work well with others.能够同他人一道很好地工作。

19.Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康、性格开朗。

20.The ability to initiate and operate independently.有创业能力,并能独立地从业。

21.Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit.有很高的领导艺术和很强的集体精神。

22.Be highly organized and effecient.


23.Willing to learn and progress.


24.Good presentation skills.有良好的表达能力。

25.Positive active mind essential.


26.Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively。


27.Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision。


28.Young,bright,energetic with strong career-ambition.年轻、聪明、精力充沛,并有很强的事业心。

29.Good people management and communication skills.Team player.有良好的人员管理和交际能力。能在集体中发挥带头作用。

30.Able to work under high pressure and time limitation.能够在高压力下和时间限制下进行工作。

31.Be elegant and with nice personality.举止优雅、个人性格好。

32.With good managerial skills and organizational capabilities.有良好的管理艺术和组织能力。

33.The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability

to learn, ambition and good health.35.主要必备素质是吃苦耐劳精神好、学习能力优、事业心强和身体棒。

36.Having good and extensive social connections.具有良好而广泛的社会关系。

37.Being active, creative and innonative is a plus.思想活跃、有首创和革新精神尤佳。

38.With good analytical capability.有较强的分析能力。

2.四级常用词汇总结 篇二




look看的动作/ see看的结果;watch观察/observe为了研究进行的观察;Notice注意catch sight of看见/

stare好奇地看/ glare瞪着看


see a film watch TV 2“说”

telll sth to sb.=tell sb sth告诉的内容

talk with sb about sth强调说话者之间的交流

Say sth诉说的内容

speak in English说的语言 whisper sth to sb 耳语

Inform sb of sth 通知某人某事

reason /talk/persuade sb into doing sth 说服某人做某事





warn警告 remind提醒 Discuss 讨论debate辩论

figure 指出declare宣布 claim自称 mention 提起

admit 承认deny 否绝 describe描述 announce 公布 introduce 介绍complain抱怨







sigh叹气 quarrel大吵


ask 询问 interview 采访 express表达

question审问 5“答”



“听” listen to听的动作


pick up收听




write sth 写 describe描写

drop a line 写信 draw画

take down/write down写下,记下

8“拿/放” take拿走





Put放 lay 铺/放置



take hold of 抓着 seize紧抓

grasp 握住

scratch 抠

10“打” hit一次性的打击





11“扔” throw扔

drop掉 放弃 错过 fall 倒下无意掉下来 wave 招手 shake摇 12“送” send寄送



offer 主动给予 see off给某人送行 13“摸/抱” touch摸 /fold折叠

/embrace拥抱 / hug抱/hold 握

in one’s arms 14“踢/碰” kick踢/knock敲/ tip 轻敲


walk run climb jump skip 单腿跳 slip溜 come/go enter进入 move搬迁


drive开车 ride 骑fly

crawl 匍匐前进


sit down

be seated seat oneself take a seat/ stand站,耸立/ lean斜靠 17“睡/休息” lie /on one’s back/ on one side/ on one’s stomach stay in bed have a rest

take a nap打盹

be asleep bend turn over翻身


18“笑” smile 微笑(不出声)

laugh burst into laughter burst out laughing


cry shed tears 留泪



burst into tears /burst out crying 20“找/查” find找到

look for正在找过程

find out查明

discover/explore 发现/探索

hunt for search for seek / seek for

in search of寻找

Search sb 搜身

search sp.for sth 为某物而搜寻某地


examine 考察发现问题/体检 test检测,检验

inspect视察 21“穿”

put on 动作 wear穿戴 have on试穿

be dressed in 穿的状态 make-up化装

get changed换衣服

be in red

Take off 脱 remove 去除

22“吃/喝” eat/drink sip吮吸

have a meal have supper toast taste

treat sb to请某人吃

help oneself to 随便吃


get obtain acquire获得知识和技能

gain possess


lose 丢了 be lost /be missing人错过失踪,不见


great loss


die off相继死去

die away 逐渐消失





26“无” nothing left

the remaining thing


be missing /gone 27“增/减”

rise / go up /drop


raise /bring down /reduce increase/decrease

28“买/卖” buy purchase afford pay

pay off pay for sell on sale bargain

Bill /

cheque /

cash/ credit card notes/ coins discounts 29“存在/消失”come into being exist appear survive

live show turn up

Disappear die

die out

pass away be out of sight 30“变化” develop improve become grow

go+ bad /wrong/ sour /without(negative adj.)turn + colour change /change into


31“认识的过程”feel sense guess suppose wonder doubt know /learn realize Understand


be familiar with

recall recite apply to

32“成功/失败”make it succeed make progress come true realize one’s dream win



fail to do

failure defeat suffer loss beat turn sth.Into reality 33“努力” try /manage make efforts attempt do ones best do as much as one can to do 34祝贺

congratulations on sb celebrate observe 庆祝 get together 聚会 35赞美/批评 praise think highly of /

blame sb for sth/ sb is to blame

criticize /scold sb.for sth.have a low opinion of sb

Speak ill of


like love be fond of be keen on be crazy about adore be into prefer enjoy in favor of


hate be awful/disgusting

ignore turn off 37判断

think believe consider find feel conclude infer doubt

38到达 arrive at


return to

get to

stay in sp


leave leave for

on one’s way to

upon one’s arrival on doing sth

39受伤 hurt injured wound cut kill drown bleed get burnt suffer from

suffer a loss 40损坏 damage destroy ruin

break down

be broken crash 41修复

repair rebuild restore fix

recover oneself 42支持/反对 agree disagree accept receive

refuse turn down

be against elect

vote for/ against 43 做饭

cook wash cut chop boil fry steam make mix clean brush cover uncover cooker

建议 advise suggest recommend urge propose demand

persuade 说服 45 花费

sth/doing sth+cost

sb+spend+ in doing sth

Sb+afford +n/to do sth

It +take some time/ money/energy +to do sth

sb+ pay+$ for sth.at one’s expense 46 省/存钱

save /save up set aside put away

spare no effort/ time


take part in

join /join in

attend compete in/ for/against 48控告 accuse sb.of

charge sb.With

救治 help /help out

save /rescue sb from sth.Treat过程 / cure 结果sb.Of sth

Aid sb in doing sth / to do sth help sb with sth assist sb in doing sth 50敬佩 admire respect show respect for/to adore envy /be jealousy in honor of 51逃避

ran away

escape from

flee hide

阻止/禁止 prevent / keep/ stop sb.From doing sth

forbid doing sth.Ban prohibit 53 对付/处理 handle / do with / deal with /tackle /overcome sth

solve settle



copy imitate learn from learn


come about happen to take place break out

burst out go off explosion


fasten fix set equip

be armed with 用什么武装

be equipped with装备有

追求 pursuit ran after seek after chase catch up with赶上

keep up with跟上 57 想/考虑 think of 考虑/+as把什么看成 think about想起


think over仔细考虑

be concerned 担心

be considerate towards sb.58 打算

plan / intend / design to do be going to do /be about to do /will do 59 似乎/好象

seem appear look like as if as though

开办/关闭 open start set up close/close up end close down 名词类“

1假期vacation holiday spring break

ask for leave be on holiday have two days off 2旅游 trip journey tour voyage travel tourist passenger go camping/picnicking/hiking 3职务人员 clerk secretary passer-by friend minister manager waitress guest host hostess

Assistant customer adult neighbor relative patient /vet staff crew nurse teacher


tailor sailor inventor gardener guard

4餐馆/定餐/就餐 inn restaurant kitchen menu

bill order


fork and knife

reserve /book table

Taste delicious salad dash vegetables fruit

tray napkin 5诊所/看病/服药 clinic hospital take one’s temperature

take medicine/pills have a fever/flu/headache doctor physician surgeon

specialist patient 6车站/机场

airport on board miss the train/bus catch a train meet sb.7身体部位

arm head hair brain waist back shoulder pulse wrist 8意志

will courage patience determination faith effort confidence

ambition energy 9才能/品质

talent gift ability

potential intelligent promising smart stupid careful proud

Strict honest cold serious easy-going learned knowledgeable

10优缺点 advantage disadvantage strength weakness 11目标

aim goal

intention purpose belief faith 12方式 means method way manner approach 13身体素质 strong weak pale sick ill be well keep slim/ fit cut weight/put on weight


14图表 photo picture graph drawing table line/bar graph pie chart draw a sketch 划草图 15文章 reading translation essay poem paper novel/fiction article magazine newspaper

journal 日志 diary日记


form make a list of 16课堂class course lecture example reason message notes words phrase scholarship degree

Subject question trouble difficulty grades read comment marks 17 学校活动 match game activity hold a meeting /debate /speech/ ceremony 18建议/观点 advice suggestion idea proposal view recommandation 19气候/天气 climate weather storm windy cloudy rainy snow hot/cold/freezing/heat/warmth


by train/bus /boat bike on the train/bus /a bike drive a car ride a bike

give sb.a lift/ride 21习惯 habit custom get used to regular有规律的(形容词)


sight hearing touch smell sense


feeling emotion anger

delight sadness sorrow 财富 money possessions wealth belongings fortunes treasure diamond be rich/well-off 25 运动比赛 on the playground

on the track and filed

pitch event game match

sports player


judge jogging weightlifting

play volleyball/soccer/ 26衣服

clothes, cloth, clothing clothes统指各种衣服,谓语动词永远是复数,cloth指布,为不可数名词 clothing 服装的总称,指一件衣服用a piece of, an article of 27事件

incident, accident

incident指小事件, accident指不幸的事故

形容词类 1人的各种感受

乐happy delighted

to one’s joy pleased amused 悲 sad unhappy painful bitter平静 calm

quiet silent/still peaceful 烦bother bored be fed up with

震惊 surprised astonished shocked /amazed

in fear be frightened /scared /afraid 失望desperate disappointed hopeless be depressed 满意be satisfied with /be content to do


生气 Annoyed angry

disgusting burst into rage 2 表程度的副词类

narrowly/ Nearly/ almost

hardly/ hard

extremely/ very

very/ quite

Accidently/ once in a while

occasionaly/ once

far / by far Farther/ further

better/ worse be well/ good however/ therefore/so/thus ….易考的近义词组

Run/ manage

grow/ plant


fit/ suit/ match

Hit/ beat/strike

meet/ satisfy

touch /feel

play /performer

Contain/ hold /seat/ fill


help/work/ do Fall/ sink/ drop

matter/ problem /trouble/

money/ account Cause/ reason

that’s why/ that’s because

because/ since,as/ for Last/ continue

keep/ stay/

treat/ cure/ operate

separate/ divide Stand/ bear/tolerate/hold

3.英语四级历年写作常用句型总结 篇三


1.Recently the phenomenon has become a heated topic.2.Recently the problem has been brought into focus.3.Nowadays there is a growing concern over....4.What calls for special attention is that...5.There’s no denying the fact that...6.what’s far more important is that...7.It is common knowledge that honesty is the best policy.8.It is well-known that…

9.Many nations have been faced with the problem of...10.According to a recent survey,...11.With the rapid development of...,...二、结尾

1.From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that...2.In conclusion, it is imperative that...3.In summary, if we continue to ignore the above-mentioned issue, more problems will crop up.4.With the efforts of all parts concerned, the problem will be solved thoroughly.5.Taking all these into account, we...6.Whether it is good or not /positive or negative, one thing is certain/clear...7.All things considered,...8.It may be safely said that...9.Therefore, in my opinion, it’s more advisable...10.It can be concluded from the discussion that...11.From my point of view, it would be better if...三、表比较

1.The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.2.The advantages of A are much greater than those of B.3.A may be preferable to B, but A suffers from the disadvantages that...5.For all the disadvantages, it has its compensating advantages.6.Like anything else, it has its faults.7.A and B has several points in common.8.However, the same is not applicable to B.9.A and B differ in several ways.10.Evidently, it has both negative and positive effects.四、表原因

1.A number of factors are accountable for this situation.A number of factors might contribute to(lead to)(account for)the phenomenon(problem).2.The answer to this problem involves many factors.3.The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that...4.The factors that contribute to this situation include...5.The change in...largely results from the fact that...6.Part of the explanations for it is that...7.One of the most common factors(causes)is that...8.Another contributing factor(cause)is...9.Perhaps the primary factor is that...10.But the fundamental cause is that...五、表结果

1.It may give rise to a host of problems.2.The immediate result it produces is...3.It will exercise a profound influence upon...4.Its consequence can be so great that...六、表反驳

1.It is true that..., but one vital point is being left out.2.There is a grain of truth in these statements, but they ignore a more important fact.3.Many of us have been under the illusion that...4.It makes no sense to argue for...5.Such a statement mainly rests on the assumption that...6.Contrary to what is widely accepted, I maintain that...七、表证明

4.四级英语中词汇的记忆方法 篇四








黑白循环记忆法解决的是四级词汇的宏观记忆方法,而词根词缀记忆法解决的是词汇微观记忆问题。它的特点是充分利用单词的构词规律,通过掌握一组单词的共同词根或词缀,达到成串记忆单词的目的。比如知道able,abil的意思是capable能,就可以知道able,enable,unable,ability,capable等都是和能力和才干有关系的;如果知道act=to do,to drive做,干,驱动那么记忆act,action,actor,actress,active,activity,activate,actual,exact,reactor,interact,transaction等就非常简单了。知道了part=to separate的意思是分离,分开更可以记住一长串单词:parcel,park,partly,partial,partner,party,participate,participant,particle,particular,apart,apartment,department,compartment,depart,part,partion。类似的词根还有很多。在这里我们仅举几例,有关大学英语的词根、词缀记忆的方法,大家可以参看我们的《大学英语词汇词根、词缀记忆法》一书。advan=forward在前,向前;add=to put to加上;aer=air,space空气,天空,太空;ag=to do,to move,to conduct做,搅动,引导;alter= to change改变;ampl=large,spacious宽,大;ann,enn=year年;art=skill技艺;cur(e),sur(e)-=care操心,关注,安全,照看,医治;dic,dit=to speak讲,说;form,forma=,format=shape,figure形成,模式。





所谓的全息记忆法就是利用单词的有效记忆原理之一的“意群记忆原理”来记忆单词。记忆科学研究证明,如果单个记忆单词既累又不能长时间地巩固。只要将单词按一定的意义联系组合起来记忆,效果会大大地提高。全息记忆法可以按马克思主义原理对于物质的分类方法把四级大纲上的词汇分成“物质世界”,“人类社会”和“科学思维”三个大类。“物质世界”又可细分为“无生命物质”和“有生命物质”。“无生命物质”可以包含物质的最小成分(atom,particle)到宇宙大空间(universe,solar,lunar);“有生命物质”可以包括构成生命的最小单位基因(protein,gen,cell,),低级的水生生物(fish,shellfish)到爬行动物(reptile,insect)再到飞行动物(bird),哺乳动物(mammal),猿(monkey,)和人(human being)。在“人类社会”这一概念下的上层建筑就可以包含皇家(royalty,dynasty,dictator),贵族(nobleman,landlord),政府(government,official,administrate),选举(election,vote),立法(congress,assembly,legslative),动荡(disorder,uprising,revolution),警察(police,officer),监狱(gail,prison),武装(army,armed forces),战争(war,weapon,surrender,defeat,victory),和平(peace,treaty)。以上所列举的都是按一定的名词概念进行的分类,在实际操作中只要是和这些概念和意义有关的名词,动词及其短语,形容词和副词等都可以一并记忆。

这种记忆方法的优点在于学习者可以随时随地根据某一信息联想记忆单词。比如:一个人骑车走在街上就可以联想到bicycle,truck,car,vehicle,bus,traffic(jam,light),rush hours,highway,freeway,zebra lines,cement,sidewalk,underpass,fine,road,passenger,shops,fence等词。又如:我们到医院能想到hospital,doctor,nurse,ward,medicine,cure,treatment,injection,illness,clinic,等等。本记忆法的另一个优点是,能突出一些常见单词的不常用的意义,因为多义词的不同意思可能被归入不同的意群当中。比如:resource可以归入三个意群当中,它与substance,natured等放在一起表示“物质资源”;与method,approach放在一起表示“办法”;与with放在一起表示“智谋”和“应变之才”。









此方法是用一个有趣的句子将一组词串起来。比如baby,bachelor,bad,bacon,badly,bacteria,balance等几个词在拼写和意义上都没有什么联系,我们可以通过一个例子将它们贯穿。A bachelor without a baby lost his balance and fell ill badly because he has some bad bacon with bacteria,and was awarded a badge。一个没有孩子的单身汉身子失去了平衡,结果病得很厉害,因为他吃了一些带菌的熏肉,并被授予一枚勋章。这个句子荒诞离奇,但却巧妙地将所有地连在一起,而且它还体现了各个单词的用法,由于单词大多以同一个字母开头,因此具有音韵的效果,读起来朗朗上口。


