


1.商务谈判计划书英文 篇一







2.商务谈判计划书英文 篇二

随着现代科技的飞速发展, 电子邮件作为一种日常的交际手段已经在世界上许多机构、公司里变得愈来愈重要。然而, 并非所有的电子邮件都能很好地完成交际目的。根据作者的调查, 许多商务英语专业的学生和商务领域的工作者在起草邮件时对邮件的结构和语言特点并没有清晰地认识。但是, 涉及到商务电子邮件的结构和语言特点这方面的教材和专业杂志很少, 对这方面的学术研究更是鲜有发现。本文就是根据这种需要, 为了帮助需求者更有效地运用电子邮件, 研究电子邮件的语言特征而产生的。


正如信函在整体结构上有着自己固定的格式一样, 商务电子邮件也有着自身的基本格式, 通常由开头、正文、结尾三部分组成。

开头部分由副开头和称呼组成。副开头一般由自动生成的固定格式组成, 包括日期、发件人、收件人、抄送、主题 (事由) 。称呼根据发件人的具体情况以及发件人和收件人之间的关系而定, 从无称呼到比较保守的称呼都有使用。正文部分为邮件的具体内容, 也是邮件最复杂的组成部分, 用以完成邮件讨论信息或传递信息的交际功能。正文大多由两三个简短的自然段构成, 一个自然段一般只有一两句话。例如:What is the delivery date?Thanks.在收集的200封邮件中, 89例中 (44.5%) 发件人使用名或姓结尾, 在54例中 (27%) 用“谢谢”及类似“谢谢”的话语结尾, 在57例中 (28.5%) 用“祝好”结尾。进一步仔细分析, 我们可以看出邮件正文功能和结尾之间的联系与呼应, 呈现提供信息——姓名结尾, 提出请求——谢谢结尾的基本倾向。


(一) 大量使用缩略词

邮件中所使用的大部分词都是简单的口语话的词, 但有时候缩略语在邮件中也会出现。缩略词的使用体现了电子邮件的非正式化和口语化的特征。经过作者仔细的观察和统计, 邮件中常用的缩略词有四类:第一类是商业术语的缩写, 如:贸易术语FOB (free on board) , 付款方式D/P (document against payment) ;第二类是单据的缩写, 如:B/L (bill of lading) ;第三类是公司或机构名称的缩写, 如:ICC (International Chamber o Commerce) ;第四类是计量单位的缩写, 如:PIC (piece) 。还有一些缩写形式不但出现在商务电子邮件中, 在日常生活中来往的邮件中也频繁地使用, 如:BK:bank;TKS:thanks。

(二) 专业术语的使用

专业术语涉及到一些科学领域, 它们有很高程度的专业性, 其含义准确不容易被误解, 但对于外行来讲又很难理解其准确含义。通常来讲, 太过正式和专业化的术语应尽量避免, 但当涉及到商品名称、法律、运输等事宜时, 专业术语的使用是有必要的。作者列举了商务电子邮件中常会使用的专业术语, 如:法律方面的术语:conciliation, penalty;银行术语:invoice reimbursement, correspondence;运输术语:liner charter, consigner。

对于一些商业术语, 在词典中不能发现其准确含义, 对商务领域外的工作者来讲, 其含义是不能被理解的。如:More or less clause;grace period;fare average quality, etc。

(三) 使用简单的词和清楚的表达方式

对于相同意思的表达, 使用简单清楚的表达方式既节省了书写时间又节省了阅读时间。现代商务电子邮件直截了当、开门见山的撰写方式更符合现代商务活动高效率的要求。商务英文电子邮件不应使用模棱两可的词或词组, 以免产生歧义延误对方的时间或造成贸易纠纷。


(一) 使用简单句或扩展句, 很少使用复杂句或复合句

简单句的大量使用是因为简单句具有结构简单、含义明确的特点。下面从所收集的语料中选的例子就证明了这一点:Pls ship the goods ASAP;We will quote you lowest CIF price。

(二) 大量使用短句, 很少使用长句

句子的长度对写作的好坏是很重要的。英语中大部分的句子长度在15到20个词之间, 但这并非意味着每个句子的长度是一样的。通过作者的统计, 英文商务电子邮件的句子的平均长度为13.4, 低于一般英语的平均句长 (16.68) , 这说明商务电子邮件的信息容量较低。

(三) 大量使用礼貌性的句式

商务电子邮件在进行信息交流的同时, 也传递了写信人的情感和思想。一封礼貌、客气的邮件可能会是公司的友好使者, 对公司外贸业务的顺利进展起着非常重要的作用。试比较以下例句:We allow 2%discount for cash payment;You earn 2%discount for cash payment。这两个句子都强调了现金付款会有2%的折扣这一事实, 但后一句强调了客户的利益, 指出现金付款会对客户有什么好处, 体现了写信人对客户的关心和尊重。另外, 礼貌性句式的使用可以增进与客户间的友好关系, 为以后的交易奠定基础。

(四) 时有语法错误出现

由于中外商贸人员都把传递业务信息作为写电邮的目的, 而往往不注重语法, 但所犯的语法错误都不影响语义的理解, 如:主谓不一致、单复数问题、拼写问题等。如:Looking forward to receive your reply; (receive改为receiving) Please quote the prices to us for blank and incuded one color logo。 (incuded改为include)


本文对作为一种交际工具的商务电子邮件的研究是建立在对大量的语料进行观察和分析的基础上的, 研究的结论有数据的支持, 从以上的所有分析来看, 商务电子邮件在很大程度上具有口语化、个性化、效益化、自发性、随意性和灵活性等特征, 而且这些特征正在影响着当今的商务电子邮件写作。


[1]JULIOC.Gimenez.Business email communication:Some emerging tendencies in register[J].English for Specific Purposes, 2000 (6) .

[2]黄国文.语篇分析的理论与实践[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2001.

[3]孙玲.浅谈商务英文电子邮件的书写原则[J].商场现代化, 2007 (6) .

3.商务谈判计划书英文 篇三





The main line of our business is air-conditioners export. Would you please give me the name of your bank? Illustrated catalogues and pricelists will be airmailed at your request.





Our bank has informed us that you need an air-conditioner supplier. As our main line is exporting air-conditioners, we cordially propose that we become partners.

If you agree, please send us your bank’s name so we can better know your company.

We will send you our illustrated catalogue and pricelist as soon as we receive your enquiry.




I’m very glad to inform you that the 75 hopper railway cars supplied by your company are estimated to arrive at Destination Puerto Ordaz in December. So may I have the pleasure to invite you to our company located at Puerto Ordaz, Estado Bolivar? We will hold a celebration ritual of 75 hopper railway cars. In the past two years, we had a very satisfying cooperation, and we look forward to developing future business with you. We hope you could come to Puerto Ordaz on December 3rd.




1. 确保语义连贯

语义连贯指的是句与句之间以及段与段之间应该衔接紧密、逻辑清晰。也就是说,后文应该围绕前文展开叙述,后文内容可以在前文内容中找到线索,这样收件人读起来才不会有跳跃感和突兀感。例如上述案例中的第二句话与第一句话之间的语义就不连贯,让人读起来感觉有点莫名其妙:第一句话并不是第二句话的原因,何来的“so”呢?到底为什么要向对方提出邀请呢?读到下文才明白,原来邀请的原因是“We will hold a celebration ritual of 75 hopper railway cars”。大家需要明白的是,一封正式的商务电子邮件不是悬疑小说,不应该让收件人带着疑问去读下文。就案例2而言,如果将案例中的第二句话和第三句话中想表达的内容调换一下顺序,语义就会顺畅很多:“We are planning to hold a celebration ceremony for the arrival of the 75 hopper railway cars in our company in Puerto Ordaz, Estado Bolivar on Dec. 3rd, 2011. Therefore, we would like to invite you to attend this ceremony on that day.”

2. 使用替代词


Thank you for the copy of your new book, Guide to Business Writing, which you sent me last week.

The book turns out to be just the book I needed! The book is full of useful information and I’m sure I will be consulting the book a lot in the future when I have to write letters and reports in English.

这一段的内容中重复出现了the book,致使句与句之间的衔接非常别扭,读起来有断断续续的感觉。因为第一段中已经提到book,所以下文中出现的the book完全可以用it来替代,这样行文就会顺畅得多。

但同时要强调的一点是,我们在撰写邮件时,尽量不要在邮件的开头部分出现he、she、it、this等代词。因为收件人的思路可能与你的思路不同,代词太多会让他们感到很迷惑。例如笔者曾见过这样的邮件开头:“I know you want to talk about it, but I am tied up in meetings all day.”这句话中的it出现在开头,指代不明,容易让人困惑,因此作者应将it所指代的具体内容表述出来,例如:“I know you want to talk about the proposal, but I am tied up in meetings all day.”

3. 使用连接词


◆ 表递进:in addition、moreover、what’s more、besides、also等;

◆ 表转折:although、nevertheless、however等;

◆ 表对比:in contrast、on the contrary等;

◆ 表强调:above all、especially、most importantly等;

◆ 表举例:for example、for instance等;

◆ 表结果:as a result、because of this、for this reason、hence、therefore等;

◆ 表总结:to sum up、finally、in a word等;

◆ 表时间:at present、in the future、meanwhile、recently、shortly、when等。

4. 省略


1.Please sign one copy of the Sales Confirmation and return this copy for our file.

2.Please sign and return one copy of the Sales Confirmation for our file.




We are very pleased to inform you that the 75 hopper railway cars supplied by your company are estimated to arrive at the destination, Puerto Ordaz, in December. We are planning to hold a celebration ceremony for the arrival of the 75 hopper railway cars in our company in Puerto Ordaz, Estado Bolivar on Dec. 3rd, 2011. Therefore, we would like to invite you to attend this ceremony on that day.

We consider your participation in this ceremony to be vital, as you are one of our major suppliers. Over the past two years, we have enjoyed a very satisfactory cooperation, and we sincerely wish to develop further business with you.

We look forward to seeing you in Puerto Ordaz on Dec. 3rd.

Several weeks after a young man had been hired, he was called into the personnel director’s office.

“What is the meaning of this?” the director asked. “When you applied for the job, you told us you had five years’ experience. Now we discover this is the first job you ever held.”

4.英文商务信函 篇四

Dear Mr./ Ms, Owing to the large increase in the volume of our trade with this country we have decided to open a branch here, with Mr.Wang Lo as manager.The new branch will open on 1st March and from that date all orders and inquiries should be sent to Mr.Wang Lo at the above address, instead of to our London office.We take this opportunity to express our thanks for your cooperation in the past.We hope the new arrangements will lead to even better results.Yours faithfully

歇业 Discontinuation of business

Dear Mr/Ms, With the demolition of our premises at the above address under a redevelopment scheme, the part of our business carried on there will be discontinued after the end of October.On Monday, 1st October, we are holding a closing-out sale.Stock on hand will be cleared regardless of cost.There will be substantial reductions in all departments and in some cases, prices will be marked down by as much as one half.Stock to be cleared is unrivaled in both variety and quality.As the sale is likely to be well attended, we hope you make a point of visiting the store as early as possible during the opening days.Yours faithfully

更改名称和地址 Change of name and address

Dear Mr./ Ms, At our company meeting on 4 September, it was decided that the name of our company would be changed to CNMIEC Lee Co.At the same time, it was decided to move the company from the above address to No3-6 Broadway Street.We will appreciate your informing the appropriate departments of these changes.Yours faithfully

新的任命 New appointment

Dear Mr./ Ms, We wish to notify you that Mr.Robert Smart, who has been our representative in Southwest England for the past seven years has left our service and therefore no longer has authority to take orders or collect accounts on our behalf.We have appointed Mr.Fred Peterson in his place.Mr.Peterson has for many years been on our sales force and is thoroughly familiar with the needs of customers in your area.We trust you will have good cooperation from him.Yours faithfully

公司的建立与重组Establishment or reorganization of company

Dear Mr./ Ms, We are pleased to announce that as of 1st June our firm will merge with D & W Co.of this town to form the new firm of CN/CW Co.The new firm will carry on business at 6 Rue de Toqueville, Tripoli, to which address please send all communications after 31st May.We appreciate the confidence you have placed in us in the past and look forward to continued dealings with you.Yours faithfully

咨询 Consultation

Dear Mr./ Ms, We are much concerned that your sales in recent months have fallen considerably.At first we thought this might be due to a slack market, but on looking into the matter more closely, we find that the general trend of trade during this period has been upwards.It is possible that you are facing difficulties of which we are not aware.If so, we would like to know what we can do to help.We, therefore, look forward to receiving from you a detailed report on the situation and suggestions as to how we may help in restoring our sales to their former level.Yours faithfully

道歉与解释Apology & Explanation

Dear Mr./ Ms, We are sorry we cannot send you immediately the catalogue and price list for which you asked in your letter of March 10.Supplies are expected from the printers in two weeks and as soon as we receive them, we will send you a copy.Yours faithfully

Dear Mr./ Ms, I was very concerned when I received your letter of yesterday complaining that the central heating system in your new house had not been completed by the date promised.On referring to our earlier correspondence, find that I had mistaken the date for completion.The fault is entirely mine and I deeply regret that it should have occurred.I realize the inconvenience our oversight must be causing you and will do everything possible to avoid any further delay.I have already given instructions for the work to have priority and the engineers working on the job to be placed on overtime.These arrangements should see the installation completed by next weekend.Yours faithfully


Dear Mr./ Ms, On 14 November I submitted a bill for services rendered to your office at the Lille International Exposition.More than a month has now elapsed without payment or acknowledgment of my bill.Please check this oversight, and remit payment at your earliest convenience.I look forward to future services to your corporation.Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.Yours faithfully

感谢信 Thank-You Letter

Dear Mr./ Ms, Thank you for your letter of June 4, enclosing an account of the organization and work of your Chamber of Commerce and Industry.We are very grateful for such a detailed account of your activities.This information is certain to help increase our future cooperation.Yours faithfully

祝贺信 Congratulation Letter

Dear Mr./ Ms, On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of your National Day, please accept our heartiest congratulations.May the trade connections between our countries continue to develop with each passing day!Yours faithfully Dear Mr.Minister

Allow me to convey my congratulations on your promotion to Minister of Trade.I am delighted that many years service you have given to your country should have been recognized and appreciated.We wish you success in your new post and look forward to closer cooperation with you in the development of trade between our two countries.Sincerely

Dear Mr./ Ms, Thank you for your letter conveying congratulations on my appointment.I wish also to thank you for the assistance you have given me in my work and look forward to better cooperation in the future.Sincerely

邀请与答复Invitation and Reply

Dear Mr./ Ms, We should like to invite your Corporation to attend the 1997 International Fair which will be held from April 29 to May 4 at the above address.Full details on the Fair will be sent in a week.We look forward to hearing from you soon, and hope that you will be able to attend.Yours faithfully

Dear Mr./ Ms, Thank you for your letter of March 20 inviting our corporation to participate in the 1997 International Fair.We are very pleased to accept and will plan to display our electrical appliances as we did in previous years.Mr.Li will be in your city from April 2 to 7 to make specific arrangements and would very much appreciate your assistance.Yours faithfully

Dear Mr./ Ms, Thank you very much for your invitation to attend the 1997 International Fair.As we are going to open a repair shop in your city at that time, we are sorry that we shall not be able to come.We hope to see you on some future occasion.Yours faithfully

宣布访问Declaring A Visit

Dear Mr./ Ms, Mr.William Taylor, President of our Corporation and Mr.James Rogers, Marketing Manager, would like to visit Beijing to continue our discussions on a joint venture.They plan to leave in the second half of April and stay in China about a week.Please let us know if the planned visit is convenient for you and what itinerary you would suggest.If the time of their visit is agreeable, will you kindly request your Embassy here to issue the necessary visa? Yours faithfully

活动安排Activity Arrangement

Dear Mr./ Ms, We are very pleased to welcome President William Taylor and Manager James Rogers to Beijing and Shanghai in the second half of April for about a week.As requested, we propose the following itinerary for your consideration.Would you please confirm by fax so that we can make arrangements accordingly.Yours faithfully

第一种、介绍信 Letters of Introduction

Dear Mr./ Ms.,This is to introduce Mr.Frank Jones, our new marketing specialist who will be in London from April 5 to mid April on business.We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr.Jones and will always be happy to reciprocate.Yours faithfully

Dear Mr./ Ms,We are pleased to introduce Mr.Wang You, our import manager of Textiles Department.Mr.Wang is spending three weeks in your city to develop our business with chief manufactures and to make purchases of decorative fabrics for the coming season.We shall be most grateful if you will introduce him to reliable manufacturers and give him any help or advice he may need.Yours faithfully

第二种、约定 Appointments

Dear Mr./Ms,Mr.John Green, our General Manager, will be in Paris from June 2 to 7 and would like to come and see you, say, on June 3 at 2.00 p.m.about the opening of a sample room there.Please let us know if the time is convenient for you.If not, what time you would suggest.Yours faithfully,Dear Mr./ Ms,Thank you for your letter informing us of Mr.Green’s visit during June 2-7.Unfortunately, Mr.Edwards, our manager, is now in Cairo and will not be back until the second half of June.He would, however, be pleased to see Mr.Green any time after his return.We look forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully,Dear Mr/Ms,I represent the W/P Electronics Company in Dallas, and will be in Kunming from next Monday to Friday,(October 5-9).I should like to call on you to discuss our new monitor.Would 0930 hours on Tuesday, October 6 be convenient?

I shall be in Beijing, at the Great Wall Hotel, from Tuesday, September 29, until Sunday, October 4, where a message will reach me.If the day is not convenient, will you please suggest another.Yours faithfully

Dear Mr/Ms, Thank you for your letter of September 26.We shall be very pleased to see you and discuss your new monitor, but October 6 is not suitable.We will be happy to meet with you at 9:30 a.m.on Wednesday, October 7, if the time is convenient for you.We look forward to meeting you.Yours faithfully

Dear Mr./ Ms,I am at present in Hamburg visiting the harbour with a view to making known our new type of container for use in Europe.I shall be in Antwerp on Wednesday, 4th June, and should like to call on you at 2.00 p.m.on that day.If I do not hear from you to the contrary, I shall assume that it will be convenient for me to call at that time.Yours faithfully

4.Dear Mr./ Ms,Mr.Jack Baron, our personnel director, has asked me to acknowledge your application for the post of accountant and to ask you to come to see him on Friday afternoon, 5th July, at half past two.I will appreciate your letting me know whether you will be able to come.Yours faithfully

Dear Mr./ Ms,Thank you for your letter of yesterday inviting me to come for an interview on Friday afternoon, 5th July, at 2:30.I shall be happy to be there as requested and will bring my diploma and other papers with me.Yours faithfully

第三种、通知与确认Acknowledgments & Confirmations 通知对方接到来信Acknowledging receipt of letters 1.Dear Mr./ Ms,Thank you for your letter No.A-3 of 6th May, offering us 6 UI-4 Viewdatas.We have passed it on to our Technical Department for their consideration.We shall reply as soon as possible.Yours faithfully 2.Dear Mr/Ms,We have today received with thanks information concerning transactions on the New York Wheat Exchange which will be made full use of by our research department.We look forward to further cooperation with you.Yours faithfully

确认达成的协议 Confirming agreements reached 3.Dear Mr./ Ms,Last Friday, when we were discussing the problems of defective containers.You suggested that I simply mail you a report each month on the number of return by customers rather than send the defective containers to you.I plan to put this into effect at once.But, I first want to make sure that I understand you correctly.If I don’t hear from you within the coming week, I’ll assume that you approve.Yours faithfully 4.Dear Mr/Ms,We write to confirm our agreement reached during our conversation on 9th June about special discounts on M-S Acoustical Partitions as described on page 8 of our catalogue.These prices will prevail through 30 June.We will be happy to receive your order Yours sincerely 5.Dear Mr/Ms,As our telephone negotiation this morning was very brief and proceeded so smoothly, I thought it might be advisable to summarize the agreement:

5.英文商务邮件 篇五

We understand from your information posted on Alibaba.com that you are in the market for te_tiles. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may work with Bright Ideas Imports in the future.

We are a joint venture specializing in the manufacture and e_port of te_tiles. We have enclosed our catalog, which introduces our company in detail and covers the main products we supply at present. You may also visit our online company introduction at Http://www.howseek.com which includes our latest product line.

Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know. We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements.

We look forward to receiving your enquires soon.


6.商务谈判计划书英文 篇六

With the improvement of modern technologies and especially China’s entry into World Trade Organization, we have more and more opportunities to interact with people from other cultures.In this“global village”, various trends, such as economic globalization, have made intercultural communication part of our life.And intercultural communication is becoming more and more important in the present modern society.

2 Edward T.Hall’s Theories

Edward Twitchell Hall is an American anthropologist.He is the forefather of intercultural communication.His major view is that basic differences in the way that members of different cultures perceived reality were responsible for miscommunications of the most fundamental kind.Hall put forward several cultural dimensions, and two is mentioned in this paper.

2.1 Monochronic time versus polychronic time

How people view and handle time differentiate people from monochromic time and polychromic time.People from monochronic time culture think time is used for ordering one’s life, for setting priorities, for making a step-by-step list for doing things in sequence, for dealing with individual at a time.And they think time is limited and must be used efficiently.They plan their work and work their plan.On the contrary, people from polychronic time culture regard time is circular and eternal, what does not get done in this life will be taken up in the next.

2.2 High context vs low context

How people view context in communication differentiate low context culture from high context culture.A low context culture is one in which things are fully spelled out.Things are made explicit, and there is considerable dependence on what is actually said or written.German, Swiss and North American belong to low context culture.But a high context culture is one in which the communicators assume a great deal of commonality of knowledge and views, so that less is spelled out explicitly and much more is implicit or communicated in indirect ways.Chinese, Japanese and Korean are from high context culture.

3 Hofstede’s Theories

Geert Hofstede is a Dutch socio-psychologist, consultant and researcher of organizations.He spent five years study the data of IBM’s surveys of the employee’s personal values related to work.He compared culture at the national level and analyzes culture from sociological perspective.Four culture dimensions were found.They are power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism and masculinity.

4 Empirical Research of Intercultural Communica-tion in Business

Two Canadian businessmen went to a factory in Jiangsu, China to negotiate a sale.The day they arrived, they were met at the airport by manager himself, and transported in a chauffer-driven car to the town.Their accommodation was in a newly built hotel A few hours later they were treated to a 12-course banquet given by their host.This red-carpet treatment made them feel optimistic about the sale.The next day they were taken to see the sights nearby which indicated the prosperity of the region.The third day they finally sat down to meeting.Progress seemed very slow, with each side giving generalizations about itself that to the Canadians to be unrelated to the sale.When the Canadians at last were able to make the presentation, a middle-aged woman suddenly burst into the room and whispered in the ear of one of the key Chinese speaker, who immediately got up and left the room.The Canadians expected some explanation but none ever come.When discussing the maintenance of the equipment, even though the Canadians made sure the quality of the product, the Chinese insisted on a Canadian technician staying in China, both sides did not reach agreement.After several days’technical discussion, negotiation came to the price discussion part.The Chinese began by asking for a 20 percent price discount.The Canadians though this was simply an outrageous negotiation.They stuck to their price, which they knew to be fair.

Things were still unresolved when the farewell banquet was held several days later.Nevertheless, Chinese manager smiled and spoke of mutual cooperation for the future, and past ChineseCanadian relations.The Canadians disappointed but with expression on both sides of willingness to continue to discuss the sale by mail and fax.

The Canadians were stunned to learn two weeks later that the factory had decided to buy from a Japanese company.The Chinese knew their product was good and their price was fair What had happened to derail their sale?


4.1 The main reason is Intercultural communication barriers in two sides

1) The Canadians received an extremely warm welcome in China.They thought all of this was a positive indication of their success in negations.For the Chinese with high context culture the physical surroundings for a meeting or a business meal are just as important as the substance of the discussion, but for the Canadians from a low context country, Business can be conducted successfully by letters, telephones, fax or e-mail.It’s hard for the Canadians to understand the necessity of such arrangement while for Chinese that’s usually the premise to guarantee a successful deal.

2) The first two days the two Canadians are taken to visit the prosperous region and attend other arrangements.But the two just were eager to discussing the sale.And later in the meeting, someone suddenly rushed into the negotiating office and whispered to a key Chinese speaker, who then left without any explanation These two problems are caused because difference on the time view.Polychronic time culture (China) put more emphasis on completing human transaction than on holding to schedules, and they regard efficiency is not as important as the process, and time is used to attempt to accomplish whatever presents itself in whatever order it appears.However, for the Monochronic time (Canada) time is limited and must be used efficiently, and they plan their work and work their plan.They work with pressure of urgency They also think time is used for setting priorities, for making a step-by-step list for doing things in sequence, for dealing with one individual at a time.The above situations, for Chinese, are very nature, but for Canadian are unacceptable.Chinese businessmen emphasize on entertaining the guest well while ignored details might affect their feelings.

3) Even though the two Canadians can guarantee the quality of their product, Chinese still do not trust them.This is because China also has a weak uncertainty avoidance index, they are not sure what will happen next, everything is uncertain, and everything will happen in the future, how can Canadians guarantee their equipment well-to-use forever?For the price, Chinese are apt to have a wide fluctuation, because they regard the price to be flexible and uncertain, but for Canadian, what is fair is unchangeable.And Chinese tolerant things left unsolved because they are not sure what other things uncertain will happen.

4) Even the problem remain unresolved, the Chinese smiled and spoke of mutual cooperation for the future, past Chinese-Canadian relationships, and so on friendly.This is because Chinese come from collectivist country, they emphasis on maintaining harmony and avoid confrontations.But for the individualists such as the Canadians, they tend to speak their mind and tell the truth To Canadians business partners are usually only partners, yet Chinese always believe that friendship is more trustworthy, no deal would fail if it’s between friends

4.2 Solution suggested

1) Foreign businessmen should get familiar with the host culture before negotiation by doing investigation in that country, or accept some related cross-culture communication training.

2) Both sides from different culture background should be aware of the possible barriers due to different communication styles.Only when both of them know each other‘s culture and make changes to adapt to one another can an effective communication be achieved on the basis of mutual understanding

3) With explanations and accommodation of a third side to make problem open and clear.

Negotiation is a special communication task that uses special verbal and nonverbal skills.From the case above, we can see in the intercultural business communication, communication style difference, culture value and rituals differences have direct effect on the success of negotiation.It seems that to cultivate intercultural awareness and intercultural competence for the businessmen is an urgent task not only in China but all countries globally.

5 Conclusion

Recent years the fast development of economy brings about a wide stage for the development of business and trade, more and more foreign investors come to China to set up factories or do other business.But language difference and cultural differences often bared their intercultural business communication.So to cultivate businessmen with better intercultural communication competence is important in order to go beyond cultural limitation and


[1]Byram M.Teaching and Assessing Intercultural Communica tive Competence[M].Clevedon:Multilingual Matters LTD, 1997.

[2]Chen Guoming, Starosta W.Foundations of Intercultural Com munication[M].Allyn&Bacon:A Viacom Company, 1997.

[3]Davis L.Doing Culture Cross-Cultural Communication in Action[M].Beijing:ForeignLanguageTeachingandResearchPress, 2001.

[4]Lustig M W, Koester J.Intercultural Competence[M].New York:Addison Wesley Longman, Inc, 1999.

[5]Samovar L A, Porter R E.Communication Between Cultures[M].5th ed.Beijing:Peking University Press, 2004.

7.细论商务英文写作的礼貌技巧 篇七





例如: a) Your order NO.85 for l00,000 yards of Cotton Prints Art.NO.1002 is rejected.

b) We regret to inform you that we have been unable to accept your order NO.85 for 100,000 yards of Cotton Prints Art.No.1002.





可以适当使用语义模糊的词汇,如:We are afraid..., we would say..., we may say..., we think..., it seems to us..., we suggest..., as you are aware, as we need hardly point out..., please..., it will be highly appreciated that if you can…

例如:I m afraid we can’t accept “Cash Against Document on arrival of goods at destination”.



例如:Make payment by confirmed irrevocable L/C.

We request you to make payment by confirmed irrevocable L/C.

Could you make payment by confirmed irrevocable L/C.


请求对方做某事时,可以用问句来表示写信人的客气,如:Could you please send us recent updates of. 另外就是使用套句,如:We would be grateful if you could please send…



例如:We sincerely recommend you to accept our proposal as our stocks are getting lower and lower day and day, and we are afraid we shall be unable to meet your requirements if you fail to let us have your confirmation by return. 在此句中,如果把recommend 该为advise 的话,就会不妥。因为advise 有一种居高临下的涵义,好象非接受我们的建议不可,其实对方接不接受得由自己作主,别人无权干涉。

再如:According to our records , you have not yet settled your account for electronic equipment supplied to you on 10th December and 20th January this year. 作者用According to our records 这个间接缓和模糊限制语来缓和对方未付款的事实。







[2]陆墨珠.Communicating in International Business. [M].北京:中国对外经济贸易出版社,2004.

